Genevieve fell for Gerhard but luckily he caught her!
Gerhard and Genevieve excited about their new life together!
Married life is way better!
We met on in March of 2007 and then met in person in August of the same year.
After communicating for 3+ months, we decided to meet in person (in Aug 2007). Since we were 8 hours apart in driving distance I choose to visit Genevieve.
We spent a Sunday afternoon and evening together. We both realized that we had a strong intellectual chemistry. We kept emailing each other and then soon started using MSN and the webcam.
We met again just over a month after and went to a concert together. We spent two days together.
Even though we still didn't connect at a romantic level I was interested in pursuing Genevieve. I knew that she was still a bit unsure about being in a relationship with me but before we parted I took the courage to kiss Genevieve.
We met again in three weeks and made it official! I proposed in late March of this year (2008). The rest is history.
We are now happily married and look forward to a long life together.
Acknowledgment from Genevieve:
When I read Gerhard's first message to me and then his profile, I knew already that we had some interests in common.
I started corresponding with him but not in an intense way; just a few letters a month. I was looking for a man living closer to Quebec City. Brampton seemed too far away for me. I was not sure about the effectiveness of a long distance relationship.
He offered to come visit me in Quebec City. I was a bit reluctant but I accepted thinking of it as an opportunity to get to know him better. No, I did not feel a physical chemistry between us but I sure felt a strong spiritual and intellectual connection!
It was so easy to talk to him and I did not feel judged because of my divorced status. From our first date, it took me a while before I was ready to make it official between us. I was not feeling a romantic chemistry but I could see that we were relating on many areas. His personality was definitely the kind I was looking for.
Considering the distance between us (8 hours), it was a step of faith for me but I knew I was doing the right thing. From that day on, our relationship kept on growing stronger and so did the romantic feelings.
I was discovering so many wonderful things about him and I still do!
We are now happily living in Brampton. I am starting a new life and I am very excited about it! It's way better than what I was expecting!
Gerhard-gerhard1627 {Ontario} & Genevieve-cookie705 {Quebec} December 2008
John and Christine are very happily married!
Christine and I met through in February 2006. We married in June same year.
John-happyfella739 {Washington} & Christine December 2008
Beverly and Charlie only lived 17 miles apart and found each other on
Almost 1 year ago (January 2008) I was invited back to try the site again.
I had ended a 10 month long previous relationship with someone that I had met on almost a year before, in February 2007. I returned to the site, did a search for someone of the same faith (Reformed Presbyterian) and location (Florida) and a few matches of interest came back.
I emailed a short note to several and didn't give it much further thought. A couple days later I got a very interested response from one of those that I emailed.
Even though we had never met... we only lived 17 miles apart and had attended the same church at different times. I was nonetheless intrigued and wondered at the possibility in considering if this was from the LORD or just my imagination/wishful thinking.
Even though he didn't have the benefit of seeing my photo I could see his big smile and big heart from the words in his profile. Immediately, He asked "who are you?"..."Do I know you?"
The first night that we spoke on the phone there was an immediate connection and comfort in recognizing the many similarities in our backgrounds and life experiences.
We agreed to meet to verify if there was a possibility of a mutual interest in pursuing a friendship. After meeting and acknowledging our mutual interest in getting to know each other I told him I would only agree to go out on a date with him after talking to a personal reference who knew him for some length of time.
We discovered that his Bible Study leader and church Elder was a mutual friend and after discussing with him whether he could give a good commendation about my new match from we went out on our first date.
It was obvious from the start that GOD had indeed answered both of our mutual prayers about waiting on the LORD to bring that special match into our lives.
He proposed 2 weeks later on Valentine's Day and we were married 2 months later, the day before Easter 2008 on the beach at sunrise.
We have been married for over 8 months and each day, week and month our marriage is stronger than the day before. Our favorite verse in the Bible is Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
We are both thankful that GOD is not limited by time or distance or method in how HE brings about HIS purposes and plans for our lives and how HE used to bring us together this year.
Beverly- bygracealone516 {Florida} & Charlie-joyfulrunner207 {Florida} December 2008
Don't Todd and Elsie make a great couple!
Todd and I are getting married in June 27, 2009. Thanks for your ministry.
Elsie- kingdomlady701 {Philippines} & Todd {California} December 2008
Isaac asked Rachelle to marry him, in a rose garden in Portland, Oregon - she said YES!!
I met my fiance on over a year ago and we got engaged this last August of 2008.
I signed up for one month with you all and by the end of the first week I knew that Isaac was the only one I really wanted to get to know more (I had been writing to a couple other guys that first week).
We met a month later after we started writing everyday and talking on the phone several times a week. We didn't fall in love with each other at first, but we both felt interested in the other.
We both had a lot in common: we both were home schooled and came from similar backgrounds and we went to the same kind of church.
We continued dating and it wasn't too long before we were inseparable and desperately falling in love. :)
I won't tell you the whole long story of our relationship but Isaac asked me to marry him in a rose garden in Portland, Oregon the same week he was introducing me to his family.
I can't imagine meeting anyone more perfect for me. We are opposites in a lot of ways, but we both compliment each other very well!
Thank you for bringing us together! I would never have met the Love of my life without you!
Rachelle-crystaline248 {Pennsylvania} & Isaac {Oregon} December 2008
Melissa and Bill are very much in love and will be married on September 13, 2009
Bill and I met in late August 2008 after viewing each other's profiles.
We exchanged phone numbers, and when he called, we talked on the phone for SIX HOURS (thankfully we were both off the next day for Labor Day!).
Here's a goosebump-inducing story: I attended a Christian conference held at a local university a few months before we met, and I remembered looking out at all the people and praying, "Lord, could there be someone here for me?"
When Bill told me that he'd been at the same conference--in the audience as I prayed that prayer!--I nearly fell out of my chair. After that first phone call we met for coffee, then dinner and a movie, then an afternoon at the beach...
...Well, here we are almost four months later, and we're very much in love. So much in fact that we went on vacation together to Florida to see my dad and stepmom over Thanksgiving, and while we were there, he proposed!
We have so much fun together. Moreover, we pray together and build each other up as Christians, encouraging each another to seek God when we have problems and to praise Him continually.
In Bill I have the one I prayed for--a man who treats me with honor and respect, and loves me as Christ loves His church. He continually tells me how thankful he is for me, and how I am the one he was waiting for. You can't get much more thrilling than that!
We have set a wedding date for September 13, 2009--a little over a year after we first met. When everyone asks how we met, I always tell them about, and of the circumstances that clearly point to our meeting being a 'God thing'--too many 'coincidences' to BE a coincidence!
If you're reading this testimonial, let us give you a piece of advice: DON'T GIVE UP! Keep praying, keep being faithful, and know that God has good things planned for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Don't settle for less than God's best!
Melissa-kyrie583 {California} & Bill-chillywilly750 {California} December 2008
A very happy Jenny marries Peter
Jenny and Peter light candles during their wedding ceremony
Jenny never gave up and now look at her: married to Peter!
I started on back in 2000. Well, after four years of being on the cafe, and many dates (some were disasters!!!), one day I sent an e-mail to a new member on Christian Cafe (something that I did frequently in that four year period).
Well, she sent me back an e-mail response. We eventually met for a first time date that went very well. The date was not a disaster - we had so much in common.
We started out as good friends (very important!!!) and did things together as friends for about 8 months when she accepted my proposal for marriage in New York's Central Park.
I was the happiest man on Earth when Jenny and I got married in March of 2006 and we have been so happy ever since.
We would not be together were it not for Jenny was new - just did the trial offer. For me, it was four years.
God has such an interesting way of bringing people together. But I encourage all those on Christian cafe, whether new or on for a while, do not give up. Be honest and persistent. You may go through disappointments on the journey, but is one the best vehicles to meet Christians singles and to look for a future spouse.
Our families our very happy for us and we want to share the picture with you so you can see the potential of what God can do. God bless and guide you all.
Peter & Jenny-jenny687 December 2008
A beaming Christine and Todd the day they met
Could Christine's smile get any bigger on her wedding day as she married Todd!
We met in person about 2 weeks after talking through emails. We then married on August 19th 2007.
We are very happily married. Todd is the man of my dreams - an awesome Christian man who I am so blessed to be married to.
Todd had been divorced for 21 years and I had been divorced for 15 years. We both prayed during those years that the Lord would lead us to the spouse he desired us to have.
It took many years of prayer but God was faithful to us both. We absolutely have such a Blessed life and we thank your site for bringing us together.
I am attaching pictures. One is the day we met and the other our wedding day.
We would highly recommend to others. We would also add that God is faithful. Trust in Him and he will lead you to the spouse he desires you to have.
Christine-overcomer824 {Texas} & Todd December 2008
Soraya and Martin were perfectly matched
Martin waited a long time to meet his perfect match, Soraya
Soraya thanks God everyday for Martin
We started communicating through in April 2008.
Martin was listed as a possible match. I was on my free trial seeking to meet a special man, maybe God's man for my life.
As a Jew Believer, it was very important to meet someone who was Jewish as well, but most importantly a Jew Believer, that is, who believed in Yeshua - Jesus as Messiah.
Just 3 weeks later we met for the first time in Tampa, FL. (My mom and I had planned a vacation to Florida already). I felt comfortable that I had my mom with me, which was an eye witness and protection as well during that time Martin and I were meeting each other for the first time.
Martin prayed, fasted and sought the Lord for 3 specific days before we met, inquiring the Lord about me, if I was the one God had for him. Martin had never been married before and he had been waiting on the Lord for a very very long time.
The same for me. So we were mature and very confident and clear of what we were looking for.
Martin impressed me right away with his noble character, pure awesome heart and passion for the Lord. We did things together that meant a lot to me, such as join a prayer meeting in a church in Tampa every morning for 2 hours.
I could see there his love for prayer, his love for the Lord, the pure and sincere heart he had and the incomparable beauty of his Character. I didn't seem to need too much confirmation from God. The Lord promised me a Boaz twice, as I sought Him and prayed for my husband in 2007.
Martin was Jewish, he had never been married before (that was very important to me since I had been keeping myself for my husband my entire life and desired to start a story from the very beginning), he was a righteous man, blessed by God and a bit older than me. Very much like Boaz from the book of Ruth, right?
And on the top of that he believed in Jesus as Messiah. Wow, perfect plan, perfect encounter and purpose of God! Well, just 5 days after we met Martin proposed and a few days later I said yes.
We planned to marry in 6 months and so were. We married November 15th, 2008.
We've been married for a month now and I thank the Lord every morning for giving me such an excellent man. We are so much in love and I can testify it's worth to wait on the Lord.
He is a God that never forgets...He remembers His promises, his love, his commitment with His children who are faithful to Him.
Here's my word of blessing over and over all the singles who are seeking God's mate for their lives. Pray and seek God first. Do things God's way. Keep yourselves, keep your heart and have God as first in your relationships. Whatever starts that way has blessing and success in its journey and end!
Thank you! There are some pics of us right below.
Soraya-metukah127 {Quebec} & Martin {Florida} December 2008
A beaming Barry with his new bride
We met through in January and got Married on the 31st October.
Barry-bazza777 {England} December 2008
Dave swept Cherie off her feet!
Cherie was who Dave had prayed for and waited all his life
We wanted to take a moment and thank you @ for giving us the opportunity to meet the loves of our lives.
I had been a member for a while and had met a few nice people through Christian Cafe, however one day I opened my email to find a very simple, sweet and captivating "hello" from a very nice looking man.
I decided to respond after reading his profile and we both found after just a couple of days that we were totally off the market and we were on the phone constantly finding out all we could about each other.
Probably the most captivating thing about this man to me was that he loved the Lord so much and each and every day we talked we prayed with and for each other. I was actually quite surprised to find that a man three states away could sweep me off of my feet, but he totally cleaned the house so to speak and it was just a couple of weeks and I was flying from Phoenix, Arizona to Washington State to visit.
He took me hunting and in the middle of forest on a cool September morning, we sat to rest, we prayed then he looked into my eyes and said I was who he had waited for and prayed for all of his life.
He then asked me to marry him. With both of us in tears and knowing it was right, I said "YES!!!"
He flew into Phoenix the night before Thanksgiving and we drove me and all of my belongings to Washington. I stayed with a lady from the church for a week and then we were married.
It was absolutely beautiful and now we are sitting here enjoying a beautiful white Christmas season, totally and completely in love!!! We had both really given up on really finding the right one, and when we just gave it over to the Lord.
Well, we found the best thing we could ever find in our lives. We are truly blessed.
Cherie-AbidinginHim212 {Arizona} & Dave {Washington} December 2008
Destiny and Jason met despite their age difference
Destiny and Jason want all members to know they have the same chance !!
Destiny's life is bliss with Jason!
Then after a few years my life got busier and I didn't sign back up until a year or so ago, and again I just came back to check on some friends I knew to see how they were.
Again, I still wasn't lookin' for a man, but after a few months of making some new friends, and chatting with the old crowd, one night I was bored so I was checking out black guys, because I prefer black men, and the first one I saw made me take notice because he wasn't tryin' to be cool with his shirt off, or showing off his car, but he was standing in a room and had his finger pointed at family pics.
Then he said, something like, I don't want just any woman, I want a lady! So I checked out his age and bummer he was 30, so I thought of how nice he was to be a real guy that knew what he wanted, and I just sent him an email, saying, I'm old enough to be your mom but I just want to tell you that I saw your heart, and I told him he deserved a good woman, and good luck!!
He emailed me back and we just talked about God, and what He had done for us and so on. Turns out he had viewed me the day before I saw his pic and bio, then one thing led to another, and he wanted to meet me, and I was close to 59 so I always told my son when he teased me about gettin' a younger man, I'd get mad and say, I'm not looking and not raising another son!
Well, I eat my words daily, because in spite of my age and his, and the fact that he was black, and I was white, we fell in love. Jason and I got married on Jan. 30th 2008, so we have a one yr. anniversary coming up soon.
We wanted to let men and women know if God wanted Jason and I together, then all people on have the same chance! I wasn't looking but I'm glad he pursued me.
He treats me like gold, and I do him, he's a father to my handicapped son, which his real dad could never be, and he's 4 yrs., younger than my son.
Also we knew our families would have a cow, but eventually they all, or most of them got over our age and race difference.
I've never been happier, and I love him more as the days go by!! I just turned 60, I know wow...Jason is 31, but he looks a little older than his age, and thank God I look younger than mine so no one knows our age difference unless I open my big mouth!
Since it's close to Christmas I know there are many lonely people on and I just wanted them to know nothing is impossible with God!! He does what He wants, and my life is bliss. We don't have much money, and I was talkin' with a doctor and an evangelist, and have also dated NFL men that have money, but there's no amount of money I would ever take for my husband! We have love, and we make it financially!!
Destiny & Jason December 2008 truly is a Christian site. A lot of the web sites say they are but later we find out different.
I felt safe and comfortable using your site. I thank you so much for being wonderful people. I will definitely tell everyone I know about your You definitely live up to your name.
Betty-Brittany132 {Michigan} December 2008
Debra-tigger712 {Saskatchewan} December 2008
I was particularly impressed with the inclusion of the option 'Wherever God leads' in the relationship question.
whune599 {Arkansas} December 2008
Both of us were widowed, losing our spouses to cancer. Each of us initially was looking for a friendship and has found a spouse!
We were married on Thanksgiving Day! We are so happy and thankful we found each other. God has blessed us abundantly!
Thank you for your committed service to Christian values through your website.
Luann-godsgirl7287 {Iowa} & Don December 2008
Thank you so much for the services you provided.
Darci {Oregon} & Brett {Oregon} December 2008
Stephen-stephenfc233 {Victoria, Australia} December 2008
She was not on Christian Cafe at all - did not even own a computer, because she wanted Father God to find her mate, and did not want to interfere with Him.
I first called Linda, after being emailed her phone number, on Nov 17th, 2007, and we talked for 5 and 1/2 hours. I was in California, and she was in Colorado.
Linda flew out to meet me in California on the 21st of December, about 5 weeks later, and we were married on a private estate in Hollister, California on the 26th of December last year. The year (almost), has been exciting as well as fun, and our honeymoon continues.
Thank you,, for helping me find my beloved.
Don-crownquest510 {California} December 2008
Denny and I met on in September 2007. We started writing to each other, firstly as friends as I do have pen friends living abroad and thought this would be a great place to meet another Christian friend across the waters.
Well, two months later Denny visited me in South Africa and we made plans for me to come to the States on a visit in 2008 (I have visited the States previously on 7 occasions) and we got engaged during my visit!
One thing lead to another and Denny and I were married on the 24 July 2008 here in the heartland of America.
I thank God for having brought us together through your website and for being so Blessed with this wonderful man in my life! There is no limit in distance and time in God's plans and purpose. There is a plan and purpose for each of our lives!
Thank you for your safe and great website! Thank you for your commitment service to all Christians out there! God has blessed us abundantly! May God Bless you all!
Lourdes-Sonrisa472 {South Africa} & Denny-Soulseeker879 {Iowa} December 2008
God continues to bless us and for this I'm very thankful.
[no username included] December 2008
Dianna-paradise319 {British Columbia} December 2008