5 Questions For New Relationships.

Question For New Relationship
5 Questions For New Relationship

Today’s quest post is from Oscar Collins.

5 Questions Christians Should Ask Before Entering a New Relationship

Accepting an invitation for a first, second, or third date is thrilling. You could grow closer to your partner and find your future spouse – but will they also be your spiritual partner? Matching your spiritual beliefs sets the foundation for a healthy relationship.

How should you react to profiles on Christian dating sites?

Profiles and Christian Dating Sites
How should you react while browsing profiles from other Christian singles online? What should the proper way be to deal with your feelings while keeping to God’s purposes?

Dear Jim: As I have reactions to pictures and profiles I find on Christian dating sites, is this the prompting of the Holy Spirit?

You have signed up for a Christian online dating service and you begin to read the profiles and view the pictures. You find that you have either a peaceful or uncomfortable reaction in doing this. Where is this prompting coming from? It could be several sources. Allow me to share some thoughts as you entertain what you use as criteria in selecting which profiles to ‘pursue’.