Real Love! What does real love mean?

real love
What is the meaning of real love? How can we honor Jesus’ sacrifice for all of us at Easter? What is the meaning of God’s love for humanity? Dr. Jim gives some insight about how Christians should honor Christ’s sacrifice this Easter. As Easter begins, let’s not forget that nothing speaks more clearly of God’s Love than the Cross!

Real love

The night was still and dry, as only it can be on the desert. It was so quiet with only a dog barking in the distance. The 33 year old single man had not slept all night as he wrestled with anguish in what he knew was about to take place when the sun came up. It would be a shameful day, one filled with great pain and rejection – a day he did not deserve.

Suddenly the glow of a candle faintly threw its glow across his room. He could hear voices down the hall as men were awakening and rising to the day’s activities. He found himself holding his breath as he awaited the beginning of the day of days.

Am I a Christian?

Am I Christian
Sometimes Christians are not sure if they are following God and the question pops up: Am I a real Christian? Does just because I’m a good person make me automatically a Christian? Will my life be easy if I follow Christ? Here is some great guidance for Christian singles who want to actively follow Jesus in their daily lives.

Dear Jim: Am I really a Christian?

It’s easy to fall into the assumption when one writes for a Christian dating site that all reading the articles are Christians. God has provided an awesome gift available to all – but not all have received it. Allow me to share some thoughts in how I believe this is the ultimate experience.

Being Single and Trusting in God

Today’s post is for Christian single women and the heart-break of many who want to meet their special someone. Waiting on God for His timing is the key. Today’s guest blogger, Joanne Ellison, speaks from the heart in a short video.

Joanne Ellison: Many women come to me about being single when they want to be married. Let’s look at the book of Hosea to get some perspective on this.

About Joanne

Snow Or Snow Job?

sin and how to make it right
Pastor Jim discusses the importance of recognizing our sin and giving it over to God to make us clean and pure again, just like fresh fallen snow!

Let It Snow, Let It Snow…

Snow presents some interesting comparisons for our consideration. I heard someone share on the radio this week that snow is an equalizer. It makes everything appear beautiful. No matter what lies underneath, it blots out the ugly and presents a picture that can make artists become famous when they capture it on canvas.

The Biggest Voice: When God talks to you.

internal voice
Everyone has an internal voice that we hear in our heads daily. The question is, is this a positive or negative voice? Pastor Jim explores this issue and provides advice on how to interpret that voice within.

Your Internal Voice

You and I have it and we have heard it over and over again. No matter how much noise may be exploding around us, we never have any trouble hearing it clearly. It is our internal voice and it carries on a dialogue with us every waking moment. The question is not if we hear this voice, but what is the voice saying?

God’s PathThe Shortest Distance

god's path
Enjoying the journey of life with God, rather than focusing only on the destination. Finding God’s path for your life.

What Type of Path Are You On?

The saying goes that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. It might work in math but it certainly does not work in life. The distance between two points in one’s life is more like a zigzag or spiral with both ups and downs. The myth is that one can pick a point and go straight to it!

Your “Suddenly” Moment

Suddenly Moment

Pastor Jim provides advice on learning to appreciate and embrace the “suddenly” moments with God.

What Are You Waiting For?

Much of life is waiting for something to happen. Minutes turn into hours, hours into days, days into months, and months into years. Waiting too often becomes more about the clock seeming to stand still. Where is that moment when it turns and what you have been waiting for “suddenly” arrives?

Are You Wasting Your Time?

Wasting Your Time

How we use our time can significantly contribute to the quality of our lives. In this article, Dr. Jim discusses three areas where we can improve how our time is spent: Online, Worrying, Dating.

How do you spend your time? Time is a very valuable commodity and one that cannot be recaptured. You have choices of how you will spend your time. As you wake up in the morning, what is your first thought? Okay, after having a cup of coffee.

Making Room for Joy in Times of Trial


How Do You Embrace the Joy of the Lord? Read the thoughts on this topic from Pastor Jim:

One of the truths of living is that we often realize the most growth and make healthy changes through times of trial or challenge. Coaches know this principle and create ‘dis-ease’ to disorganize the norm so that it can be replaced with a new habit or practice.

God is the creator of life and the principles to live life successfully. He allows us to experience ‘dis-ease’ in hopes that it will build awareness that we need to make some changes.