Help: Receiving Emailed Notices

Missing important notices about your account?

Some of our emailed messages to you might be delivered to your junk mail folder. These might include notices of new mail or new members who match what you're looking for! You could also receive notices of sales we're having. What to do?

  1. Check your junk, spam or bulk mail folder for any messages from If you find any, ensure you mark this mail as "not junk" or "not spam".

  2. Add to your safe list. In most email programs you can create a filter (sometimes called "junk e-mail filter"). Read instructions for Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail, Gmail, AOL Mail

Yahoo! Mail

  1. Click the Settings icon on the right, near the top (looks like a gear), and select Settings from the menu.

  2. Click on Filters in the left column.

  3. Click the Add button.

  4. Enter a Filter Name (e.g. Cafe) and in the box under Sender enter Under Then deliver the email to the following folder, select Inbox

  5. Click on the Save button.


  1. Click the Settings icon on the right, near the top (looks like a gear), and select More mail settings from the menu.

  2. Under "Preventing junk email" click Safe and blocked senders.

  3. Click on Safe senders

  4. Enter in the box and then click Add to list >>


  1. Click the Settings icon on the right, near the top (looks like a gear), and select Settings from the menu.

  2. Click the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab and then click on "Create a new filter" at the bottom.

  3. Enter in the From box.

  4. Click on Create filter

  5. Select Star it and Never send it to Spam.

  6. Click on Create filter.

If you're using the old Gmail display

  1. click on the Create a filter link at the top, next to the Search the Web button.

  2. Enter in the From box.

  3. Click on Next Step >>

  4. Select Star it and Never send it to Spam.

  5. Click on Create Filter.

AOL Mail

  1. In your Inbox, select the Action menu and choose Create a Filter.

  2. Enter a Filter Name (e.g. Cafe) and in From box enter Under the Then move to menu, select New Folder and then give this new folder a name (e.g. Cafe).

  3. Click on the + sign.

  4. Click on the Create button.

  5. When you click the Back to Mail button on the left sidebar, you should see your new folder listed on the left side under My Folders. This is where future emails from our system will be delivered.