The perfect match is someone we desire even though we know it’s impossible to meet (as no one’s perfect). However single Christians still search for this “incredible” person to be part of their lives, after being hurt from previous relationships. Dr. Jim shows that instead of searching for the right one, singles should be working on becoming the right one.
Dear Jim: How do I stop desiring or looking for the perfect match who won’t hurt or cheat on me?
Wow – that is a big question! One way or another this question has been posed to me many times. What is being said in this question?
- I have been hurt and I do not want to feel that pain again
- As much as I do not want to be hurt, I want even stronger to find someone whom I can trust to build a healthy relationship
- I have big time defenses up now and I am afraid to let any of them down
- Fear is my primary motivation as I seek a new relationship