Marko and Joanna met on

Enjoy 7 days free and 3 more when you post your first photo. Communicate free by mail and in our forums.

Yes, we're Christian owned and have been successfully matching Christian singles since 1999.


When you're seeking Christianity dating sites that are designed to help you to connect with the right person, check out We exist to find a solution to being single: connecting you with your Christian match. We're an authentic and reputable matchmaker service designed to turn your search for true love into reality. And, to make it exciting and rewarding. Consider this: if we've already assisted 50,000+ singles in finding their match, what are the odds we can help you have the same result? We're a popular and trusted singles ministry that has been around since 1999. That's a long time and we're experts at it! The best part about us, we think, and we're sure you'll agree also, is that we're Christians ourselves. So, we're truly Christians matching Christians such as yourself.

Don't waste any more of your precious time by looking in vain for your soulmate elsewhere. Our popular dating portal can open new opportunities for you to meet and mingle with exciting singles. You know now that we've helped untold numbers of singles find their partners online. And, we could just do the same for you. It's hassle free to join and you'll get an amazing free trial, simply by creating your very own dating profile with us. With us, meeting and mingling with exciting daters is easy and a lot of fun, too. You can do this with our amazing dating app or from the comfort of your own home on your home computer, iPad or phone.

Sure you can find and connect with singles on Christianity dating sites, but only offers a complete 10 day free trial to all newcomers. You'll receive 7 days for posting your dating profile and 3 more free days for posting your photos, so other members can get a sense of who you are (and, you'll see more about them, too). During your trial, you can interact with as many of our exciting singles as your heart desires. And, respond to message from other Christian singles who find you interesting.

When you want only the best service you can find anywhere online, check us out, as we're the real deal! Our testimonial pages are living proof that what we do every day works. Come browse our success stories. If it worked for them, it could work for you, also. However, you can only find out if you take advantage of our free trial offer!

So, c'mon in and join us right now. Come start your new relationship journey with other singles who have similar views about life, the same love for Jesus, and share your Christian values. You could kiss your single life goodbye before you know it. It all starts by mingling with our thousands of potential matches for you. They're here for the same reasons you are: to interact, fellowship and socialize, and connect romantically. Nowadays singles don't need to be limited in meeting others via work or friends, or even at church. It's so much easier and more convenient to connect online. Browsing and searching for those who are interesting to you is fun, too.

Our dating registration is super easy. Unfortunately, there aren't many Christianity dating sites out there that are reliable or even have Christians running them. Don't worry, though, as we're the real deal and have been assisting Christian singles like yourself for over twenty years. C'mon in right now, for free!



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