A very happy Vanias met her love, Clint
An equally happy Samantha with her love, Matt
My sister has lived in the U.S.A. for 15 years now and told me about ChristianCafe.com. A friend of mine decided to join at the same time with me.
I met many people from different places, had a good time there, and one of my friends asked me to put her profile at the site too, and when I did it, I got those wonderful extra referral days and during this period I met Clint, and she met Matt.
My friend (Samantha) and I live in Brazil. Clint lives in Michigan and Matt in Pennsylvania - I mean, I'm talking about distance here.
But both of them came down here to meet us in person. We dated on the phone and Internet because they are far from us, but to make the story short, Matt and Samantha are getting married on December 12th, and Clint and I on December 14th - both here in Brazil.
The four of us are very sure that the Lord led everything and still does. And we also thank ChristianCafe.com for being God's instrument to help soul mates find each other.
The photo was taken in August 2002. And here in my country, when we are engaged, we wear the wedding bands on the right hand and move it to the left when get married.
Vanias {Brazil} & Clint {Michigan}, plus Samantha {Brazil} & Matt {Pennsylvania} October 2002
[Editor's note: See February 2003 to read Vanias' other submission]
A very happy Gloria with her mighty man of God, Ronald
The Word of God says: "When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing." My Mighty Man of God has found me.
I want to thank your site for being a part of this wonderful experience. Ronald had made up in his mind that this would be his last time on ChristianCafe.com. He was a member for a year and he found me just before tuning off.
We are in the process of getting married next month. He has relocated to Nebraska. As a matter of fact, he is here as we are speaking these words.
ChristianCafe.com is a site where couples can share their experience and pictures with others.
Gloria {Nebraska} & Paul October 2002
Bobbi with her God-send :)
We were just married three weeks ago. He is a wonderful Christian man.... a real God-send. Thank you!!
Bobbi October 2002
I had been praying to meet the man of my dreams and I now believe that I have.
God led us to meet on ChristianCafe.com. There is talk of a wedding but nothing definitely.
Thank you for helping me to meet the man that I love.
anonymous October 2002
We have been dating and on Oct 4, I gave her a diamond ring.
We plan to marry sometime after 6 months as God directs us. We know God used CC to get us together and we praise Him for that.
Thanks to you also for providing the means for this to happen.
Joe October 2002
We are officially engaged to be married sometime this spring.... We both totally agree that God has ordained this relationship, and we also feel that we are compatible with each other, because we share so much in common.
I will be relocating to the state where he lives as soon as it is feasible.... Thank you again ChristianCafe.com for running an honest and legitimate Christian Organization, and for allowing me to make so many friends which we both will cherish for a very long time.... God Bless.
Connie October 2002
I was a busy but lonely woman living in the South of England when I was on my parents' computer and found this wonderful site where you could meet lots of Christian friends.
By accident I found myself talking for 2 hours to a nice guy, I had not read his profile and knew nothing about him. He called me the following evening and we talked for 6 and half hours.
Before we knew it 5 months had passed, and we had fallen in love. We knew this was what God had in mind for us.
The only thing was, Bill lived in Michigan, U.S.A and we had never met. I flew over for a weekend without his knowledge, his sister picked me up from the airport and when he saw me he knew it was me without being introduced.
Unbeknownst, he had been praying for God to send the right woman TO him. We were engaged that weekend.
Last month we celebrated our first wedding anniversary and are trying for a family.
Jane {United Kingdom} & Bill {Michigan} October 2002
We are in pre-marital counseling and have not set a date yet. Just wanted to let you know.
Bluesky & Gregm October 2002
Although I stopped using ChristianCafe.com a few months ago every month I go and read the testimonies of what God has done in the lives of hundreds of Christians who have been blessed through ChristianCafe.com.
I believe this is the only dating site in the world that has been a blessing to thousands of single Christians.
anonymous October 2002
We established a platonic relationship which later blossomed into romance and on 11/22/02 we will wed.
anonymous October 2002
Gary was the first person to email me after I posted my profile. Our communication felt similar to job interview stuff as we asked important questions that let us know about core issues we valued.
After three weeks of email and online chat communication, we began telephone calls - one to three hours a night, then mornings and during the day, too. We talk - about everything - and usually end in prayer each phone call.
We met - and became engaged - last weekend. I flew to where he lives, we split the plane fare cost and he offered to reimburse me if we didn't connect in person the way we have in all our other communication.
Well, praise God, it was like returning home after a long trip away and we both felt that way.
Thank you for this wonderful website and this tremendous service.
Leslee October 2002
I met a wonderful girl three months ago through ChristianCafe.com and things have been wonderful and getting better! Thanks for everything.
Chad October 2002
I never have to wait when I write to you worrying when you'll reply. This is such an awesome service.
anonymous October 2002
Then I lost my wife to cancer in early August and a friend suggested that I try ChristianCafe.com, just to stay in touch and perhaps share experience and emotions and practical tips with other people.
The cost for 3 months was less than for a cheap evening out at a moderate restaurant with a perfect stranger about whom I would know nothing, or would stumble into by accident.
In the brief time I've been online with ChristianCafe, I have met friends who I may cherish the rest of my life. Real people who really care, who helped me get over the sense of loss and isolation.
And then most remarkably I met a person I believe may be the center of my future. We seem to be matched by a gentle loving hand who introduced us and is bringing us together with his guidance. I am amazed and impressed and my life has been recharged and my faith in God and people renewed.
Thank you for operating ChristianCafe. Thanks to everyone online. Were I in position to share with those who are lonely or lost or just in need to human contact is: This is simple and safe. Get online, post a photo, be open and honest. Do not hide your light under a basket.
Open yourself to the Lord and let Him work wonders. He granted humankind the power to create the Internet and all the other technologies that bring us together as his children and as lovers and friends.
Be prepared to feel His blessings.
Scott October 2002
I am going to miss you all terribly, wait that didn't sound right, my word is ya'll. :)
I'm leaving the site, simply for the reason that God has placed a wonderful man in my life in whom I believe is the one He created just for me. I have made so many wonderful friends here, shared some tears, a ton of laughter, smiles and warm hugs ((((ROOM)))) with all of you that are special to me.
I pray that God will continue to guide each of you in your search to find that special someone to be your help mate and your best friend. ChristianCafe.com, ya'll are truly doing the Lord's work in helping to bring Christian singles together and I pray that God will continue to use this site as He is now.
I love ya'll very much, from the bottom of my heart.
Heather October 2002
When we first starting talking to each other I didn't really think that much of it. But after our first 3-hour conversation on-line we realised that God was bringing us together.
Although at first I resisted, God brought me around. We lived 2000 km from each other. So after a month of talking on the phone and via email, I boarded a plane and met Jason.
It was the most fantastic experience of my life. We knew that we would be married and that God had brought us together. After being long distance for six months I decided to give up my job and move down to be closer to Jason.
We were married 11 months after we first met. We are now expecting the arrival of our first child. GOD IS AMAZING!!!!
I have met my soulmate and best friend and life couldn't be better.
Jason & Bree October 2002
Many who are excellent candidates for a serious look at a serious relationship.
I am thankful that I have been able to both moderate and co-moderate over my 2 years of being on this site a fantastic topical chat site looking at picking the right kinds of people and avoiding picking the wrong kinds of people.
I am praising God in how he has used ChristianCafe.com to keep me focused and on track towards finding his choice for me in a woman. Now, I want to update you ladies and gentlemen that I have been blessed with pursing an attractive, Godly woman who excels my lists, and thoughts of what I thought was possible in leaning on my own understanding.
We have been in contact having met her on ChristianCafe.com first...and then have continued to talk via instant chats, phone, letters, gifts, and now...have purchased a plane flight to visit her for 13 days/12 nights in beautiful Brisbane, Australia.
She is a real sweetheart who has captured my heart, mind, and spirit. We have started off as friends, and have realized that we felt more for each other than mere friends over the months of contact...it has felt like courting too as we have gotten to know each other.
We have gotten to know the other through the inside out vs outside in approach through this site. We are in the process of "taking the next step"...as my topical chat site refers to a lot of meeting one another to officially meet (smiling).
I believe we are connecting on all cylinders: spiritually, emotionally, passionately, attraction, common and similar interests, and believe the same ways as far as emotional health and being emotionally healthy. We are both having faith to see what God is doing and has done already behind the scenes with both of us as we await in anxious anticipation to connecting eyes, hands, and observing each other's true natures...and maybe a kiss or two (smiling).
Her name is Marlene (Marli)...I am very proud to be connected with her and want the world to know which is why I am using this forum to shout it from the moutaintops.
Marli has many great qualities...well to all whom I have known through Christian Cafe I say thank you and continue to follow the Lord and His leading...His ways are different to our ways...I was convinced to try to stay local and not another long distance relationship, well...Marli is as far away as God could have placed her from my location...but we need to stay open to God and His leading.
I am very hopeful that Marli and I will continue having all the above described characteristics between us as we meet in "the real". I pray that God will continue to knit our hearts together and unite us.
She has said she would relocate which says many wonderful things about our own destiny and possible future as I am very planted in God's place in Ft Wayne, Indiana as my promised land.
As a result of Marli and her suggestion which came from the Lord, she asked me to write a song...I wrote it immediately in one setting words, and lyrics...it is still being transformed, but she wants to sing it with me and I have already prior to meeting her been moving towards recording my own music (10 originals).
I have written 2 more including the one she asked me to write. Well it is up to God about my most two precious things in my life the Lord has placed on my heart...pursuing: Marli and music.
God bless you all in your pursuit of his path for you...stay the course.
Larry {Indiana} & Marli {Queensland, Australia} October 2002
This is the very first Internet site that I knew I was going to pay for, whatever it took.
Seth October 2002