Community: Forum usage guidelines

Forum Guidelines

As a Christian site, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards according to our principles and purpose. It is our hope the Forums will help to bring our members together and that postings will be enjoyable, insightful, helpful and a blessing, not only to those who read but for those who post. Please ensure you adhere to the following guidelines and rules we have set out.

Thank you for your efforts in helping keep a clean site.

Inappropriate Post Content

Posts should not:

  • Debate core Christian beliefs (e.g. deity of Jesus).
  • Contain foul language, graphic language, or language of a sexually crude nature.
  • Insult another member, belief, or denomination. It's ok to disagree with another's perspective or belief, however please keep your posts civil.
  • Contain 'warnings' about specific members. Do not use your account for this purpose; this could result in your loss of membership.
  • Contain contact information (e.g. email address, IM information, personal social media information, etc.)
  • Ask for money, however worthy the cause.
  • Be chain letter type prayers.
  • Be copyrighted material for which permission has not been obtained.
  • Contain spam: promotion or advertising a product, business, or web site.
We reserve the right to remove any postings which do not adhere to the guidelines above or the principles of, without notice to the member.

Reporting Inappropriate Forum Posts

There may be posts which you find are not appropriate. Please review the guidelines below for determining which posts to report to us.

Non Reportable Posts

Please do not report posts because of:

  • Differences of opinion. Given the thousands of members on, you may view postings from members who do not share your views. Please be thoughtful in your postings in our forums. If you read a posting which annoys you, please do not post a response which might further aggravate the problem; or simply, do not respond at all. "Knee-jerk" reactions tend to make a bad situation worse. Focus your energies on other members and other postings. Don't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch.
  • Doctrinal differences. If you do not agree with a Biblical interpretation, you can either state your perspective or move on. You don't need to post an opinion to every forum and post.

Reportable Posts

Please report posts containing:

  • Foul language or language of a sexually crude nature.
  • Spam: promotion or advertising a product, business, or web site.
  • 'Warnings' about another member (i.e. "Don't contact [username] because ...")
  • Insults about another member or denomination (e.g. "[username] is an idiot ..." or "[denomination] is full of wackos or ungodly people...")

Reporting Posts

To report a Forum post please use our Contacts form and include for us the name and/or web link (URL) of the post you're reporting, as well as the username of the member(s) you are reporting. The more details you can provide on the situation, the easier it will be for us to address the situation.