There are a number of ways that Christian matchmaking takes place on The amount of control you have on your matches is really up to you. For those wanting to start out with simple matchmaking, QuickMatch is a good start. For those who want to drill down to specifics, a detailed Search is the way to go.
QuickMatch is a good first start in finding similar single Christians on This Christian matchmaking tool produces matches based on the following criteria:
QuickMatch is a great matchmaking tool to start of with; however you can get into much more detail with our advanced search tool.
Detailed searches of profiles can be done with the advanced Search option. With advanced Search you can find matches based on a wide range of criteria. This detailed Christian matchmaking feature lets you select from criteria ranging from the basics (age, location, and marital status) to more detailed characteristics (physical appearance, church involvement, church denomination, whether they smoke or drink, and more). You can create and save 5 different sets of search criteria, allowing you to easily run these searches whenever you like.
That detailed search query you just performed to find matches that meet your specific criteria? You can save that search (save up to 5 Saved Searches, actually) which not only allows you to run it again at any time, but also lets you receive new matches via email, based on that criteria. You can also choose how often you would like to receive new matches via email. Spending a few minutes creating one or more Saved Searches and then setting to receive new matches by email is a great way to stay connected with the Cafe without too much work.
Not all Christian singles on meet through matchmaking searches. They also meet through our message-board style chat. Our Christian forums are a great option. What better way to really get to know someone than to observe how they interact with others while discussing various topics?