

It’s a good thing to show gratitude to our Lord for the multitudes of grace He presents us each and every day. We should always have a thanksgiving heart for everything that comes into our lives. Above all, God is good and good all the time (even if we don’t always know it)!

Gratitude always, even in bad times.

Life can be overwhelming with so much going on around the world today (a certain virus comes to mind). But, when we have a merciful God who blesses us with infinite love and grace, we know we can conquer anything with His help.

10 Things To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day

It’s easy to look back and think what we should have done or how we should have reacted in certain situations such as Thanksgiving day.

Let’s look around more and see the real beauty that surrounds us. Simple things such as getting up in the morning, being able to see, hear, walk, love, and be loved, being able to be called a child of God even when we didn’t deserve it, are all things to be thankful for. Let’s not forget that our Lord Jesus gave Himself for us. Without His amazing grace, we wouldn’t be saved from our sins!