Love Addiction: Is the Internet your drug of choice? Part 2

Love Addiction
Love Addiction afflicts thousands of singles. How can you deal with compulsive behaviour like this in a Christian manner? What is the void in their lives that they are trying to fill? Dr. Jim gives a detailed account on how to get help if you’re caught up in this kind of behaviour.

Love Addiction: Is the Internet your drug of choice? Part 2

How does one deal with compulsive behavior in Internet usage? I am not a trained counselor but some practical items come to mind that I invite you to consider:

1. You cannot “think” your way to stopping this behavior. (Intellectual)

2. You cannot “feel” your way to stopping this behavior. (Emotions)

3. To change one must deal with the force behind the behavior. (Self-image/Spirit)

Internet Dating Addiction: Is the Internet your drug of choice? Part 1

Internet Addiction

Christian and single and addicted to the web in trying to find a mate? A fun activity can become harmful for you and others around you. Dr. Jim provides a clear path on properly searching for your future spouse online and how the Internet can be a great tool – or a crutch to some singles. See how to realize you need professional help in deal with such situations.

Internet Addiction: Is the Internet your drug of choice? Part 1

Webster’s Dictionary for Drug: something (and often an illegal substance) that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousness

Anyone who really knows me will tell you that I LOVE new technology. My professional career began with the automation of banking years ago. I was among the first in the insurance agency industry to automate my office to computers. The Internet has opened new doors and opportunities and I embraced the opportunity and calling to use it to serve single adults. I think that the Internet has brought one of the greatest revolutions to mankind that we will likely ever experience.