A very happy Asia marries the love of her life, Jeremy
Jeremy isn't letting go of Asia!
We thank you and will always remember ChristianCafe.com. We love you!
Love and God bless,
Jeremy & Asia August 2002
[Editor's note: See February 2002 testimonial for their engagement announcement!]
Elizma prevailed and met her love, Anton!
I joined ChristianCafe.com after having recovered through the grace of God, from the worst kind of divorce filled with betrayal and deception.
I was immediately overwhelmed by the amount of response I received, but one day, after doing a quick match , I found "Biscuit409". I wrote to him and he responded. I just fell in love with him and all his good qualities that he possesses.
I received confirmation that this is God's will in the book of Ruth and since then we never looked back. We are getting married on the 5th of October this year.
To all others out there, who have been betrayed by their loved ones, or who are lonely, please trust in God and faith will prevail as God destined your perfect partner for you before you where even born.
Thanks for this brilliant site.
Elizma {South Africa} & Anton-Biscuit409 {South Africa} August 2002
[Editor's note: See June 2003 testimonial for their wedding photos!]
Jo praises God for having met Ken
I was on ChristianCafe.com for a little over a year and have met several wonderful friends through your service.
Best of all this past April I met Ken and we have fallen in love and plan to be married Oct 12 of this year.
I just wanted to say "Thank you very much for your service."
After being married for 29 years and he for 21 years, we both found ourselves divorced. Neither of us ever thought we would ever be divorced and after being married for so long.
ChristianCafe.com was an easy way of meeting people again. We were both single for about 2 years and we are now looking forward to married life again.
I praise God for what he has done in my life and I thank you.
Jo & Ken August 2002
David holds tight to the most amazing woman he's ever met, Janice
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for providing such a wonderful service and tell you how well ChristianCafe.com works.
Back in September of 2001 I joined ChristianCafe.com in the hopes of finding my true love. We have been dating since mid-September and have wedding plans for June of 2004.
Currently, we live 3 hours away from each other but that has not impeded us one bit from falling completely in love with each other. In a couple of months she will be moving to my hometown so we can be closer together.
It's amazing to think where we would be without ChristianCafe.com. Truly we were meant to meet, and were it not for your outstanding service who knows if/when it would have happened! From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you and keep you and your service in our prayers.
Thank you and God Bless!
David & Janice August 2002
Thank you, again, for your devoted time to serving people who just want to meet some other great Christians and hopefully God would bless them in the process with His best for them. :))
Christie August 2002
Your service is UNSURPASSED!
Val August 2002
I think what you are doing is good. Blessings.
Faye August 2002
I want to thank you guys for the awesome job you are doing in.
Andrea August 2002
Thanks to Christian Cafe, I have found a Godly woman three states away.
We met on ChristianCafe.com and now we are planning a life together.
Tyro August 2002
We met on ChristianCafe.com and are now married.....to each other...what started off as friendship-based intentions....quickly escalated to getting married.......God Bless All.
anonymous August 2002
The information on people's profiles confirms so much on how God is trying to rebuild relationships that He can use.
People are so lost and as we all combine our hearts and spirits together and continually pray, that is good in the sight of God. Even though we all felt that we were suppose to stay within our vows of marriage, because it was our will and not His, He released us to better our relationship with Him and to a new partner.
With healthy relationships come healthy spirits to serve Him better. Good luck to all of us and God be praised.
anonymous August 2002
I met my (hopefully last) girlfriend Pamela here and she is as profoundly warm and brilliant as I'd long hoped a woman could be... and just as easy on the eyes too. :)
We have been dating for 3 months and we still can't believe God's grace in allowing us to come to know one another. Thank you Lord. And thanks to you also, ChristianCafe.com.
David & Pamela August 2002
Thank you for everything and I will tell people about you all as I have had a successful time.
anonymous August 2002
I had recently started going to Church, this is from where I received so much hope and faith in God, God brought me closer to him.
Before I found that I had a reason to live, one day I said to myself, I will go to Church and so I did, this was starting in May 2002. The feeling of being present in church each time made me so happy. God gave me so much strength and helped me when I was so devastated and so helpless, this was not an easy part.
Going to church lightened my heart and my life and made me so peaceful from within, so happy. One day I was looking through a few sites on the Internet as I wanted to learn more about Christianity and learn more about God's teachings.
I learnt so much about how faith touched people's lives and how miracles happened in their lives. I learnt so much. I came across ChristianCafe.com, I first signed up for my membership on 1st July 2002, all this was very exciting for me, had my photos posted and started writing to members.
This was very exciting but I was nervous and scared too at the same time. Hands almost shaking when writing to members and when opening my account. I thought that no one would be so interested in me so I left this to God's hands.
God knew that my life was in his hands. I saw Thomas's profile and mailed to Thomas on the 9th July 2002 and got a response from him. We continued to email and in each email, we found out that we had so many similarities, so much in common, we shared our honesty, our openness, our shyness, our simplicity, so much love to share and give, so much love and respect for others.
This was amazing, I never thought or imagined that our feelings could get stronger day by day in this short time. I would say we clicked, yes we did, and God was and still is with us.
I am still counting my blessings that I replied to Thomas. One email after the other, now at times about 20 to 30 emails in a day. I live in Suva, Fiji and Thomas lives in Pennsylvania, imagine this far but we would still write.
Emails after emails and time had expired. We never stopped sharing our emotions and now each day I feel closer to God and closer to Thomas. We connected and this is something which we are serious about.
So now we both pray, Thomas goes to his church every Sunday and I go to my church here in Suva, Fiji, we both feel so blessed. We pray to God to give us a way to be together.
Today we cannot begin to thank God enough for bringing us together and for allowing us to be patient in waiting to meet one another. We believe that we are SOUL MATES. Thomas and I thank God and want to serve God in every way and by being good people on this earth, for as long as we live, to honor, love and respect each other, our loved ones and others.
Thank you for this site, it helps a lot of people to start a new life, to live again, just like we have. May God Bless ChristianCafe.com for this blessing in our lives and may it continue to draw more people who were meant to be together through God and his will.
I strongly believe that we were meant to be together, to be soul mates. I LOVE YOU THOMAS WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL AND ALWAYS WILL.
Geeta {Fiji} & Thomas {Pennsylvania} August 2002
I definitely will be referring it to others that I know. I have had a lot of fun on it! Blessings in Christ,
Pete August 2002
We exchanged messages for months, talked on the phone and finally met. When we did, we already knew we were in love.
Marilyn August 2002
Had it not been for ChristianCafe.com this never would this have happened. I will be moving from Kentucky to Texas within the next month.
Also I might add that I was always looking at the profiles that had photos. One evening after seriously thinking that just maybe I was putting too much emphasis on looks, I decided to look at other profiles that had no photos.
Bill was on line and I sent a quick message. That just started it all. The next thing we were going to the chat room which I had never done before. I know God directed this from day one!!
When he posted his photo, I thought 'he is good looking!'. We met and never want to be alone again. Never could have met anyone more compatible than we are.
ChristianCafe.com really works!! Thanks,
Joyce {Kentucky} & Bill {Texas} August 2002
We are still together and will probably get married. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for your website!
I am grateful beyond words. I found my soulmate, and it was through ChristianCafe.com. I have referred many friends to ChristianCafe.com and they have also loved your site!
We all think that it's really cool and that you guys do a really good job. Thank you SO MUCH!
Janel August 2002
I have met many different people and some of them have come to be dear friends. What I did not really believe however is that I would actually meet my very best friend who would turn out to be the love of my life!
I met Duane in February, and after a few months of chatting and phone calls we decided to meet. He came up from Texas to see me in Alberta, Canada and there was all the anticipation, nervousness & wonderment of that "first meeting"!
He is very wonderful, my answered prayer, and we are to be getting married next spring - I'm so excited! Where there is love there are no boundaries and if we hold on to our faith & trust in Jesus he will for sure give us the desires of our hearts.
I am so thankful to God for his promises and faithfulness; he has brought back to me ten-fold everything that was lost to me and thought gone forever, given me new hope, a new beginning and a future filled with love and joy. Thank you Lord!
Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" (NIV)
Nyla {Alberta} & Duane {Texas} August 2002
The week before I signed up for ChristianCafe.com little did I know while I was walking around Pitt campus my now fiance's a truck driver and mover and was helping someone move to Massachusetts 1 block from the campus and on the same street I walk down everyday.
He was originally from CT, and a fluke trip had sent him down there. When he went back to up to CT, he had already been a ChristianCafe.com member, but it had run out, so he signed up for a year membership thinking it would take a long time to find someone worthwhile since his other membership proved unfruitful.
Meanwhile, I was doing research for a project and the search brought me to ChristianCafe.com website for some reason. I clicked on the link and I figured why not give it a try and signed up for a membership and posted my pic. (This was May 9th )
That night I browsed a bunch of profiles and came across a guy who I found most intriguing and I was nervous to go on a limb and email someone, but he was the first I emailed.
I admitted later that his handle name on ChristianCafe.com also caught my eye, since I love marine animals with a passion. He replied back immediately. But I waited 2 days until I replied back to not seem too anxious that he had written me back.
From that point on, we averaged 5 to 6 emails a day. By the end of May, May 26th to be exact Nate drove 10 hrs from Connecticut to Pittsburgh. From 10am to Midnight we talked and walked around campus and at night we read the Bible by the moonlight.
At the moment the stars came out we realized with how much we had in common and how much we connected that this was something to be serious about. So we both got our affairs in order and prayed that God would give us a way so that we could be together.
2 weeks later Nate got a new job that would allow me to move up to Connecticut with him. Now 2 months after being in Connecticut with Nate the once butterflykisss259 and bigaquarium821 plan to marry this August 3rd, 2002.
We cannot begin to thank God enough for bringing us together and for allowing us to be patient in waiting on relationships that would harm us after being burned many times so that we could find each other.
We are sure that even if we had not met on ChristianCafe.com, God would have found another way to bring us together. Nate and I strive to serve God and if we're ever around when it starts winding down to the end times when our precious Lord and Savior comes back to his people we hope to make a safe haven for Christians in the Midwest.
God Bless ChristianCafe.com for this huge blessing in our lives and may it continue to draw more people who were meant to be together through God and his will! =)
Samantha-bigaquarium821 {Pennsylvania} & Nathan-butterflykisssc259 {Connecticut} April 2003
[Editor's note: See April 2003 for an update on their marriage!]
There is a girl I go to school with and while I was at school God used her as a messenger to tell me things that He wanted me to know.
I haven't seen or heard from her in a while, but God brought us together for her to give me another special message from Him.
We are not involved in any way other than when God uses her to talk to me. I just wanted to let you know that your site is blessed, and seen by God.
anonymous August 2002
We've been going out about 2 months now and I couldn't have been blessed with a more awesome person. He coincidentally lived in south NJ and I was already moving to nearby Philadelphia.
I've had to struggle a lot financially and he's helped me and supported me so much. Now I've also been blessed with a great job as of yesterday and was accepted to grad school at the University of Pennsylvania!
Margie August 2002
anonymous August 2002
Reason: met a wonderful guy on ChristianCafe.com, and will not be looking further. Thank you,
Amy August 2002
We are happily married and she is moving from Grand Rapids to WA where she and her daughter and I will share our lives together.
Nick {Washington State} August 2002
Now we are doing the work of the ministry. We thought you should know how God used ChristianCafe.com.
anonymous August 2002
I believe ChristianCafe.com was a tool for me to meet him. Understand I never go on chat rooms etc. This was a once only occasion which I felt led to do as an act of faith and he contacted me within one hour, and the rest is now history, awaiting the future destiny to be fulfilled.
anonymous August 2002
If you wait on God for your life partner God will surely send one over to you and they will be waiting for you. I know it is true.
This is for that special lady I met on ChristianCafe.com five months ago and all my fellow ChristianCafe.com mates. These are llrics from a song by Rebecca St James and hope that all will be blessed. The song is called WAIT FOR ME.
Darling did you know that /I dream about you/ Waiting for the look in your eyes/When we meet for the first time /Darling did you know that I /I pray about you/Praying that you will hold on/ Keep your loving eyes only for me/ I am waiting for praying for you darling /wait for me too/Wait for me as I wait for you/I am waiting for you /Praying for you darling /Wait for me too/Wait for me as I wait for you /Darling wait /Darling did you know I dream about life together knowing it will be forever /I'll be yours and you'll be mine /And darling when I say /Till death do us part /I 'll mean it with all my heart /Now and always faithful to you /I am waiting for/Praying for you darling/Wait for me too/Wait for me as I wait for you/I am waiting for/Praying for you darling /Wait for me too/Wait for me as I wait for you/Darling wait .Now I know you may have made mistakes /but there is forgiveness and second chance.So wait for me Darling /Wait for me/Wait for me.
Proverbs 18:22 - Whosoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing.
anonymous {Botswana} August 2002
We are very happy and just wanted to let you know how much of a difference your site has made in our lives and how grateful we are to God and to you for running a site that isn't afraid to put God first!
Thank you again,
anonymous August 2002
I am truly thankful that God led me to your website. One Saturday afternoon I was simply browsing through dating sites when I found ChristianCafe.
Within a short time of creating my profile a wonderful man wrote me. He indicated that he didn't think it would pursue any further and just wanted to encourage me in my search for the man God had planned for me. This piqued my interest so I wrote him back.
That was in March 2002. We will be married December 21st, 2002! We both truly believe it was a God thing. Only God could have brought us together.
We both believe we are the ones God created for the other! Thanks so much for all your help!
Becky & Louis August 2002
I met the woman of my dreams on ChristianCafe.com. We started emailing in April 2002 and finally met in July. We had a wonderful time together and plan on getting married in Dec. 2002.
Thank you and all my praise goes to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Without ChristianCafe.com we never would have met. God is great, isn't He?
anonymous August 2002
I was recently married and will not be needing your services in the future :) I appreciate all you've done and are doing for so many Christian singles.
I will always be grateful to the Lord and to you all at ChristianCafe.com for your services.
Karl August 2002