I signed up in June 2021 and met Brett. We were engaged within the first month, married Oct 17, 2021.
Life is challenging but through my own failures over the years God has rescued me over and over and proved His love, wisdom and faithfulness.
So after my 26-year marriage ended in heartbreak, I knew I wanted search out if God would have another husband for me. If not, I knew God was still good whatever His plans for me.
Christian Cafe asked good questions for the profile page and I wanted to be honest and open.
Dating at 47 was hard, my last first date was when I was 17! I fell fast and hard and backed out after three days.
Christian Cafe encouraged me to keep looking. After a couple weeks of prayer and cottage time, I came back more prepared.
Although I was thankful for pictures, I wanted to be looking into the heart for my future husband and I really wanted an "arranged" marriage by my heavenly Father.
I focused on testimonies, and Brett's love focus was clearly routed in His Saviour Jesus Christ. He was the first man I contacted because He lived in the same city and his testimony was biblically centered. I didn't think there was a better place to start. I won't get into his profile picture except to say I was trusting God!
After first contact, several emails, one hour conversation on the phone, we met for a walk in the park where I ended up looking into the most beautiful hazel eyes on the planet. Yes, my heart was still young enough to skip a few beats (glad I had trusted God)!
What followed was hours upon hours of conversation with nothing left undiscussed. The rest is a love story blessed by God.
Within weeks, Brett knew he wanted to marry me, we were engaged in a month and married in four.
We thank God every day, everyday His mercies are new, and every day I have 24 hours to get to know my loving new husband a little bit more.
Sincere thank you for all you do, Christian Cafe.
Tricia-triciaj136 {Ontario} & Brett-brett721 {Ontario} November 2021
Thanks so much for all you do.
Kathleen-sunshinesmile404 {Ontario} & Adrian November 2021
Erin and I are engaged, we met each other here on ChristianCafe on labor day weekend.
We are getting married on January 1 2022.
Jason-livingfourgod482 {Washington} & Erin-erin805 {California} November 2021
What I love about this site is the questions that they have about your Christianity - whether you're a lukewarm or a serious Christian.
You can then filter your preferences and find those matches that are outstanding.
Stephen-stephen7734 {Maine} November 2021
It's an honest, legitimate Christian dating site that is aggressive at taking down fraudulent profiles and being supportive of Christian singles looking for a connection.
Troy-troy317 {Missouri} November 2021
I stopped using secular sites for this reason. If there ever was a person of real faith out there, you could never find them.
I have only been here a few days, but have met several women that are interesting to me. It's not all glamor and fake, but real people, for the most part.
Tim-shawn154 {Oregon} November 2021
Just to say thanks for everything.
I am now in a relationship with someone I met through ChristianCafe.com.
Pauline-pj187 {England} November 2021
Very professional and honest Christian dating site.
Jose-thunder851 {New York} November 2021
Over 10 years ago when I and several others were here for the beginnings of the forum, several of us met on numerous occasions in real life "meet-ups".
I have a whole gaggle of brothers and sisters in Christ that I met here and am still friends with to this day.
Some of them I've even met in person. Brigid, Heyjudeldo, Pmug, Porcelaindoll, Daisyrock, Keeper, Outdoorgirl, Memrah, McLisa (and a couple of others whose online monikers I just can't remember at this time) - we've all met in real life.
Some of them have been repeated guests in my home in TN. Brigid and I both visited Heyjudeldo (Judy) in Australia.
So even if we didn't ever get a chance to meet (like quietheart/Susan) we made some amazing and long lasting bonds. I thank you greatly for that.
Naomi-maranot777 {Tennessee} November 2021
I've found the woman I am going to marry!
Yes, I did find her on ChristianCafe.com.
Ron-lee3443 {Tennessee} November 2021
It's refreshing to read intellectual posts from Christian men as opposed to the questionable characters on other dating sites.
Diane-forestjunkie743 {Wisconsin} November 2021