Tell your friends!

Please fill in the form below to contact your friends and invite them to create their free trial profile with Your username will go out with the message, so that you can receive credit for every friend who logs a profile (that's five days extra for every friend who joins!)

Your email address is used to supply a reply address for your friends, in case they wish to respond directly to you.

Your Information:
Your Name:
Your Email:
Your Friends' Information:
First Name:
First Name:
First Name:
First Name:
First Name:

Once you click the Submit Information button, your e-mails will be sent.

{Submit Information}

The message your friends will receive is as follows:

Subject: Check out this Christian dating site

Hey [friend's name], check out!

[friend's name],

I'm on a great Christian dating site called and wanted to invite you to try it. They have thousands of singles who share our faith and values. They offer a no-obligation trial for ten days, where you can send and receive unlimited (unlike every other dating site out there).

You can create your profile at and start communicating with exciting Christian singles right away!

By the way, if you input my username as your referral when you sign up (my username is [username]), I'll receive five days of extra time, so I'd really appreciate you helping me out!


[your name]