Take Me Back: Many of you join me in knowing what it is like to make a serious mistake and lose a relationship. This is even more significant when it is a marriage. You made a bad choice, you committed a sin, but now you have embraced your error and God is restoring you. You know that you have changed. But those whom you have hurt are just not giving you a chance to prove that you have changed.
Tag: divorce
Dealing with Co-Parenting and Child Custody After Divorce
Today’s blog post is brought to you by Veronica Baxter, a blogger and legal assistant living and working in Philadelphia.
Dating After Divorce Guidance
Dating after divorce. What does the Bible tell us about divorce? Should you date after a divorce? Dr. Jim explains God’s desires for us and what should we do when we start thinking about dating after being through a divorce. Who is allowed and who isn’t allowed to get a divorce according to the Bible?
Dating After Divorce: If I did not cause the divorce, can I date and marry again without being sinful?
Divorce creates many victims. It has become a terrible black eye on our society as divorce sweeps across the land like a forest fire. Almost every day this time of year we turn on our television sets to find another forest fire raging out of control. While I suggest that the damage is even greater in a divorce, it is not as ‘apparent’ or visible to us without taking a second look.
To be able to provide an answer to this question, I would like to begin with the foundation that the Bible provides to us. Matthew 5 and 1Corinthians 7 are the main passages that relate to divorce. The Matthew verses share that there is no grounds for divorce other than if the other spouse is unfaithful in the marriage. If this does occur, the other spouse has the ‘option’ to initiate a divorce.
Starting a new relationship before divorce is final?
Should Christians look for a new relationship before a divorce is final? Should a single person go ahead with a relationship with a person whose divorce hasn’t been finalized yet? Dr. Jim gives advice about the consequences and what is the best approach for situations like this.
Is it okay to begin a new relationship before the divorce is final?
The scenario is usually presented to me something like the following. The individual has been diligently searching for someone where there are strong compatibilities and attractions. One is found in their search and they enjoy a great initial experience. The other person then shares that they are going through a divorce and the papers are not yet final. Often what follows is a story of why it is taking so long or the many trials and difficulties that divorcing the other person is creating. These facts are not lies, although there may be some embellishment out of their own perspective and needs.
Caution…Recent Divorce
In this new blog post, Dr. Jim gives us insights about what recent divorced person should do and if a Christian single should date a recent divorcé. Here’s how to help someone after a divorce and how to build your life again if you went through a divorce recently.
Caution…Recent Divorces
There is a repeated fact that keeps surfacing in emails to me. It relates to those who are currently or who have recently (2 years) gone through a divorce. The fact is that these individuals are not ready to consider a new relationship. They think that they are ready and often set out to develop new relationships. A sincere desire is present to move on from the hurts of the past and apply the lessons in future relationships. Unfortunately there are many things at work within their dynamics that keep them from being able to have an objective perspective.
Is a Christian permitted to get divorced because of a thought of adultery?
As common as divorce has become nowadays, more and more Christians are asking questions such as: My spouse cheated on me, so can I get a divorce? What about what the Bible says about divorce? Christians should know what God wants from us and what paths should be taken before deciding on divorce.
Dear Jim: Is a thought of adultery sufficient for a divorce?
Questions relating to divorce continue to flood my email “In” folder. Since there are so many divorces today, for perhaps all types of reasons, it leaves well-intended Christians searching for reason and a way.
Some common questions received are:
1. If I remarry, will I be committing adultery?
2. My spouse left me years ago emotionally and physically, am I able to divorce and marry again?