Valentine’s Day: 7 pieces of advice for singles.

Valentine's day

Like Christmas and Thanksgiving, Valentine’s day can be a tough time for Christian singles. But it shouldn’t be, if we have God as our top priority. Below is some good advice for singles about meeting that special someone they have been dreaming about.

Feeling guilty for wanting to be with someone.

Singles should realize that it’s not a sin or that they should feel badly about wanting to be in a relationship. It isn’t healthy to put pressure on yourself to be with someone, as this can cause you to rush into the wrong relationship. Avoid the rush and emotions and traps such as: “the first person to come is the first one to take“.

God’s plans for marriage and singleness.

Marriage is God’s plan for most of us and with so much pressure to be with someone (especially from our churches), it isn’t easy. Leaving it to God to “drop” that special someone in our lap isn’t the way, either (we have to make ourselves available). The Bible tells us:

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalms 37:4

We should pray for our heart’s desire, in His Will. If this is God’s plan for us, the right person will come into our lives at the right time, as God has perfect timing. Also, be sure of this: Don’t give deadlines to God, as He doesn’t work that way. He wants the best for you and giving Him a deadline will just disappoint you.

7 pieces of advice for singles on Valentine’s Day

1) Before we love others, we should love God first. As the saying says: The best way to find love is to find God.

2) Before looking for a mate, Christian singles should learn how to love themselves and realize that before loving others, they have to love themselves and should try to become the person they want to meet. It doesn’t work if you are looking for that perfect someone, when you are not a perfect person. Singles should try to become the best they can so they can “attract” the right person they are looking for.

3) Single Christians shouldn’t keep themselves from socializing, by sitting around waiting for God to deliver their mate. Hang out with good people, be a positive person (who wants to be around a person who is always sad and complaining about their singleness? Not me!). If you like someone, invite them to spend time together, or participate in singles events, and try a good online dating site like This is a great time to meet other singles, as “everyone is in the mood to meet others!”.   At the very least, being part of a good online Christian dating site can make you new friends.

4) Develop your self-confidence, look at yourself as a person who is in “control” of your life, and know what you want. Being self-confident makes people want to be with you.

5) Don’t rush; rather, pray and wait. God will deliver the right person, if it is the right time for you. It is worth waiting for God because the “one” He may give you will be the best one for you. And, you’ll realize why it never worked out before: God was saving the best one for last ;-)

6) Take your time to grow spiritually. Being ready for Mr. or Mrs. Right requires that you also fill your heart with God. Being in a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean the feelings of loneliness are going to go away, because you can also feel lonely with the wrong person, especially if you don’t have God with you.


Happy Valentines. Even if this is not your ideal situation in life right now, the bottom line is this: BE HAPPY! True happiness doesn’t come from others; it comes from being in right relationship with God. He has wonderful plans for us. He is never late, as His timing is perfect. So, wait on Him, and Him alone.   Happy Valentine’s Day!

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