Our Singles Success Stories

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 I have found the one whom my soul loves.  

A young Christian couple holds hands while walking on a flower lined path, and looking back at the camera

No looking back for Mei and Giacomo!

Christian singles take a selfie in front of Igreja Sao Jose in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Beautiful Sao Jose Church in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

A married Christian couple nuzzle nose to nose in a romantic pose outdoors

The romantic couple caught in a moment

A Christian Filipina woman in a red beanie smiles cheek to cheek with a well groomed Brazilian man

The happy couple always smiling

After trying two different paid dating apps and encountering men who weren't serious, I grew skeptical about finding love online.

But in 2023, a divine nudge from God inspired me to step out, date, and make myself available. With mixed feelings yet a glimmer of hope, I signed up for a free account on Christian Cafe, thinking it might be my last attempt at online dating.

Little did I know, this decision would lead me to Giacomo, a Brazilian Christian artist living on the other side of the world from me in the Philippines.

Marrying someone so far away seemed crazy, but not to God.

Giacomo had emerged from a painful relationship yet held onto a recurring dream of having an Asian family. In his dream, he was on a bus, bringing his children home to their mother and wife. This vision kept him searching online, hopeful of meeting the woman in his dream.

Meanwhile, God was preparing me for him in ways I couldn't yet understand. I had worked at a Havaianas store, a famous Brazilian brand in the Philippines, and served as a missionary in YWAM for over five years. In 2011, God spoke to my heart that He would bring me to the other side of the world. I later discovered that Brazil is literally the antipode of the Philippines.

In 2014, I had a dream about a man named Keith Landon Reiurso. I tried searching for this name online but all I found were the first two names: Keith Landon, and they didn't seem right. The name "Reiurso" stuck with me, which I thought was Russian at first. Fast forward to when Giacomo and I started dating; he called me "Bunny Queen" because of a childhood photo of me with a bunny, and I called him "King Bear" because he'd joke about being a bear due to his hairy appearance.

To my amazement, "Reiurso" translates to "King Bear" in Portuguese, his native language. So it was the meaning of the name in my dream all along!

Our initial interactions were challenging. I was too proud to accept some of Giacomo's views and closed the door on him. But after three days of internal struggle and three sleepless nights, God revealed the true condition of my heart and led me to seek forgiveness from both Him and Giacomo.

I hesitated and asked God for a sign. That same day, my uncle visited me wearing a Brazil shirt. I couldn't deny the divine intervention and immediately reconnected with Giacomo.

On March 13, 2023, we officially began dating online. Despite the physical distance, we trusted God to guide our relationship. We hoped to meet soon, but God had other plans, revealing much about our hearts and teaching us to rely on Him.

In April 2024, with God's leading, I took a leap of faith and traveled to Brazil, embarking on a 30-hour journey with a layover in the Middle East. Many thought I was crazy, but I believed God had paved the way. He even provided for the costly ticket, and I knew it was like a one-way ticket to my God-given destiny.

On the night of April 30, 2024, I landed in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and Giacomo was there to greet me. After over a year of being in an online relationship, we finally met face to face, a moment that felt miraculous.

We decided to get married, trusting that God had orchestrated our story. We filed for marriage on May 30th, a month after I arrived in Brazil, and I anxiously awaited our ceremony date, hoping it would align with the promise God made to me in 2017, during a mentor's wedding, when I heard that still small voice saying that I would marry at the age of 35.

Six years later, I met Giacomo online at age 34, turning 35 soon after. On June 13, 2024, just nine days before my 36th birthday, we were married. God's timing was indeed perfect!

We are immensely grateful for the miracles we've experienced and the platform that brought us together. Christian Cafe played a crucial role in our story, proving that love can bridge any distance if God wills it!

Now, three months into our marriage, we continue to witness God's blessings and miracles.

Thank you, Christian Cafe, for facilitating such meaningful connections. Our relationship is a testament to God's faithfulness and perfect timing, and we want to share our story so that others can give Him the glory as well.

To those reading our story, remember that God's timing is always perfect. Trust in His plan, remain faithful, and be open to His guidance. Sometimes, the journey may seem uncertain or challenging, but God is at work behind the scenes, preparing something beautiful.

Keep believing, stay hopeful, and don't be afraid to take that leap of faith.

Mei-mei495 {Philippines} and Giacomo-giacomo209 {Brazil} September 2024

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 Perfect match.  

Senior Christian singles pose for a selfie together at church

Brenda and Brian were perfectly matched!

I met the man I'm going to marry on ChristianCafe.com. We are getting married this Saturday and we're both so happy.

We fell in love very fast. This is the most wonderful love that I have ever had. I'm 65 and he's 72.

We laugh and play hard together. Looking forward to hopefully spending many years together.

Brenda-brendahanley884 {Texas} & Brian September 2024

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 I thank ChristianCafe for making it possible for me to meet James.  

A newly married mature couple pose in front of a wedding cake under a sign which says LOVE. The groom is wearing black, while the bride is wearing a white dress.

James and Maria under the banner of Love

A man beams with pride as he stands behind a pretty woman in a form fitting wedding dress as she holds a small bouquet of flowers, while both stand in front of a church next to a flower girl

Standing tall and proud, James holds his new wife

A tall American groom in a black sports jacket stands next to a beautiful woman in a white wedding dress. They are flanked by a young blonde woman and a smartly dressed teenaged boy as they pose in front of a church

The happy blended family

A smiling man in a baseball cap with COVID mask hanging below his chin grins as he has his arm around a beautiful Brazilian woman as they both sit on a tour boat which is docked

Even COVID couldn't stop James and Maria from meeting!

A man in a yellow shirt and blue shorts stands next to a woman in a flowery top and maroon shorts on a windy day in Arraial do Cabo, Brazil

Maria and James in Arraial do Cabo, Brazil

An American Christian man holds up a replica Fifa World Cup trophy in front of Estatua do Bellini in Rio de Janeiro, while his Brazilian wife smiles and hugs him

James feels like a World Cup Champion with Maria :)

We met in May 2021 and in July of the same year James came to Brazil to meet me.

James was very brave - he came to meet me during the COVID-19 pandemic, without any fear. Our love was stronger than all barriers.

We enjoyed tours in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Arraial do Cabo and visits to my sisters' house and we had an incredible time together.

We discovered that in person our feeling grew even more. We spoke on video call every day, and our hearts raced just seeing each other on video.

Every day we discovered many things in common: our faith in God, musical taste, outings and appreciation for family. James proposed to me and applied for a fiancee visa. We waited for the response from immigration, which arrived in July 2023.

We were married on August 13, 2023 and we are very happy.

I thank God for giving me my husband who is wonderful and my best friend. We wish all members the same happiness.

Maria-maria4613 {Brazil} & James-james2195 {Oklahoma} September 2024

[Editor's note: See July 2021 testimonial for Maria's first entry shortly after meeting James!]

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 I am very happy!  

A Brazilian Christian woman smiles next to a man who has his arm around her while they pose for a selfie in a garden

Ellen looks so happy to have found her match!

I would like to thank you because here at Christian Cafe I found my loved one.

I pray that other couples will be matched.

Thank you very much, may God continue to bless you.

Ellen-ellenrocha956 {Brazil} September 2024

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 God used His will to bring us together.  

A young Christian bride gazes lovingly at her new husband as they face each other, arms linked, by the water

Millie has found her true love in Samuel

A newly married Christian man gives his new bride a passionate kiss outdoors shortly after they married

Samuel and Millie seal the marriage with a kiss!

A young Christian man holds a sign at a bus stop which says Honey Youre Home as a woman holding him bursts out laughing

Millie's joy is overflowing now she's married to Samuel

A newly engaged young Christian man holds up his fiancee's hand to the camera which shows off her engagement ring, while he peers between her fingers and laughs

Samuel wants everyone to know Millie is taken!

A newly engaged Christian couple beam with joy as they enter a room arm in arm

More laughter from Millie and Samuel - what a great couple!

I joined Christian Cafe last year (2023) in September, tired of guys who wouldn't commit to a true, Godly relationship.

I'd been praying for a man of God who'd put God first. With all this in mind I saw an interesting profile. It was Samuel, a young Christian man from Texas, US.

Seeing that he had many Bible verses on his profile, I sent the first message. He was attentive, very responsive and interested in getting to know me better.

We kept chatting and, a few weeks later, he asked me to video call and get to know his parents. What an honor!

We started a long distance relationship, praying, reading the Bible together (He invited me to read the beautiful book of Psalms) and asking for advice from our family and church leaders.

In January, 2024, Samuel took an 11 hour flight to San Miguel del Monte, Argentina, where I live.

We dated in person and soon after we got married here in my country. It's been 7 months of joy, healing and growth.

Millie-millie497 {Argentina} & Samuel-samuelgarland470 {Texas} September 2024

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 One year of marriage - still going strong!  

A beautiful Black Christian couple hug under a gorgeous sunset in Qatar

Sam and Michael enjoying every beautiful moment together

A bearded Christian man smiles with joy as his wife leans in for a selfie outdoors

Nothing but smiles from Michael and Sam!

An American Christian man enjoys a romantic candlelit anniversary dinner on the beach with his African wife

What a romantic anniversary dinner!

A piece of chocolate cake with strawberries and blueberries is shown on a plate with the words Happy Anniversary

Aww, isn't that beautiful!

I wanted to share an update about our life here in Qatar and reflect on our first year of marriage.

Settling in Qatar

A year ago, my husband and I moved to Qatar due to his job. It has been an exciting and challenging journey as we both adjusted to living in a foreign country. The vibrant culture and warm hospitality of the people here have made our transition smoother, but it has also been a period of significant growth for both of us.

Our First Year of Marriage

Our first year of marriage has been a beautiful adventure. Living in a new country has brought us closer together as we navigated the ups and downs of this new chapter. We've learned to rely on each other more and have grown stronger as a couple.

Spiritual Growth

Spiritually, this year has been transformative. Being away from our home church and familiar fellowship has pushed us to seek God more earnestly. We've found a local church community here that has welcomed us with open arms, and being part of this new fellowship has been a blessing. We've also spent more time in prayer and Bible study together, which has deepened our faith and our bond.

Ministry to Community Kids

One of the most fulfilling aspects of our time here has been my involvement in ministry to the community kids. I've started offering tutoring and organizing after-school activities for children in our neighborhood, including those with special needs. This has allowed me to use my skills and passion to make a positive impact on their lives. Seeing the kids learn and grow has been incredibly rewarding and has helped me feel more connected to our new community.

Mental and Individual Growth

Mentally, we've both grown in resilience and adaptability. The challenges of living in a new environment have taught us to be more patient and understanding. Individually, we've pursued personal growth through various means. My husband has excelled in his job, and I have been exploring new opportunities and hobbies, including starting a small business from our apartment.


Together, we've learned the importance of communication and support. Being each other's primary support system in a foreign land has strengthened our relationship. We've made wonderful memories exploring Qatar, from its stunning desert landscapes to its bustling markets.

Looking Ahead

As we look ahead, we are excited about what the future holds. We are grateful for the experiences and growth we've had this past year and look forward to continuing this journey together.

Sam-oldschool600 {Ethiopia} & Michael-harrismichael791 {California} September 2024

[Editor's note: See July 2019 testimonial for Sam's first post after meeting Michael and then her follow up in July 2020. Don't miss their engagement January 2023, their marriage announcement February 2023 and finally being together in August 2023.]

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 My husband-to-be contacted me and I got a notification from ChristianCafe.com.  

I purchased my membership so I could find out who was trying to reach me.

Fast forward to today, and we will be married 19 years this fall!

Thank you!!

Bernice-joyfullamb425 {Newfoundland} September 2024

 It took a while but I found a match.  

We thank you for that. I have made a match with someone to continue on outside the website.

I appreciate ChristianCafe.com!

Wes-wesl537 {Washington State} September 2024

 I tried many times to find my wife on Christian Cafe  

... and finally met the one for me :)

Thank you!

fireman891 {New Hampshire} September 2024

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 I no longer need Christian Cafe :)  

I found the love of my life and my soul mate, whom I met via ChristianCafe, and we are now discussing marriage as God leads.

Thank you!

Stephen-sonshineman723 {Texas} September 2024

 No other site has this level of Customer Service.  

Thank you so much. You guys are extraordinary.

Kim-kmercata140 {Michigan} September 2024

 I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your site.  

ChristianCafe.com really helped me to meet the man of my dreams.

I am happy about this, and may God bless all the team members and those members who are still searching for their mate.

Grace-joy1551 {Zimbabwe} September 2024

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