Fun and laughter for Tommy and MaryRose at the wedding!
'Winks' worked for Tommy and MaryRose!
Tommy and MaryRose share their special day with a friend
Tommy helping MaryRose with oysters!
After two months of romantic Cafe messages and emails, Tommy traveled 1400 miles from St. Louis, Missouri to meet MaryRose in Phoenix, Arizona.
After a very enjoyable week together they decided to get married. Tommy sold his home in Missouri and drove to Arizona where he and MaryRose were married on September 7, 2007.
Enclosed are a few of our wedding photos that we would like to share with you and all the members of
One photo shows us being married by a Catholic Priest, Father Jim, in Phoenix, Arizona, and another photo is of our small wedding brunch at the Red Lobster. In another photo, Tommy is helping MaryRose with her Oysters.
We had originally wanted 7-7-7 for our wedding day, as it is God's perfect number, but we still managed those sevens with our wedding date of 9-7-7. Thank you for the opportunity to meet each other.
PS. No one can choose a mate for you like God can. I am so happy with HIS choice for me. Tommy.
PPS. I am so happy with HIS choice for me too. MaryRose.
Tommy-tommy883 {Missouri} & MaryRose-maryrose494 {Arizona} October 2007
Michael travelled thousands of miles to meet Cecilia!
We married on November 5th 2006.
Michael {Connecticut} & Cecilia {Mexico} October 2007
A joyful April and Vern married in July 2004
April and Vern are still deeply in love, 4 years later
Vern was from the State of Kansas and I was from Alberta, Canada. We met on in November 2003.
Two months later, during our first visit, we believed we had finally found the match we had been looking for. A month later we were engaged, and five months later, in July 2004, we were married.
Now almost four years from the day we met online, we are still deeply in love and thank God for blessing us beyond what we had ever imagined.
We also want to give the credit for your excellent dating website and thank you for bringing us together.
Vern {Kansas} & April {Alberta} October 2007
John and Barbara felt like they had known each other for ever
Our meeting wasn't the usual one on dating sites. We didn't even intend to date each other. John just came to fix my bike tyre and help move house.
It seemed like we had known each other for ever and something just clicked. We both had people praying for us to met the right person.
We started chatting on Christian Cafe site in April this year and got married in August.
Thanks to and most of all to God for bringing us together.
We found our true love.
John {Australia} & Barbara {Australia} October 2007
Bonnie and Charles - yet another happy couple who met on
Charles-gitpicker188 {Missouri} & Bonnie-weebonnielass346 {Illinois} October 2007
It was my first time in any chat room. At first I was a little timid because Chat is so fast moving, but everyone was so loving and funny, and if for no other reason I might renew at the end of my month just for that!
Cafe Chat is a wonderful experience I wish everyone could try. Chat was so exciting. There must have been like 40 people all talking, sending me hellos and wishing me well on my job interview today.
Darlene-blessingtoone952 {Ohio} October 2007
In November 2002 I joined, and within days had several interested women writing to me.
I met several in person, and got married to one.
My life has been so much happier since I joined and found my wife. I have been married for several years now and I wish all those looking in here the best of wishes. May God bless you and yours.
Richard October 2007
One's been married for almost 3 years. The other is getting married on Saturday 28th. September.
I told Debra that it would be great fun for her and Melody to write a testimonial together as TWO couples. I don't know Melody's husband, but I can vouch without hesitation for the INCREDIBLE, AMAZING, WONDERFUL man that Manny, Debra's almost redemption story husband is!
I figure since I have this sort of "matchmaking anointing" with Christian Cafe, I needed to encourage their oldest sister to at least do a trial membership herself, but she doesn't have a personal computer and her work won't (understandably) allow it.
Now to see if I will "reap what I've sown" re: my matchmaking "gift" with these 2 sisters!
Cafe Member {Colorado} October 2007
Jason-cooljayo299 {Wales} October 2007
I met Tere in April on your website and we have been together ever since. We have talked about marriage, but decided to get through the holidays before such a decision is made.
Tere truly is my spiritual equal and we have enjoyed being together in worship, riding my Harley, shopping, sightseeing, just walking together, and so many other ways.
Jim-mrblff337 {Virginia} & Tere-joyful500 {North Carolina} October 2007
[Editor's note: See February 2009 for a wedding update and a photo!]
I live in California, and Karen lives in Australia. We have been in conversation (and deepening our relationship) since the first part of March.
Our story and journey, so far, has been so wonderful and exciting but it's still not over. It still remains a mystery as to how the ending will turn out, with Karen living in Australia and me living in the United States. I have yet to meet Karen in person, though I feel, in so many ways, I already know her.
Thank you for your time/input and for being the vehicle allowing Karen and myself to come across each other.
Jim-javacat619 {California} & Karen-adoreflowers194 {Western Australia} October 2007
Thank you for your site. It worked!
Colleen-deloveley990 {Quebec} & eaglesoar807 {Quebec} October 2007
Thank you for being here so we could meet. It is truly something for which we thank God, and may He bless you for your part in our lives.
Connie-connie857 {Georgia} October 2007
To my surprise I have really seen the potential of this site. Your site contains all the key features that make it quite a happening place to find people at a good price.
Paul-paulypaul566 {United Kingdom} October 2007
It is truly a divine match, since we both live Torah obedient lives and are so equally yoked. The blessings have just been flowing and flowing. Gary and I met at Passover and wrote each other. We married August 17, 2007.
We highly recommend courting vs. dating and we thank you,, for helping other Messianics/Torah keepers to meet.
O TASTE AND SEE YHVH IS GOOD, blessed is he that trusts IN Him - Psalm 34.
Micquette-torahkeeper429 {Texas} & Gary-loveroftruth202 {Tennessee} October 2007
My husband and I have been married for almost 4 and a half years after meeting on your site. We were married in August 2003 and have 2 beautiful children, ages 3 months and 18 months. Steve had 3 children and was a widower when I met him.
We know God used your web site to bring us together. We lived 8 hours apart and emailed each other for a month and then talked on the phone for a couple of weeks.
After a visit to see me, we became engaged within 3 weeks. Steve and I planned an August wedding in only 7 weeks. It was a whirlwind courtship, but we both knew without a doubt that God had a hand in our beautiful romance.
It was such a wonderful time, and the 4 years since then have been both wonderful and a struggle; having step kids can be a hard thing and a challenge. We wouldn't trade all the challenges for anything though, because they have grown us tremendously.
We just had a wedding for Steve's oldest son, Sam, this past weekend, and the wedding made me want to write you and tell you about our incredible story. In case you wanted to share our story with anyone who may be considering trying, it is the best thing we have ever done.
Missy & Steve October 2007