Christian Testimony - November 2002

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 We just celebrated one year of marriage.  

1st anniversary dress up as cowboys for Christian couple

Veronica and John ham it up together as outlaws :)

And for that reason we took a picture to remember how young we were....!! Thanks for your love and support!

Veronica & John November 2002

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 Thanks to the Lord through ChristianCafe I found the most marvelous and caring man of my life.  

A man leans on a woman's shoulder as she tries to take a selfie

Colomba with her most marvelous man, Philip :)

He is English, born again as I am, we found ourselves with so many similarities and a very special bond even though we are miles apart.

I live in Guatemala, Central America and he lives North West of England.

Since we met on we have never stopped communicating with each other day by day.

The Lord has given us the opportunity to meet each other November 21st in England. We are looking forward to the big day! We will send you photographs!

May the Lord bless all of you to find that special one as we have found, Philip and I.

Colomba & Philip November 2002

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 We both joined during May 2001.  

Christian couple stand together at the altar

Adelita and Emanuel found an instant attraction :)

American Christian singles prepare to kiss after meeting and marrying

Adelita and Emanuel live very happily together!

(One day) I saw an email from Emanuel. Since I found his email interesting, I wrote him back.

We began to correspond on a daily basis. Some time later, we began to talk on the phone.

In June 2001 we began to make plans to meet in person during the 4th of July weekend. He lived in Las Cruces, New Mexico and I lived in Lubbock, Texas (about 360 miles away).

We finally met in person on July 1. He spent about a week in Lubbock and we quickly developed an emotional, spiritual, and physical attraction.

In August 2001, he flew me to Las Cruces and every month thereafter until I decided to move to Las Cruces in December 2001.

On February 10, 2002, he proposed in front of his church during a special Valentine's Day Service. Naturally, I accepted and we became husband and wife on August 17, 2002.

We continue to live happily in Las Cruces, New Mexico while serving the Lord. We both thank God for because it was through your site that we had the wonderful opportunity to meet and fall in love.

May God continue to bless your site and may more Christian couples meet their soulmates at your wonderful site. It was God and technology that ultimately stepped in and allowed us to find each other and become husband and wife.

Thank you

Adelita {Texas} & Emanuel {New Mexico} November 2002

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 It is possible to find that special mate that God knew about long ago.  

Bill and I met via, he in West Virginia, and I in Texas. We chatted online...then on the phone....and Praise God, we will soon be married.

To God be given all the Praise.

Linda & Bill November 2002

 I am now engaged!  

Thank God! for the Perfectly compatible believer that she is! She is the one!

Thanks so much for your site!

Mike November 2002

 Your customer service is one of the reasons I speak so highly of  

I pray many blessings on your website! Thank you.

Robbin November 2002

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 I am getting married next week to a wonderful Godly man I met through  

Thank you sincerely.

Stacey November 2002

 Thank you Lord and  

I found my wife on Thank you!

Peter November 2002

 I think the day I had hoped & prayed for has arrived.  

I have met someone really special from, and for that I thank you... ;)

Yours, in Him.

Frank November 2002

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 I just wanted to thank you for providing such a comfortable environment in which to meet other believers.  

I joined a year ago...only to have a positive place to go while learning how to use my computer.

I had no intention of using my time online as a "job interview". Well, I met Philip shortly after joining....we corresponded for awhile and then realized that we had feelings for each other.

We met in spring engaged in June of the same year and we are waiting for him to transfer up to Canada---then we will be married.

Our children have been 5 steps ahead of us the whole time. I will be gaining 2 beautiful step daughters...and the man that I prayed to God about.

It can happen...just look at the list of testimonies. Patience, perseverance, realistic goals will be of great help (Barbie/Ken doll ideals are not very realistic).

Prayer is at the top of the Must do list. Geography can change.....God's will for us won't.

Wow..there is so much I want to say...encouragement:

Pretense is not good; it backfires and will leave you rather hurt. It is lying...and God doesn't want us to do that.

Be yourself...there is someone out there that will love you for who you are....not who you are trying to be.

Keep taking things to does make a difference.

Thank you again.

Theresa November 2002

 Within 2 weeks of joining I sent a hello to a member, got a response and the rest is history!  

We found out that we were soul mates. I have recommended to all my Christian friends!

We are planning a wedding for next year we plan to wait and get to know each other for the next 6 months, but, we both know that we are soul mates!

I will continue to recommend your site to others. God Bless.

Janice November 2002

 I just wanted to encourage everyone with this good news...  

I met my special someone here at Christian Cafe...... and all though he lives in Canada and I in the USA ....we didn't let that become a problem for us

We simply trusted God and He worked it all out for us and we married Sept.28, 2002.

I had been here at Christian Cafe for quite awhile and hadn't found anyone and I was just about to quit.....thankfully I didn't!

So keep trusting God and don't be put off if things don't happen right away.....because God has perfect timing.

Blessings to you all and keep lifting each other up in prayer and keep God in the center of your lives.

Dorothy November 2002

10 Day Free Trial. Start today!
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Dealing with a Christian website is far better than the others.

Owena November 2002

 God moves and Joins whom He Wills together for His Purposes.  

Lesa writes: Paul and I started to talk in General chat when he first joined the site around the first of this year.

One day he comes in and asks me if I was the only one in the General Chat room. I said No! He asked if I was pulling his Leg... I again said No there were like 15 people in the room.

He shared that He had to talk to me! When we went to a Private chat he shared how he had seen just my Nickname in the Name section of the general chat window. He said it had him a Bit baffled. All of the names in the window were godsgal390, again and again.

Very Weird He said to me, What did I think happened????

I said I Haven't a Clue, and asked Him what He thought it meant? Well He said I am not sure that is why I asked You, we both laughed and decided we'd begin to chat a bit more.

After a week or so He asked for my Number and we began to talk over the phone (For many hours at a time I might add) And soon became the best of friends.

Then he brought up the possibility of becoming more than Just friends. ( Whoop whoop alarms bells whistles and off to the Races I went!!!) Man I did the dash.

I ran, not because of anything Paul was doing or saying, but because I wasn't trusting in what God was doing in us!!!!!! I Finally came to my senses when I Heard God ask me Why are you running from the Gift I am giving you?

I Told Paul I wasn't going to run any more, and I could hear him Smiling over the phone. Our friendship blossomed into a relationship Quickly.

We decided to meet face to face, and confirm what we both already knew That God was putting us together for the rest of our lives.

The Night He came to town, He shocked me, with a Beautiful Ring. (The Diamond I Left to go to the Bathroom and he had taken out the ring and hid it on his little finger, and when I sat down he asked me a question.

He said "How will we tell our Kids I Proposed to you?" Maybe by me saying How'd You like to spend the rest of your life with me and he stuck out his hand with the engagement ring on his little finger Diamond up.

Well I was Totally in Shock and wasn't able to do anything more than grunt and make a noise and nod my head up and down.... He was like is that a Yes???? I went uh huh yah umm yah bobbing my head up and down and thinking I didn't expect him to do this.

Lord....Whoa...Not the first time we laid eyes on each other. After what seemed like hours I said Yes, he said it only took me 10 mins.

Paul writes: I Had a feeling that God was leading us into a relationship. I wasn't in a Hurry, although God was, lol.

I was just happy having such a Wonderful friend. I was out to take my time. I didn't come into to find a Wife, and neither had Lesa come here to find a Husband.

We were both looking for fellowship with other Christians, and to develop friendships with men and women in the site.

Want to have your heart jump into your throat? Ask the Woman you know God has Given you wanna get hitched and have her jaw drop and all but stop breathing. Over before you got She was Speechless.

Well God Has excelled our plans; we thought maybe 6 months and married - He said Dec. So we are obeying Him with our Hearts 100% behind What He is showing us both.

We will be Mr & Mrs Paul G on Dec 21st, 2002. She has her Gown and almost everything is in place for the wedding. God is a Good God! He answers the desires of ours hearts when we follow His Will and Directions.

As we talk we see how the little things we have Asked our Father for in a Mate are there in each of us. I Mean the littlest things likes and dislikes so we are equally yoked.

It is Awesome How God moves and Joins whom He Wills together for His Purposes to show the Wedding of the Lamb and His Bride!

Paul & Lesa November 2002

 I have found the woman God has for me, on your service.  

I am from Alaska and she from the mid-west, how unlikely.

Well, we are now discussing plans for marriage and life together. Thanks.

Suntribo & Whyme November 2002

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 I met my husband Paul online at  

After many e-mails and much prayer we finally met.

After two years of dating we were married on Sept. 14th, 2002.

I never thought in a million years that I would marry a man that I met on the Internet. Believe it or not we only lived 15 minutes apart.

Tina November 2002

 I am so happy and must put myself in the "glad to have been in these pages"...  

I myself have been a " success story". In a short two weeks I have met someone in Amarillo who is my perfect match.

God works in fascinating ways. I share this in praise to God's grace and goodness and the hope He provides! I wish all of you the best in your hopes and prayers for someone to share the journey of life and ministry in this short life on earth.

She and I share more in common than hoped! My expectations were falling as I was getting more and more disappointed being lonely.

The Lord was testing me in my faithfulness to Him. Then I met my friend on She has been single her whole life and holding her standards as to what she knew a godly man should be and how she should be treated.

Even her Christian relatives had told her that her standards were too high for a godly man and now we are trusting the Lord for a good future together.

She had confided in her friends about a profile of what her future mate would be/do/ask/require/behave and she was shocked when I started asking/doing/questioning and explaining myself in ways that hit the bulls-eye in the areas of faith and relationships, values, communication, trust and courtship.

These things she had told her friends years ago and they too were shocked and amazed when she has told them about life in this new day. Hold fast to the Lord! He will continue to make you Happier!

Brian & Tammi November 2002

 I got married last month to a wonderful Christian guy whom I knew before I started  

The Lord has answered my prayers, and I thank him very much.

There is hope for others out there, so don't give up on love. God Blessings to all.

anonymous November 2002

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 Thank you so much for your wonderful website.  

The strangest thing happened... a fellow Christian online friend proposed to me....I immediately consulted with Our God Almighty and He literally spoke to me very clearly that this man was the one

Though we chatted through other means... I believe it was that provided me at least the ground to really focus on my walk with Christ... drawing me closer and closer to Him towards complete and total submission of His Holy will and desire in my life here.

We plan to marry this summer, It is truly God ordained....Our love grows and extends from His love for us individually and soon as one....smiling...your site is so beautiful.

I recommend to everyone I meet... The only reason now I would hop on your site briefly would to send a little note thanking you for providing such a meeting place for God's children seeking one another.

Well, enough said, in a very strange way, you've been such a blessing to me and now my Husband-to-be....God's way is not ours.. go figure.. huh???!!!???.... Love you all...God Bless....and Thank you!!

Marian & Gary November 2002

 I met a wonderful beautiful woman through and we are going to be married the day after Thanksgiving.  

I searched for someone with the initial qualities that I desired and she came up. I wrote and we immediately hit it off.

She was planning a trip to the US to visit family and we took advantage of the time and she's not moving back to Africa.

I possibly would never have met my future wife had I not used We feel so blessed.

anonymous November 2002

 Not only did i meet the man that GOD has in store for me but we got married at the end of June this year.  

We had only met in April but we both knew instantly that this was the person for me.

Thank you so much for everything, and also to all of those wonderful men that i met in the meantime. I just continue to pray that GOD continues to work in our lives and blesses many wonderful years together.

Thank you again for all that you have done.

anonymous November 2002

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 We want to thank you for the opportunity you provide singles to meet other Christians.  

Mike & I started off talking about things we were interested in doing and would like to do in the future. We both felt it was nice to have a pen pal and kept sending mail and talking about many different things, just enjoying the mail.

God had already known our hearts and heard our prayers for a caring, Christian, compatible spouse and we both knew one day we would meet that person.

Yes, God is faithful, after a few months of regular communication, we met and started spending time in each other's lives. It didn't take long to see we each had the personality and a place in our lives that the other fit into incredibly well!!

We, Lisa & Mike are now engaged!!! We would like to say how thankful we are, and thank for being a helpful tool for God to use.

We give God the glory and want to let others know to keep believing!!! He is faithful in his promises!

Lisa & Mike November 2002

 We appreciate all the hard work you do.  

And for the quality results of your labor under God's direction.

Mike November 2002

 Thank you for your service.  

You make possible far more than you may realize; bringing lonely hearts together is just a part of it. Christ is building his body through Blessings.

Bob November 2002

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 I originally signed onto with the intention of finding interesting conversation...  

...something unique and fun to look at in my spare time...however, I was NOT expecting God to introduce me to my future husband!

Marc and I stumbled upon one another, talking hrs and hrs into the evenings about our families, college, friends, and our walks with was so refreshing to finally meet someone who valued the things I did, moral standards, and out to seek God's Will in their life.

He was funny, sweet, all those wonderful characteristics we ladies are looking for (wink)...however, something struck me about him.

He lived in PA, I lived in Atlanta...therefore, "meeting for coffee" wasn't possible...However, Marc decided it was time to investigate what God had laid on both of our hearts: he flew to Atlanta in June and we met!

Since then, it seems as though we've become inseparable, (well, when in the same town!!! Traveling expenses are insane for us!).... To make a long story short, we recently got engaged last week!!!

I am so happy and so incredibly blessed to have met Marc, to have him in my life...God is awesome, and continues to show his love and light through people such as Marc.

Thank you for helping me find my husband! (wedding in June 2003!)

Lara & Marc November 2002

 I met my future husband here and we are getting married Nov. 1st in Maui.  

He is so wonderful and truly a gift from the Lord.

Please continue to offer to us Christians because the Lord has someone chosen for everyone and he finally sent me my dream; everything I prayed for.

Amy November 2002

 I want you to know how impressed I am with  

Not only is it well-conceived and easy to use, but the women I've met have been genuinely Christian--not something I can say for other so-called "Christian" dating sites.

Bob November 2002

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 After a few months on, I've found someone whom I believe God has chosen for me.  

Thank you for providing a forum by which Christians can connect.

God has used to richly bless me.

Mark November 2002

 I met my husband on nearly 3 1/2 years ago.  

We lived two hours away from each other, but found a way to spend time together. He is my soulmate, and I cherish our relationship.

We kneel next to the bed every night and pray together, something that was lacking in my life before. God has blessed us over and over.

Thank you for the excellent site.

Carol November 2002

 Since joining over a year ago, I have had the blessing of meeting many wonderful Christian women in my area of Southern California.  

I joined not only because I wanted to meet a woman who loved the Lord, but one that shared the same hopes, goals, moral values and dreams for the future. I was finally led to her.

About 2 months ago I met Kelly on and my life will never be the same. As a matter of fact, it was she that sent the first email.

Since that time we have grown closer each and every day and we can honestly say that we are looking forward to a lifetime together.

My message to those of you who are taking the time to read this is, understand that you WILL find the "right one" in God's time, NOT yours.

I thought I was ready a year ago. God knew I was not. Trust Him. He loves you and He wants you to be happy.

He alone knows who is right for you. He is preparing them for you right now! What a wonderful God we have!! :o)

Scot November 2002

 Stacey and I met on the Cafe.  

To tell you the truth, I wasn't looking for somebody who had kids. So, every time I did my searches, I ended up with only "unattached" ladies.

One night I decided to broaden my horizons. I have always wanted kids; I just never imagined myself falling in love with someone who had prior commitments.

But, here I am. Stacey and I met and started talking. We decided to meet here and take things as they came.

There was something extraordinary about her from the very first meeting, but I wouldn't allow myself to "fall into" anything. We are getting married next month, Lord willing and I tell you I have never been more at peace and yet excited about the future.

She is my missing half. I am grateful to the kids at Christian Cafe for their help in finding my Mrs. Best to you all in the search for God's best....oh, and never ever compromise....what's the point!? God has his best in store for you....wait for it and never give up hope.

Joe & Stacey November 2002

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