Christian Testimony - May 2006

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If you have a experience you would like to share with other members, please write to us. was a unique and successful way that allowed two hearts to become one!  

A woman laughs and presses her ringed finger against the window as she starts her new life with her husband

Big smiles for Tasha and Michael after getting married!

A lucky man puts his arm around a very pretty woman

Tasha and Michael knew instantly they were a match

Former California Christian singles on horseback

A great honeymoon for Tasha and Michael!

A huge wedding cake dwarfs bride and groom

Love came quickly for Tasha and Michael

It was January 30, 2005. He (Michael) sent me a message on and the very next day we both took a large leap of faith.

Instead of going back and forth on email decided we would meet in a public place. Within 3 hours of that first meeting Michael knew he would spend the rest of his life with me, and before the night had ended asked me to be his girlfriend.

Now, you think that is fast? Within two months he asked for my parents' blessing for my hand in marriage! Two months later they gave it and two months later we were engaged! (No we didn't get married two months after that!) We got married March 25, 2006 and headed to Greece, Turkey & Germany for our wonderful honeymoon!

For some people it takes a sufficient amount of time to really get to know each other, discover what you have in common and take it from there. For us, we knew instantly, and our journey together over the past year and a half has been so amazing. We have drawn closer to each other as each day passes and daily learn more things we have in common!

Tasha-blucia639 {California} & Michael {California} May 2006

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 I believe that is the best program for Christians.  

A very happy Christian man cuddles with a woman who looks very pleased

Chris and John are now engaged. Don't they look happy!

You encourage people to explain their thoughts, beliefs and ideas better than other programs I have seen or used.

Although I had joined a couple of other Internet Dating programs, it was through that I found my life's partner. Thank you for!

The funny thing was that the first lady I wrote to has now become my fiancee and we are getting married in June this year.

John-happyguy536 {British Columbia} & Chris-brooklyn577 {British Columbia} May 2006 is a blessing!  

A happily married Christian woman sits with her new baby and her husband

Clint and Vanias with Cafe Baby Lucas, born in September 2005

In February 2002 Clint and I met on In August of the same year he went down to Brazil, we met in person and got engaged. In December we got married.

What a blessing is! Now we are sending you a picture of us with our son Lucas. He is 7 months old, and another huge blessing.

Thank you for being God's instrument to build this family. May the Lord keep blessing your work.

Clint-cody & Vanias-vanias571 {Brazil} May 2006

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 Two years later I couldn't be happier.  

A man holds his wife's hand and laughs for pure joy after marrying

Audie is still smiling, 2 years after marrying Trudy!

Trudy and I met on your website in November 2003. Ironically I heard about from my old girlfriend that I had just broken up with. She suggested that I put a profile on your site.

I had been looking unsuccessfully for a Christian woman, I thought what did I have to lose, so I did as she asked.

Then I received a message that said "Just Over The Bridge", since Trudy and I lived across the Ohio River from each other. So we started talking to each other online. Trudy invited me to her Bible Class, so I went there and we met, and then we went to a restaurant after class.

We were married on February 7, 2004 at Pattie's Settlement.

Thank You for your website, may God Bless you in the future for putting Christian couples together.

Audie-audie202 {Ohio} & Trudy {Ohio} May 2006

 We got married! Met on!  

Christian runner sits hand in hand with his new wife, who smiles ear to ear

A committed and very happy Bonnie and Rick married April 12, 2006

Bonnie's vows to Rick, April 12, 2006:

My Dear, Dear Rick,

You mean the world to me, you have brought so much happiness into my life. At times it seems too good to really be happening to me. I realize it has only been 2-1/2 months since the LORD brought our lives together, but I know HE did it for a very special reason, which is yet to be unveiled.

In these 2-1/2 months we have learned much about each other, our pasts, present and future goals. We have become very special friends, helpmates and lovers, and today, we will become ONE with Jesus Christ.

Together we will have the type of marriage God intended every married couple to experience, one based on unconditional love, trust, honesty and respect for each other throughout the rest of our lives.

I know running is a passion of yours and I'm sure you know that running coaches usually encourage their long-distance runners to train in groups rather than alone.

In a group runners encourage and push each other to ignore their weariness and pain. In the same way, those who share the same commitment to God can encourage and help each other to keep their eyes on Christ, as they run with endurance, the race that is set before them. Hebrews 12:1

Rick, I vow to be your life-long encourager and loving wife in ALL circumstances. ALWAYS! I Love You!

Rick's vows to Bonnie, April 12, 2006:

Before these Witnesses.

Years ago when you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior you began a new journey based upon "faith and trust" in what you had heard and read. A crowd of witnesses in Heaven cheered because of your decision.

The years since have found you faithful to that Christian commitment. You have received and enjoyed the blessing, not only of salvation, but the fruits of the Holy Spirit. I clearly recognized them and was drawn towards you because of these important things.

Today, this crowd of believers gathered here is witnessing another "new beginning". Our walks with the Lord have led us to this very special day and place to become "one in the eyes of our Lord".

Moments from now we will be joined together for the rest of our natural life in the bounds of matrimony.

The journey is just beginning for us in service for our Lord and Savior. Together we will be a married ministry team. By the power of the Holy Spirit "We will be victorious in our marriage and Christian service".

As you accept me today as your husband, I vow, before all of these people and my Lord and Savior, to love and be a covering for you. You'll have your days filled with all of the love, joy and peace as no man has ever poured forth towards you. You will be able to "rest in me as we rest in Him".

After today people will no longer see two different people, they will see a blessed Christian couple. We will be seen as scripture in poetic motion going forth on an incredible journey with youthful energy, as we praise Him for our "later in life" blessings.

Bonnie, I vow this before all here today.

Rick & Bonnie May 2006

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 God works in funny ways!  

Recently married couple hold hands next to a pond

Veronica just wanted to try Now she's married to Josh!

Back in September 2004, I decided to create a profile on because I wanted to just view files. I told myself I would not contact anyone but, if someone contacted me, I would talk to them.

Well as I browsed, I ran across a profile that was rather interesting but, I had said I would not contact anyone, so I didn't. I logged off that night, September 4th 2004, and went to bed. The next morning I logged on and guess what? The very same profile I had viewed and was interested in, had sent me a message! I was like "no way", so I responded.

Since that day we were inseparable. We chatted on the phone for 2 weeks straight before we decided to meet in person. Josh was from San Diego, California and I was in Riverside, California, so we were about 100 miles apart. Our first date was September 15th 2004 and we were engaged on December 1st 2004. We had a long distance relationship but we knew it was a God-thing. Neither of us was looking for a serious relationship, just wherever God led.

I drove every Wednesday to San Diego for a whole year to see Josh and he drove to Riverside every weekend for a whole year to see me.

We got married January 21st 2006. We are so grateful for the tools God can use to bring two people together. Again, we thank you so much for such a wonderful site.

Veronica {California} & Josh {California} May 2006 takes the awkwardness away and makes meeting people easy.  

A bride with a beautiful smile stands next to her new husband

Mike and Susan are as two peas in a pod :)

Susan and I would like to thank for their wonderful service in bringing us together into a wonderful relationship.

When the responsibilities of daily living take up so much time it makes it hard or impossible to meet people; and then if you do it is especially awkward to ask them if they are single and/or looking.

I would highly recommend for those of you who would be shy to use Internet dating. Chances of finding a relationship match as wonderful as Susan and I have, I would have thought it impossible. Yet we are as two peas in a pod, some would say. It is like God looked into our hearts, read our wish list, added some wonderful things we never even thought to wish for and brought us together.

We met in Christian Cafe on December 22nd, 2005, and we talked on the phone for the first time on New Years Eve. I thought I was talking to an angel; there was something about this girl that was so right. After what seemed like 300 emails we knew we were right for each other. Every day it grew increasingly difficult to be apart so we decided we should meet and we got together for the first time January 13th, 2006. When we met it was confirmed; we knew that God had molded us for each other.

We were married March 11th, 2006.

Though people on the outside looking in may think we were irrational to marry so quickly, each day seems like we have known each other a lifetime. Our lives have meshed well into each other's just like it says, "two shall become one flesh". The Lord is just and keeps His Words and it is ours to live His will according to His Words, and for that He truly blesses us.

Mike-miker585 {Alberta} & Susan May 2006

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 We are grateful that a special site exists for serious Christians to meet.  

Excited Christians from California look very happy to have married

Brion with his beautiful bride, Sally!

Bride and groom stand next to their wedding cake while toasting each other

A love toast by the bride and groom, to each other

California couple on vacation in Washington

Brion and Sally are each other's half.

It was much better than the secular sites where it seems everyone just wants to ... well you know.

We have been married for almost a year now, after dating for two years, and we have definitely met our other half as God intended. He has blessed our union made possible by you. Thank you.

Sally and Brion (The short version)

Brion was born and grew up in Sacramento California, a few decades ago.

Sally was born and grew up in Taisun, Canton province, China not as many decades ago.

Sally met Brion.

Brion met Sally.

Sally and Brion fell in love.

Sally and Brion live happily ever after.

Please keep your wonderful site operating so other Christians may continue to meet in a "place" designed just for them

Sally-springblue394 {California} & Brion-badmusic575 {California} May 2006

[Editor's note: See July 2024 testimonial to see how things are going!]

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 Happily united because of!  

A man laughs while he lies down holding a beautiful smiling woman

Cory and Liesa hit it off instantly

Saskatchewan single Christians pose in beautiful Banff

Cory and Liesa were engaged in beautiful Banff

I honestly didn't think I would ever be one of these people writing this testimonial letter, but here I am very happily putting into words my story about how your website helped me to find the woman of my dreams.

We came from opposite ends of the spectrum on our experiences on I had my profile on the site for quite some time, going out with some people, but never really finding that connection. Liesa, on the other hand, was on the site a total of around a week. I was the first person she wrote to, and the only one she actually met in person.

I joined the site, willingly looking for someone not afraid to take the chance. Liesa only joined (extremely begrudgingly mind you!) because a very persistent friend wouldn't take No for an answer, and even filled much of Liesa's profile in for her (what a great friend!). This same friend, who happens to be happily married, even went home that night and scanned the profiles for hours, found me, and insisted that Liesa write me. The rest, as they say, is history.

After exchanging messages back and forth for a week or so, we exchanged phone numbers. After about a week of phone conversations, we decided to meet. Happily, we both live in the same city (Saskatoon), so that made things much easier. We hit it off instantly. Even though she is quite a shy person, on our very first date we sat and talked for over 9 hours! The wonders of "chemistry". Since then, we've spent just about every waking minute together.

And in fact, just under four short months later, we decided that we didn't want to spend any more time apart again. I asked Liesa to marry me in Banff and she very quickly said "Yes". The wedding is this coming August 20th, just 8 months less a day from our first "in person" meeting. It is true what they say though, when you know, you just know!

I will spare you from all the details and little 'coincidences' we've experienced in getting to know each other, but I will say that we both feel enormously blessed in this relationship. We very much feel that God orchestrated us meeting, and was a tool He used to bring us together.

Thank you Soooo much for your service, Liesa and I are eternally grateful.

Cory-whynot238 {Saskatchewan} & Liesa {Saskatchewan} May 2006

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 I have never been happier.  

I met my fiance on

We began talking online in October 2005, met in November, and were engaged by mid-January. Our wedding will be at the end of this October.

Thank you and blessings to you all!

Misty-boatgirl937 & Barron May 2006 really works!  

I went on very skeptical about Internet dating. I knew a pastor friend of mine who after losing his wife met and married someone he met on Finding myself in the same situation, losing my husband of 28 years to a sudden accident, after a period of time I went on to see if there was anyone as lonely as I was.

The last few days of the trial period I started talking to someone in another State. I signed up for another month, and a month later we met in person. He is a wonderful man and I love him deeply. I never thought I would be fortunate enough to find love again in my lifetime.

He proposed to me on Valentines Day and I accepted. We are being married in the fall in Hawaii.

So to all those who have heard all the negatives about Internet dating, here is a testimony of two people who are glad there was a site like

Chris-flower868 {Florida} May 2006

 We're Married!  

My husband and I met on about 4 1/2 years ago. About a year later we were engaged, and we married in April 2004.

We've been married over 2 years now, and are very happy. It has taken some adjusting of course! He was 42 and had never been married, I was 43 with two teenagers and had been single for 9 years. We are so blessed to have each other, and are so thankful the Lord allowed us to meet on your website. I thank God every day for our new lives together!

Susan-halfoftwo434 & Bob May 2006

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 More than a dating site.  

Recently I joined Christian Cafe. I slowly began to talk to different people, thinking I might find someone for companionship. I didn't really have a desire to do this at first, but it felt right.

I enjoyed all the messages and birthday greetings, and talking about the Lord and what He was doing in my life. I really didn't grasp at first the real reason that I had been sent to this website. Like most everyone else I just felt like I needed companionship, and maybe a word of confidence from a fellow believer. Just as it always seems to happen when the Lord is involved a much larger picture began to unfold.

I began talking to a woman in North Carolina, and though I had purposed in my heart that she was too far away for any kind of relationship, somehow I felt drawn to go there. The church that I attend at home has a wonderful group of believers, but I felt as if there was more that I needed. I trust the Lord always has my best interest at heart so I planned to go to North Carolina for a visit. I had been praying for the Lord to show me more of His plan and purpose for me, and I felt somehow this was a part of it.

I didn't really know what to expect, but I trusted the Lord. When I arrived, I met Cathy and we spent some time talking and getting to know each other and worshipping the Lord. She had made arrangements for me to stay with a couple she knew. I had no reservations about staying with people I didn't know because the Lord told me that they were good people. Sandy and Bill and their son William welcomed me into their home, and I could feel the Holy Spirit of the Lord was there. Many questions were asked but the most important one I didn't have an answer to. Why has the Lord brought me here?

We attended worship services several times while I was there, all having the Spirit of the Lord present. One particular night we had a dinner and worship planned but the plans got changed. Much to our surprise we discovered later that the Lord had a greater need for us at a different place and time. I have always known that the Lord always has a flawless plan laid before us, we just have to be willing to obey Him. The Lord let me witness this several times during my stay. What a revelation to see Him work. Cathy is quite a warrior for the Lord, taking no credit for anything, as none of us can.

Easter morning service was wonderful. What a message the man of God delivered, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Thank you Father for a memorable service. I still felt like I didn't have the answer I was looking for. Yes I was very pleased with Cathy, getting to meet her, but we both felt like there was a higher calling for this visit. We attended a smaller service that afternoon with another blessing from the Lord. After the service I felt the "need" to be prophesied over. This was a new experience for me, but I had read about it in God's Word and knew it was a gift of the Spirit. I began to understand what the Lord's purpose for me was and the reason for my visit here. Thank you Lord for the patience to wait upon You. Cathy and I both agree that the Cafe played a major part in our new relationship, as we began to see how the Lord caused this to come about. We would like to thank this website and encourage others to be open to what the Lord has for them. It might be a whole lot more than just a companion or even a mate.

Ronnie-piscesman463 {Kentucky}& Cathy-womanonwings598 {North Carolina} May 2006

 Michael and I have definitely made a connection! We were married on January 3rd of 2006.  

I have met many friends, but I really enjoyed coming to chat and I will miss ya'll. As for me and Michael, God brought us together, we are a perfect match. Meeting online is a different way to meet, and it's been a long hard road falling in love with someone in a different country. We spent many hours on the Internet, with web cam and mic, and finally met in person after 3 months.

We already knew we were going to marry, but we had to met in person first to make it final and do it legal, and we did in January.

Many say we married very fast, but God's timing online is much different from regular timing. We believe God does pre-arrange marriages and sets people up, God did for Mary and Joseph, and He did for us.

Thank ya'll so much for everything, and may God bless your ministry.

Patty-pattypoo310 & Michael-michaelcab399 May 2006

 Please delete my profile.  

Through Christian Cafe I have found my mate, my love and my future life partner.

You guys are doing a great job and a great service for Christians all around the world, who are looking for others like them.

Maureen-mopowers705 {New York} May 2006

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 Thank you for a wonderful site and for your hard work. It's the best Christian singles Internet site I have been on.  

It's very helpful to know whether or not your correspondents have read your mail and when your friends were last online. Also, the birthday greetings are a good way of making initial contact, and there were plenty of people to "talk" to.

You have made being single an easier experience by creating an online community of people from all over the world. Corresponding with them has been very enjoyable. God bless.

Sue-Rachel393 {England} May 2006 has been overly kind to me because the Cafe gave me so much opportunity to be acquainted with people I found interesting.  

Thank You! It has been a year since I posted my profile on the Cafe. Since then I have met a lot of people who eventually became my friends. Though we have not met personally, I know that we are connected because there is one reason that binds us together, Jesus Christ.

I realized that there are so many single men and women who continue to search for the right person to spend their lives with, and I knew I was one of them. The Cafe has opened doors for me to seek out for someone to possibly build a relationship with. However, I also came to a point when I wanted to give up and decide that online dating only leaves me frustrated and hurting.

It was at this time the Lord gave me someone who would change this view. Love definitely comes in the most unexpected places, or circumstances. I met someone from the Cafe who is so wonderful and special that we are now praying together and looking forward to meeting soon. Today I am going to leave the Cafe because I want to focus my attention to him, because I want to say I found him, because we both want to to discern God's will for us.

God knows the desires of our hearts, and that right now I am fervently praying for him. Now that we have expressed our feelings and love to each other and are confident that we want to establish a special and lasting relationship, we hope that the Lord will grant us to be together, soon. I hope to post a picture of us together in the future!

Thank you Christian Cafe for allowing me to use your service. I will pray that the Lord continue to make the Cafe a channel for meeting lives and creating lives together. Thank you and more power!

Ann-ann1395 {Philippines} & Chris-mtnguy379 {South Carolina} May 2006

 We hope other single people out there try to meet new people and, as in our case, your soul mate.  

Nicole and I met in the Cafe and after two messages we decided to meet for dinner on March 29, 2006. Well it extremely went well. Three weeks later on April 17th 2006, Easter Monday, I proposed and she said "Yes"!

We are planning to get married on August 12, 2006. Every day since that first meeting has been the happiest day of our lives.

Alroy-hortguy977 {Ontario} May 2006

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