Joe and Stacey have been married nearly 7 years!
We met on-line at on September 7, 2002.'s sweeter and sweeter everyday.
We have her three and our two boys now. We've even started a ministry to help other families succeed as they face the challenges of "blending" their own families.
Thanks, kids...for creating a way for people of similar convictions can connect. We're one more testimonial that God is still in the match-making business. Thanks!
Joe-mistermister633 {Texas} & Stacey {Texas} May 2009
Anne and Scott were married on Easter Sunday. Don't they make a great couple!
We met in December 2008 on
Scott & I chatted online, but did not meet until the beginning of February. The interest was immediate, and we started to spend a lot of time together getting to know each other's hearts, vision and praying together.
The friendship blossomed and we were married on April 11, 2009 on Easter Saturday surrounded by our friends and passel of kids!
We feel so blessed to have found someone that fits so wonderfully into our lives, and are excited at what God is going to do with us together!
Anne-anne734 {Alberta} & Scott-gaepcoph757 {Alberta} May 2009
Could Jaron's smile get any bigger after marrying Hailey!
Life is better each day for Jaron and Hailey!
Neither of us was really even actively searching much on the site but the Lord had other plans for us.
After several weeks of emails on the site we finally exchanged real email addresses and then she asked me to speak with her father before she would give me her number.
Well, a 2 hour conversation with her father turned into 7 months of inseparable times and we became one flesh on December 20th, 2008 in her little country town of Sabetha, KS.
We live in Houston, TX where she has been living the past 3 years while in Medical Residency, and where I am from. It has been wonderful and we are extremely blessed as we have furthered our walks with the Lord as a couple.
Our families on both sides are amazing and life is better each and every day.
Jaron-jaronwayne667 {Texas} & Hailey-hlackerm139 {Texas} May 2009
[Editor's note: See April 2015 for their "Cafe Baby" announcement!]
Jim can't believe his good fortune after marrying Maria!
Maria and I met in January/2004 on
From her bio she appeared to be a dedicated Christian. When she first replied to me she indicated that she didn't speak much English and needed someone who was patient with her.
We continued writing and found out that we had many things in common. We had both worked at our churches for a number of years as letter counselors. We both enjoyed many of the same things: swimming, travel, Christian music, etc.
Finally after about a year of writing we met each other for the first time in Las Vegas, where one of her best friends lived. We enjoyed each other's company and found that we were very happy to be together.
Shortly thereafter Maria moved to Colorado where we spent much time together and grew closer. Finally, during Christmas weekend of 2004 I proposed marriage and she accepted.
That was over 4 years ago and God has blessed our relationship and our love for each other grows stronger everyday. Thank you,, for giving us the opportunity to meet!!!
Jim & Maria-malubless919 {Brazil} May 2009
Ines and Reggy have been married 5 months and are very happy!
Conoci a mi esposo en esta pagina y quiero felicitarlos por tener este medio donde hombres y mujeres de Dios pueden encontrarse y conocerse.
Estoy altamente agradecida porque un 25 de agosto del 2006 vi por primera vez en esta pagina al que hoy es mi esposo, tuvimos 2 anos y 5 meses de amores y fue una relacion muy especial, hoy tenemos 5 meses de casados, ya que realizamos nuestra boda el 20 de diciembre del 2008!
Dios es bueno y fiel!
Gracias y sigan siempre mantengan la calidad de esta pagina, pues Dios es quien decide cual es el medio que va a utilizar para unir a sus hijos.
Ines-celeste346 & Reggy May 2009
Tim and Lisa were married on October 4th, 2008
Lisa was 'manna from heaven' for Tim
Can't you just hear Lisa's easy laugh!
My friend was unaware that I had posted a profile on the day before.
Just hours after our phone conversation, I got an email from another new member, a blonde whose description made it obvious that she was the Lisa of my friend's excitement. Before my friend could work her matchmaking magic, God had worked His.
Lisa and I traded emails for a few days and met for a date within a week. Seven weeks later, I confessed my love, and in a delightfully unguarded moment, Lisa blurted out "I want to marry you!"
On October 4th, I obliged.
We're sentimental about, but we recommend it for its practical advantages. features Quality over Quantity: it is not an outpost of perfect people, but a community that is publicly committed to manage their imperfections by grace through faith. At the same time, the site gives you the unchaperoned freedom to seek and instantly connect with potential matches.
Having both previously joined some of the other dating sites, we know how the quest for love can take over your Inbox and even your life!'s format helps you to focus on God in your search for love while not making the search for love the focus of your life.
Our story reminds us that God works miraculously to bring people together. Still, He usually uses human action to accomplish His purposes. God caused manna to fall from heaven, but required His people to leave their tents to go out and gather it. Lisa was reluctant to date online and to send an initial email, but Christian friends stood over her shoulder and insisted.
We encourage our friends who are waiting on the Lord to "get out of their tents" and see what God can do.
Tim-laughlover465 {D.C.} & Lisa-austria762 {D.C} May 2009
Julie and Mark each met the perfect partner!
We were both in our 40s and had lived in the same district all our lives and despite our paths having crossed on a number of occasions, we had never actually met.
My husband Mark and I met on in June 08 and we are now happily married.
Each of us had been looking for years to find the perfect partner, and God miraculously used your website to help us find each other. We are both so wonderfully happy and are very grateful to have met and fallen in love.
Julie-julie980 {Queensland, Australia} & Mark-drjones988 {Queensland, Australia} May 2009
Roger can't believe his good fortune!
No one can doubt Roger and his wife have chemistry!
We met on Christian Cafe early July 2008.
After online chatting, e-mails and phone conversations we decided to meet. That was when Roger came to New York.
We got engaged on Thanksgiving day and the day before Christmas we made it official, getting married.
From now on we will be together until the Lord takes us up there to paradise...!
Roger-faithfulman761 {North Carolina} & imarig357 {New York} May 2009
Kent and Nicole with their precious "Cafe Baby", Adele
Isn't Adele just the sweetest little baby!
Kent and Nicole recently attended the Submarine Ball
Her name is Adele and we hope that she is the first of many blessings that we will have the privilege of raising to glorify the Lord. In Him who is our peace.
Kent-trevor591 {California} & Nicole-lawgirl986 {California} May 2009
[Editor's note: See August 2007 for their marriage testimonial.]
After being on for 3 years, I almost gave up on internet dating. Instead I decided to try one last time.
Meanwhile, my fiance's friend told her to just give a shot since she she had met her husband here.
Heather emailed me first and after emailing each other for a few weeks, we decided to meet in San Francisco (which is halfway between us) and hit it off right away.
After an amazing year of dating, I asked her to marry me this last Christmas and we are getting married in August in San Francisco.
Thank You for having this site for Christians to meet one another.
Robert-italiananglo690 {California} & Heather-Heathie972 {California} May 2009
[Editor's note: See March 2010 testimonial for their wedding update!]
We've both been single, following divorce, for over 12 years and we are both in our 50's.
We've also both raised our children to adulthood and now we have a whole new life.
John-johnny535 {ACT, Australia} & Hannah-Hannah906 {New South Wales, Australia} May 2009
On April 11 I met Leann. We have become boyfriend and girlfriend and are deeply in love.
I thank God for Leann and what she has meant to me! I pray we eventually marry.
Shane-jesusfreak944 {Alabama} & Leann {Alabama} May 2009