Thank you so very much for offering a Christian environment to meet people on-line.
After looking through some of the profiles on other internet sites designed for meeting potential friends and/or soulmates, Christian Cafe was like a breath of fresh air.
You offer a decent Christian environment. I've met some very nice and interesting people on Christian Cafe, from all different parts of the world, and it's always great to meet new friends.
However, after 5 months of membership with you, I found the man I just don't want to be without.
While browsing profiles of men who were on-line one evening in January, I read Ronnie's profile, and I knew I really wanted to get to know more about him. I wrote to him that night, and we have been in constant contact every since.
We felt sure within one week of when we first talked, that we were destined to be together. We met face to face on February 8th, and we've been inseparable (in heart and mind) every since.
Our common interests, moral values, and our hopes for the future were so similar, that we have no doubt that God had, in His own timing, managed to bring two people together that would never want to be apart.
We haven't set a date, but we plan to be married soon after our first year anniversary of having met one another.
Thank you,, for helping me find the man I probably wouldn't have found without you. May God bless you all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lori {Florida} & Ronnie {Kentucky} March 2002
It is with great pleasure that I announce my engagement to Jim. Your service allowed us to get to introduce ourselves to one another via non-conventional means.
This became important as there were issues that were extremely valuable to us and neither one of us wanted to waste each other's time if we knew it could not work based on these items.
We met, dated, entered into an exclusive relationship and then on February 23, 2002 Jim proposed.
We have taken our time and done everything "right" before man and in the eyes of God so that we might have the greatest of blessings upon our lives. Also, it has been very important to us that our daughters see the way a gentleman is suppose to be and the way a lady can expect to be treated.
We will be wed on June 8 this year. Thank you for the opportunity to seek and to find, and to learn of one another in a way that no other medium provides. We look forward to sharing the rest of our lives together. In Christ always,
Marilyn & Jim March 2002
Just wanting to leave a note on the way out: Thank you for providing such a meeting place on the web! One week ago today a mail-and-chat relationship which begun here some time ago in your chat rooms culminated in a heaven-sent wedding.
We have some distance issues to settle as we are coming together from homes 900 miles away, but she is definitely worth the extra consideration, and she somehow thinks I am!
A word to anyone just starting on You are sure to find some "problem children" here, but finding the gold is worth sifting through the gravel. Just be set to serve Jesus in each person you meet, and let Him bring along His choice for you. God bless you!
Robert March 2002
I cannot thank you enough for being there for me. On February 1, 2002, I met the man God has been preparing me for 22 years. I have been praying that God would send me a good Christian man all those years.
We both met on and are getting married on May 25th!!!
I know this is a short engagement, but when you know God ordained a relationship straight from heaven, you have no choice but to go and run with it. We love each other very much and with the Lord's help plan on having a wonderful life together.
The way we met was spectacular. God intervened at the right time, not a moment to late or a moment to early. Bryan (my fiance) was at the lowest point of his life when God allowed me the privilege of stepping into his life.
And I was at a point in my life when it was time for God to send that special someone. God is so good!!! I encourage people every day to hook up to
God can work through the Internet!!! Just wanted to let you all know what a blessing and an instrument used of God you all have been to me and Bryan.
Thank you for allowing God to use you in a unique way. In His Time,
Shari & Bryan March 2002
Joe and I met on in January. We are grateful to God for bringing us together and we just want to say "Thank you" to for being the vehicle God used for us to meet! God bless you!
Lisa & Joe March 2002
NEVER in my wildest dreams would I imagine meeting a man online (I am NOT a computer person!), but if we trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding, He WILL direct our paths.
I guess He directed me to! We feel wonderfully blessed to have been brought together by our Lord. His hand is all over this one! Thanks for your faithful service.
It truly is a valuable service for believers who desire to meet other believers. Thanks!
Kim March 2002
We met on Christian Cafe on Jan 27 and we got married on the 6 of March.
Earl & Carol March 2002
I have really enjoyed my time with I have met so many new and great friends from all over the world.
I think that God has richly blessed me by leading me to this site and I know he continues to use it to bless other users for I read the posted testimonials. Thank you for this opportunity and God Bless.
Thalia March 2002
We have spent countless hours in prayer and exchanging testimonies.
We do live hours away but if not for this site we never would have met or come to know each other. Thank You and Jesus thanks YOU.
anonymous March 2002
I would like to express my gratitude and commend the people responsible for consideration in the making of this wonderful site.
I met my sweetie here, we both live near the greater Albuquerque area and we have had much communication and prayer.
I am just so glad that you guys exist so that we Christians could be open and honest about ourselves and not worry about looking in the wrong places, we could also discern for ourselves whom is spiritual and what they are about!
Diana and I met a little over a week ago after communicating for about two weeks and "when I saw her face" it made me a believer! I appreciate the full spectrum of the profile and the important issues that are addressed for us to make informed decisions about our perspective future mate!
Thank You, and God Bless Your Labor. I am sure that Diana is the one for me and it is only a matter of time when we do plunge into the Lifetime commitment, I am savoring the moments for now and I hope and pray that many others will have this same type of experience when they come across God Bless.
Marc March 2002
I looked at many other dating sites and was disappointed to find there was a general lack of expressing a deep Christian love for the Lord.
One day I was searching and found I submitted a profile and began searching the site for ladies with backgrounds similar to mine. I had been praying, asking the Lord to help in my search.
I found and began writing a very nice lady in Alabama. She was the answer to my prayers and I the answer to hers. We are now married as of Feb. 22, 2002 and have a very unique relationship based upon the Lord and a deep love for each other.
It is so refreshing to know that I have a mate that will be with me for life. The blending of our two families has been one of joy and pride as we see all of our children working together.
Thank you for all your help and for providing a site such as this.
John {Minnesota} & Rosalyn {Alabama} March 2002
The only reason for this is that was 100% successful and through it, God has led me to pursue a marriage relationship with another member. Because of this, I find it necessary to remove my account immediately from Christian Cafe.
It has been an amazing experience and I will be forever grateful. It is a true blessing to have something like this for Christians to turn to, as we have been called to pursue relationships in a different manner than the world in which we live. Blessings and gratitude,
Nicole March 2002
I am now 33 yrs old and have finally found the person to whom I was to sing this song to and I met her through this wonderful site.
The strangest thing about it all is that although I had responded to profiles with photos something told me to respond to one of the many profiles with no photo.
As we began to send emails back and forth she finally invited me to her church. She gave me a description as to what she would be wearing that night. So, I showed. You talk about being nervous!
To make a long story short we met and it was wonderful. Nothing like meeting the person of my dreams during a worship service. As most of us know there is something weird about meeting someone you have never seen. You do not know what to expect.....are you going to regret setting up this meeting time?
Some things you never know till you try them. It is almost like the priests who were carrying the Ark of the Covenant when they were about to cross the River Jordan. It was not until they actually put their feet into the water that the water began to part.
Anyway, this beautiful person I met is all I have written in the song the Lord gave to me. To the Tee. has an awesome opportunity to bring people together through a means of email but to end up in a lifetime courtship relationship.
I thank God for this what I call ministry because of the role it has played in my life and the life of my new friend. I am definitely thanking God for this one. Bless You.
Wigberto March 2002
During my short time on , I have met many people. In the period of time I was connected to Christian Cafe I had over 700 people contact me.
I have been blessed by this opportunity to meet many people. I have had the experience of meeting one of the people I met on Christian Cafe in person. And this is what I can say from that.
I have had enjoyable moments, and I have had sad moments. My experience with meeting my first person from the Cafe in person, had positive and negative concepts to it.
I have learnt the true meaning of friendship through this encounter. I have learnt that people's hearts are fragile, and we always must remember to have an agape love for people - to be able to put other people's wants and desires before our own.
We must also remember to keep Jesus as the centre of our lives. I have found many people in here playing games with other people's emotions and feelings, and that is sad.
But at the other end of the scale, I have found that there are some genuine people still out there who strive each day to die more to self, and serve our Lord.
I leave you all with this.... I think Charles Allen said it first: "When faced with problems which threaten to steal your peace of mind, learn the meaning of the word 'imperturbability.'"
I heard of two artists who were asked to illustrate peace. Each was assigned the task of depicting a peaceful scene on canvas. The first artist drew a beautiful picture of a countryside on a warm, spring day. A soft sun illumines green grass. A picturesque farm house and grazing cattle are bathed in its warmth. A farmer walks contentedly behind strong plow horses his field ready for spring planting. The picture is one of beauty and quiet tranquility.
The other artist took a different approach. He drew a majestic, rugged cliff. Gnarled trees, twisted by years of violent winds, jut from the craggy mountainside. Dark clouds hang low and fierce while jagged streaks of lightening slash across an angry sky. The picture is one of violence, chaos and rage.
But as one looks closely, something else becomes visible. There in one of the crevices of the rocky mountain, tucked back just out of reach of the wind and rain -- a nest with two small birds.
Apparently unconcerned about the impending storm, they appear calm, cozy and peaceful as they patiently wait for the turbulence to pass.
And isn't that the way it so often with people we meet. We may want to be surrounded by peace, but storms rage. Problems and pressures without threaten to steal peace of mind within.
The answer is Jesus. It's a peace which is greater than the problems of life, built on assurance that the tempest will finally pass, we will survive the storm, we may grow stronger because of it and, in the meantime, we will not endure it alone.
I have tried to be an encourager to all I have met on here, and will continue to do so. My love for all is genuine, and I have held no secrets.
This I encourage each and everyone of you to do here. Treat everyone with respect, and don't go "playing the field" by keeping a number of the opposite sex dangling on the fishing line.
People's hearts are tender, and we have to learn to put other people's needs before our own. Love like Jesus does, and treat everyone like Jesus did and still does today.
Thank you for, I have met some people who I will always call friends and continue to keep in contact with. I continue to pray the prayer of Jabez for everyone here in Bless you all.
Elizabeth March 2002