Doug stepped outside his comfort zone and is not married to Cheryl!
A joyful Doug and Cheryl celebrate their first Christmas together!
We met via in September 2005 and are now happily married!
About two years ago I signed up with two online dating services, one being
I didn't have any luck in finding the "right" lady. So, with a hint from God that I was supposed to be waiting for Him to bring someone to me anyway, I canceled my memberships and waited.
About three months ago I got an email from offering me a discount if I would sign up again, so I did.
Shortly after that, on July 4th, I received a Cafe message from a lady in Boise, username Sunshine. Well, I had previously committed to myself to stay local and not get involved in a long-distance relationship. I'd also been very good about immediately answering any messages I received with a "no-thanks" or a "let's talk".
However, with Cheryl's message, I froze. There was so much about her that I liked, yet she was in Boise! So I "sat on it".
I went back to Cheryl's profile. I had to contact her. So on August 11, I sent Cheryl a message, starting it this way:
"'re killing me! I have done so well about sticking to my promise of not meeting women from "out of the area". But every time I go back to your profile I find more to say I need to break the rule here... Not to mention the fact you are cute - love the hairstyle!"
And she didn't answer!
I had taken too long to reply, and Cheryl had cancelled her membership. Fortunately the Cafe had automatically emailed her to say that she had a message waiting, so she rejoined and replied to me on September 4: "I'm stepping out here?but I'd really like to hear from you." The rest, as the saying goes, is history. As your space is limited, here are the highlights:
We talked for hours on the phone.
I flew to meet Cheryl. When I stepped off the airplane in Boise and saw her, it was like a life-long friend was standing there.
It was so natural to just hug her, and all right, kiss her too, and then walk hand-in-hand through the airport to baggage claim.
Over the course of the weekend, we talked a lot. And I mean a lot! During the flight over, I'd used six sheets of full-size notebook paper to write out questions - lots of questions.
We worked on those all weekend and they were definitely great conversation pieces. It seemed like it sometimes took an hour to answer a single question!
I met Cheryl's family.
Fast forward to 14 November 2005, we got married! Cheryl moved after our wedding from Boise to Seattle.
We are sensing God has a desire to use us together in a mighty way to minister to others. Thanks for the great job you do and may God continue to bless the tools you give single people!
Doug-doughaley418 {Washington State} & Cheryl-sunshine {Idaho} December 2005
Big smiles for Opal & Alan on their wedding day!
We started to message each other on 6 August 2004, and were married 30 October 2005.
Opal-plapo967 & Alan December 2005
A holiday turned into a wedding for Andy & Sheila!
After joining in late 2004, more out of curiosity than anything else, I went online one day to see who was on.
On the last day of her membership, although I did not know that until later, was a lady called Sheila. She was sitting on the side in the General Chat Room, not chatting to anyone, so to be friendly I asked her how she was. We started chatting.
This led to long chatting sessions online, as well as telephone calls long distance (I am in Scotland, and Sheila was in the Philippines), and also lots of text messages. We spent a lot of time getting to know each other. I also got to chat to members of Sheila's family.
Things were going so well that I decided to go to visit Sheila in the Philippines in May 2005. After arranging my holidays at work, I flew out to Manila on May 7th 2005.
I met this beautiful lady that I had been chatting to all this time, along with her family, and to cut a long story short, we got married in the Philippines that month. We had a beautiful wedding, on a beautiful day, in a beautiful country. Sheila joined me here in Scotland in September 2005.
Andy-andrew2307 {Scotland} & Sheila {Philippines} December 2005
Laurel and Grady tied the knot after re-acquainting through!
Thanks for what you are providing to Christians all over the world. I want to share with you my story.
A good close friend of mine had joined your site and encouraged me to join. For her it was more for the additional free time she would receive (smile). I did join and began searching your database for a match.
After several months, one of my searches lead me to a woman who had attended the same Christian college I had attended several years earlier. I wrote her asking who she was. She replied and while chatting we both remembered briefly meeting while in college through a mutual friend.
We continued to write and then began talking on the phone. When she came home for the holidays in 2003 we decided to meet for coffee. Well the conversation and interest continued to grow. We both felt that God had something in store for us.
After several more months she (my now wife) moved back to the area. Then after a two year courtship. I asked her to be my wife. She accepted and we were married this past May.
I want to thank all of you who are a part of the site. If it wasn't for you and the passion God has placed in your hearts for helping other Christians find that special someone, I'm not sure how God would have gotten us together.
Again, Thanks for helping God lead me to the love of my life.
Laurel-arippleforhim646 {Tennessee} & Grady December 2005
Alison and Philip received the best Christmas present ever: each other!
I thought I would write in hopes that this message would reach a few people who might read this.
My fiancee and I met on 1 year ago. We are getting married on May 20th!
Even though I did sign up and browse off and on, I never really had faith that God would bring me someone through the World Wide Web. I am so very glad He did though.
My fiancee and I started to communicate last year just after Christmas, and here we are a year later and we both are ecstatic that we have found each other.
What a Christmas wish granted!
It's been an amazing journey getting here and God has totally blessed us in our life together so far. We've got many hopes and dreams for our future and are thankful that brought us where we are today.
Forever happy and in love. Thank you for a wonderful service.
Philip-philipw414 & Alison-alison181 {British Columbia, Canada} December 2005
When I arrived home from work last night, I found a beautiful vase of hand picked flowers and a note from Michael that read "I don't want you to forget that I love you."
It has been almost two years since I married this wonderful man that I met through your site, and I could not imagine my life without him
Had I met him any other way, my human nature may have prevented me from taking a second look.
He is exactly the man he portrayed himself to be in his profile and I believe it was the hand of God that drew us together, using your website as a tool.
Thank you for providing a place for two Christian singles to fall in love.
Monica {Alabama} & Mike December 2005
I'm sorry it has taken so long to find a way to share with you what God has done for me through the merger of CrossDaily and in the summer of 2004!
In August 2004 I received a message from a man who had been looking at profiles on his friend's computer and had been impressed with what I'd said in my profile. This man then created his own profile, and contacted me in the Cafe.
By Labor Day Sunday, 2004, I had confirmation from God's Word that this was the man for the rest of my life.
We met face-to-face the last weekend of September 2004 and bought my rings and he proposed.
We were married March 12, 2005 in Pennsylvania and set up house in Connecticut. God is continuing to bless everyday. God truly knows how to give GOOD gifts!
[No usernames given] December 2005
Thanks to for bringing my fiance and me together.
On November 11, 2005, **walkinwithhim582 (Neal) presented me with a gorgeous ring and a proposal I couldn't turn down. We are both Monitors in the Cafe Chat Rooms.
We met when Neal was nominated for a Monitor position. I didn't know him very well, but had seen him in Chat regularly, so I interviewed him. Neal was interested in someone else at the time, and kind of dropped out of sight. I chalked it up to another friendship that woudn't take place.
However, God works in mysterious ways and 3 weeks later, Neal was back with a vengeance, his goal was to win my heart.
After lots of emails, chatting and telephone conversations, we met face to face on June 10, 2005.
And the rest is history. We will be married June 10, 2006. Thanks to the Cafe gang for making this possible with God's help.
Didi-**didi440 {Indiana} & Neal-**walkinwithhim582 {New York} December 2005
She's the one that sent a "wink" to me. She's from the Philippines and her name is Lyn.
Hopefully in the next few months I can bring her to Alaska where we can live as man and wife. May God continue to bless your site.
Thomas {Alaska} & Lyn {Philippines} December 2005
I live in VT and found a Christian lady that lives in MA on your site. We fell in love immediately and were married after about 6 weeks.
We are totally committed to the Lord, and thank God that He used to bring us together.
Chuck-faithfulchuck240 {Vermont} & Elaiza {Massachusetts} December 2005