True Love – What is true love?

True Love guest writer K.L. Freebyrd writes about the real meaning of true love. This is about what some people dream about and what reality brings us. And, how building a solid relationship in Christ can make our relationships stronger with each other.

What is true love?

A question millions of us ask ourselves at some point in our lives, whether seeking a mate in the dating scene, or just after a breakup. It is a question that Christians and non Christians have struggled with throughout the ages. It’s controversial and often subjective.

Some people dream of a knight in shining armor saying all the right things at all the right times, without a single complaint, whisking us away off into the sunset to live happily ever after. Others may think it means having an undeniable, unfading connection with a soul mate who never argues and accepts us exactly how we are without judgment or strife. Sounds great, doesn’t it? There are just a few small flaws with that perception.

Real Love! What does real love mean?

real love
What is the meaning of real love? How can we honor Jesus’ sacrifice for all of us at Easter? What is the meaning of God’s love for humanity? Dr. Jim gives some insight about how Christians should honor Christ’s sacrifice this Easter. As Easter begins, let’s not forget that nothing speaks more clearly of God’s Love than the Cross!

Real love

The night was still and dry, as only it can be on the desert. It was so quiet with only a dog barking in the distance. The 33 year old single man had not slept all night as he wrestled with anguish in what he knew was about to take place when the sun came up. It would be a shameful day, one filled with great pain and rejection – a day he did not deserve.

Suddenly the glow of a candle faintly threw its glow across his room. He could hear voices down the hall as men were awakening and rising to the day’s activities. He found himself holding his breath as he awaited the beginning of the day of days.