Anton and Elizma have had the best time of their lives since meeting!
Elizma and Anton are having a blissful marriage
My husband and I met on this site, as we are both from South Africa.
Last year we got engaged and later in October we got married.
Despite the fact that we lived more that 1800 Km in distance away from each other, we pursued our true love and now after 7 Months of blissful happiness, I can honestly say that this has been the best year in my entire adult life.
God comforts those who have been rejected and He bestows grace and mercy on those who as for His help. He has given me a second chance and for that I will remain eternally grateful.
Elizma {South Africa} & Anton-Biscuit409 {South Africa} June 2003
[Editor's note: See August 2002 testimonial for their engagement announcement!]
Raga is eternally grateful to Charlie for allowing her the opportunity to meet Wllm!
I spent 3 years on and off of And always love the chat. I met many a good friend in chat.
I had a few dates. Really nothing to write home about. So I had resolved that I was just in for the fellowship. There are some truly awesome people in chat and I always got a lot out of my time talking to them.
Well one night in chat a gentleman, Charlie, whom I did not know, asked me why I was on "on again off again" for 3 years.
I told him I really couldn't afford it but loved the fellowship. He decided he wanted to bless me with a free year. I was just a little unsure whether or not to let him do that.
It was a big thing for a complete stranger to do for me. I asked a few friends what they thought and then decided okay.
Within days I met WLLM on Wllm had just decided to go ahead and pay for a few months too. We met in chat, my favorite hang out.
It was funny I was alone in chat with just a few guys including wllm. We were talking cars:) I guess I quick messaged him first.
Wllm is everything I always told God I wanted in a man. I truly believe Charlie and were a part of God's plan for my life. I would not have met Wllm any other way.
Wllm makes me so happy. He is a great father, friend, and husband.
So to all my friends, hang in there, be patient, and God will take care of you like he did me :) Thank you and thank you Charlie.
Raga & Wllm June 2003
Matt is everything Angela prayed for and more!
Thank you so much!! I met a few men through that for one reason or another were not the one I was meant to be with.
I had started to lose hope and if I hadn't been so stubborn and just left it in God's hands to begin with, I could have saved myself a lot of grief.
Matt had written to me and we lost touch for a little bit while I was in the middle of finals but then connected again and met in person. I had absolutely no expectations based on my previous experiences and was pleasantly surprised that we connected instantly from the very first second we met.
He is everything that I prayed for and more. His heart never ceases to amaze me. He is the most loving and caring man I have ever met and I am happy to say that we are already planning our future together.
Thank you for creating this outlet for us to have found each other and praise God for putting us both in the same place at the same time.
Angela & Matt June 2003
Chris is so glad he persevered with Amee: look at them now!
Amee has been such a blessing in my life. When I entered this site I was just looking for other Christians to talk to.
I'm in the Air Force and had just moved to Utah and was wanting to talk with other Christians. After about a week on this site I met Amee, she ignored me two times so just short of stalking her she replied on the third. I'm glad she did...
This was just about a year ago. We talked on the site for a few weeks then on the phone. After about a month we met in person. Wow a true Princess. We spent a few days together getting to know one another. We saw each other a few more times and spent many hours on the phone before I was sent to the Persian Gulf for 6 months.
God was working His plan, it was hard but we really got to know each other through e-mails and my 3-20 minute phone calls I was allowed each week. God has played such a role in our relationship. Amee has such a love for God and it's reflected in her life.
I wish I could truly express my love for her. I thank the lord for her every chance I get...She will be my bride in June...
Chris & Amee June 2003
Distance couldn't keep Eric and Sarah apart and now they're engaged!
I would just like to say thanks, because of the wonderful site here at Christian Cafe, my fiancee and I met here in August 2002, met in person Nov. 2002 and we are now engaged and she will be moving down here in September 2003, with plans to marry soon.
We just want to say thanks and keep up the great ministry!
Eric & Sarah June 2003
Thankfully God was so kind to Dan: He brought her Tonya!
After all... who am I to reject a gift from God??? At the time I really wasn't looking for a mate, but instead for fellowship, friendship and support.
Tonya and I met in late January 2003 and began a lively and interesting discussion on faith and its role in our lives. Some weeks later I sat in my living room after a phone call from Tonya metaphorically rubbing my cheek from the slap God had given me.
My 5 children were no longer a stunning revelation that made her nervous about starting a relationship with me. Instead they were an awesome opportunity for a large extended family where she could use the caring and supportive mother's heart that God had given her.
And her overly religious attitude and comments were no longer something I viewed as idealistic and naive.
Fast forward to May 3rd 2003. We shared the most incredible union that God has graced the human race with, that being marriage. We had originally planned to be married later in the summer but God had other plans.
I really want to praise God for His faithfulness. I want to thank Him for listening to prayers, and more importantly for remembering them. Tonya is a combination of all those things that I've asked God for from my youth until now.
Dan & Tonya June 2003
Melissa has been tremendously blessed with Tony!
What I did not know is that God had someone very special in store for me. His name is Tony and he joined long before I did. We had our first email and instant message experiences the end of September/early October 2001.
He flew from his home in NYC to my hometown, Nashville, TN, in December 2001 to meet me after hours and hours of phone conversations...and HUGE phone bills.
We got engaged while he was in Nashville that first time and were married on August 31, 2002. We now live in NYC and are preparing to do some sort of vocation ministry. How good God is! How amazing are His loving gifts to His children!
Thanks so much for providing the meeting place of my soul mate, best friend and love of my life. God bless you as you serve His purposes. (John 10:10)
Melissa {Tennessee} & Tony {New York} June 2003
I have found the man of my life. Praise the Lord!!!!!
Annie June 2003
She fills my life with joy and happiness that I thought impossible. She makes me want to become a better man...a man following in the advice of Paul to his students Timothy and Titus. I write tonight in Praise of God and His miracles.
We continue to grow and learn from each other. She does complete me. Our relationship is based on trust, honor, respect, and love, but most importantly our love of Christ as savior. She is amazing and I thank for providing this medium for us to meet when we otherwise most likely would not have. We are early in our relationship but I believe because Christ is the center of our relationship he will guide us to a great future!!!!
Chris June 2003
I have had use of significant functionality and usage. I may in fact, sign up for a paid subscription. I have not done so on any site for one reason. Other dating sites offer a 'free trial' but the functionality is so limited that it's not a trial. To really trial their site you have to pay, there is no real free trial. seems a credible organization. Thank you very much for that. Soon you may have me as a real customer because your site works well, your database of people is good, and most importantly - you did not bait and switch with your trial offer. You gave honest value in order to win my as a patron. Good job.
Jeff June 2003
I made her my wife. We have been married for one year in April. It has been such a blessing. She is so wonderful to me and my children. I thank God for her every day. I am very grateful for your service.
James June 2003
We have not met face to face yet as we are worlds apart but all sounds promising. He has called me thrice in less than a week just this week. He is nice and honest. I believe him and I have faith in God that if this friendship blossoms into a deeper one, it is God's will. At the right time, we shall be together at the right place.
I continually pray for the opportunity that we have in meeting here at, in sharing who we are and what we are to each other as friends, as more than friends in the immediate future. With God's blessing, I know He'd lead us one. Thank you, Father for your grace.
anonymous June 2003
We started writing to each other in February 2002. We were married Jan 10, 2003.
Rita June 2003
Last February 14, 2002, I prayed to God what I want to be in the future and what the characteristics of my ideal man should be. I was so sincere before God. Then on February 17, 2002, Mr. Sunrise introduced himself and his honesty for praising my profile. Since then, we have our everyday conversations through phone and through email. Soon thereafter, he proposed.
At first I was hesitant 'coz I still have plans for myself in my native land. I asked him if this is God's will or the enemy's puzzle. We both prayed and soon enough we realized that God wants us to be together. He visited my country in Southeast Asia twice.
After a year we got married in his country in North America. Now, we are happily married. We are both trusting God for whatever future HE wants us to have.
I thank Jesus for answering my prayer, for giving me my ever beloved ideal man. My husband and I have the same traits. He is indeed my perfect man.
Bravo!!! I told my best friends that this website is very reliable. Here, you can meet true Christian people. I asked my friends to join in.
anonymous June 2003
I met Steve on I never could have imagined that a man was out there that was perfect for me and I would meet him on the internet! We know that God's hand was in this and that despite us living hundreds of miles apart, we were meant to be together forever!
We are planning a Spring 2004 wedding and I am relocating hundreds of miles away from my family and normally that would have frightened the daylights out of me....but not with Steve! I know that that is where I am supposed to be at this point in my life and forever!! Thanks again for bringing us together for our life together!
Missy & Steve June 2003
I wrote to him because we have the same birthday and I thought that was funny. I live in Cincinnati and he lives in Columbus so we were close enough to date but probably never would have found each other if not for your site. I call him "Prince Charming" because he is; I am so blessed to have him in my life.
He says he'd been praying for someone like me for a long time and could hardly believe it when we found each other. I wrote to him on January 2 and he wrote back on January 4. Our first face to face date was January 18 and our first kiss was Valentine's Day (how romantic is THAT??).
On March 22, he turned 40 and I turned 36. He asked me to marry him by means of a scavenger hunt May 4 and we'll be married October 25th, 2003. To quote a song, "Some people say it was a whirlwind romance; we just said it was a long time coming."
We are looking forward to our new life together and we thank God for
Deb {Ohio} June 2003
Craig and I met on in March. We were so well suited! I have never loved anyone like how I love Craig.
I can't imagine my life without him! I am moving to BC so we can be together! We are getting married in September of this year!
He is everything and more that I have dreamed about! God has truly blessed my life! I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him! Praise God!
anonymous June 2003
I met Tim in April and I am a witness that you can find love and God's divine mate for your life right here on, if you PUSH=Pray until something happens.
anonymous June 2003
I have waited my whole life for her and we both feel so blessed and fortunate that God has brought us together.
Abide in the Lord, have faith that He will bless you, then relax and expect the inevitable blessing. It will happen in His time when He feels you are ready, not in your time.
But, if you are abiding faithfully, it will happen for you. May God's blessings be upon all of you as we revel in the joy of our happiness. Thanks, .
Jeffrey & Debra June 2003
I knew the first time I spoke to him that he was really special, and knew the first time I saw him that I wanted to be with him forever. I married him a month after that, and have never been happier in my life. Thank you so much for helping us find each other.
Gina June 2003
God does truly work in mysterious and great ways! Last summer when I joined, I was blessed with contacts, email buddies and some casual encounters.
I was beginning to think that this would become a hobby, contacting and emailing quick search matches when out of the blue someone contacted me, wanting me to contact her girlfriend. (In fact, that was the main reason she got on, to find someone for her best friend!) Well, I found her profile more in sync with mine and replied accordingly.......................we are now proceeding into a God driven, Spirit filled and Christ centered courtship! Praise God! Yee-haw and Amen!
anonymous June 2003
This was my first time on and it was her 2nd time around on the site trying to search for the one that God has had in mind for us all along. She sent me a message...we started communicating for 2 weeks until she got HOT feet! Not cold feet, as in staying away, but hot feet as in, "it seems too perfect!" So I decided to stay low for awhile as I thought that friendship was definitely an option, but I was tired of saying to people, " least we could be friends".
1 1/2 weeks go by and I started thinking about her and decided to send her an email that I was thinking about and praying for her AND THEN she answered my email again :) She had been thinking about me the entire time as well, but she stated that she had needed the time to make sure of her feelings and spent some serious time in prayer with her Father.
God gave her complete peace and confirmed that I was the one to open her heart to, as she has guarded it for a very long time. We talked on the phone for about a week and made plans to see each other on a Saturday. By this time we were so in tune, it was surreal! We started to complete each other's sentences.
We were going to go down to the beach until she found out about a weekend camping trip I gave up on to see her. She threw me for a curve ball by saying it would be great to go camping! After thinking about it, I felt truly at peace taking her to meet friends of mine. Now don't forget this was our first meeting :)
Throughout the entire weekend everything flowed like a river, not like a tidal wave, but an evenly peaceful flow of emotions. We are so strong in God individually first, NOW together, that we feel Him smiling on us. This IS love at first sight. And one day, I will make her my wife :) Amen.
anonymous June 2003
My thanks goes out to God for supplying someone with the vision to create a website that helps Christians meet the people that God had in mind for them... I've been on twice now. In February I met some nice women, but it turned out they would become just friends. When I returned in April I met someone that has helped me to change my outlook on love and friendship forever.
Danielle has shown me that the true love of God does exist in the hearts of humans after all. Our relationship is just beginning, but all indications point to many great things to come. I never really believed that there was one woman created just for me, but she's proving that I was wrong in that department as well.
I thank God first and foremost for giving me the chance at true love with a woman that is a combination of all that I desire.
Secondly I thank for helping me to see that two complete strangers can, if looking through the eyes of God, become best of friends and so much more.
Danielle, I love you with all my heart.
anonymous June 2003
I just wanted to say thank you for the great Christian service you have provided!
After a few months of talking with many people, developing great friendships and learning how Christ works in awesome ways, I have started a relationship with an amazing man!
The wonderful thing about it, is that we live in the same city! I'm praying that God is glorified in this relationship... and if nothing else, I have many amazing friends who are praying for me because of this site!
Mel June 2003
In February I submitted my profile and I started chatting. After chatting a couple of months with Henry, on April 11, he told me I LOVE YOU and I told him me too!!! Both of us knew everything came from GOD and we didn't plan anything and the only thing we decided is to be honest, open minded and willing, and pray.
In this prayer time I asked the Lord "I only will be sure it comes from you if the man you are sending comes to Mexico for us to get to know each other and I have not asked for it".
One day after I had prayed, Henry sent a note saying he wanted to know the name of the nearest Airport to me!!! As you can see at this point my heart started beating fast and I thought "OH GOD! you really work so fast!"
He came to Mexico April 21-25, and believe me, it was a DREAM COME TRUE!!! In the next days, the love was increased by our Lord and everything he was saying and feeling, I was feeling the same!! It really is awesome!!!
Then I continued praying, keeping hope alive because every word he sent included strength and I told GOD "my precious Lord now I know this is the victorious man I have been asking you for, for many years. My dream has come true!! Thank you". I was receiving phone calls daily!! Yes, you read DAILY!!! He is in NEW YORK and I'm in Mexico, can you imagine? Oh God!!!
Recently (May 21-25) I went to New York and we had a wonderful time - another Dream come true!!! Wow!! And I know we must await for God's time and His will but I'm sure He made everything for LOVE!!! The most important part is that everything began and has stayed in spirit and faith!!! Yes I fell in Love spiritually, and believe me, this is the first time in my life that I feel this different way to love.
Of course, all was reinforced when we met each other and shared & spent time together, but all I can say is, keep your faith in God, you will never be let down, NEVER, because He loves everybody and has a specific plan for everybody. But also respect the time of the Lord and all you can do is leave everything in His Holy hands and He will give always the best for us!!!!,, EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE IN THE NAME OF GOD!!!
Thank you for all this time and GOD BLESS EVERYBODY!!!
Miriam {Mexico} & Henry {New York} June 2003
I am thankful to "the Lord" for guiding me to this site. I did not know there was a Christian site available!
So imagine my surprise when I actually found the most beautiful young Christian man on this site. After reading his profile I wanted to meet him right away and imagine my heart beating as we talked and actually had just about everything in common.....I love it!
I can be the woman I have always wanted to be with him...(myself). We have only just begun our friendship but I pray that "the Lord" will bless him and I together, and will allow us to merge into "one" with "the Lord".
Thank you for and I hope many more will attain their hearts' desire thru this beautiful cafe site!
Eve June 2003