Dr. Jim gives great advice on how to find a good Christian counseling professional who can help you deal with relationship issues, and other things that matter in your life. He explains how important is to get help, but more than that, it’s about finding a good counselor who can help you deal with and get through your struggles.
A Christian Counseling Professional: how to find one.
Allow me a premise as I begin to write this article. The premise is that each of us has a spirit and a soul. Our spirits relate to God and our souls relate to one another. Have you ever heard the term ‘soul mate’?
In the spiritual world, we find great benefit in seeking out those of more Christian maturity or training to give us insights. God has gifted many teachers of His word who make the scriptures come alive for us and give us deeper understanding. The insights gained allow us to walk in more freedom as well as in more awareness of who we are.