Don't Cedric and Carly look happy together!
Cedric and Carly feed each other wedding cake
What a beautiful setting for the beautiful couple!
Carly, Cedric and Lydia (with Cedric II on the way!)
Carly, Cedric and Lydia at church
In fact she was the very first girl to respond to my page only moments after I completed the "About me" section.
In a short time after meeting online, we began to talk quite a bit up until September where we felt things were getting very serious.
We dated long distance for about six months before we knew that marriage was our next step. It was the surest thing to close the distance, and would the best reason to relocate.
I left Memphis, TN and she left Atlanta, GA to find a better middle ground.
On September 2, 2006 we were married in a small town called Winfield, KS were she was born and we now reside in Concord, NC just above Charlotte, NC.
Today we have 2 children: a 2 year old daughter named Lydia and we just gave birth to our son Cedric II on April 27, 2010.
The marriage minded column took the guessing game out my search for a wife. I really believe that God blessed me beyond my wildest dreams, starting a new era in my life on the fateful night of July 16, 2005.
After meeting Carly, I'd never guess that I'd be delivering my own daughter just years later on July 19, 2007 as well as my son some time later. WHAT A BLESSING!!!
Pray for us as we continue our journey with Christ, Love and life long happiness. Be Blessed and thanks!
Cedric-ceddagreat304 {Tennessee} & Carly-lilylady663 {Georgia} June 2010
Jacob met and married Amber and recommends to everyone
We emailed and instant messaged for a while and met in person at a Friendly's on February 24th 2007. I lived in New Jersey and she lived in New York.
We hit it off very well! God definitely made us perfect for each other! I drove up to see her every weekend for over a year.
We were engaged on July 13th 2007 and got married on May 3rd 2008. I would recommend to everyone! We both live in upstate New York now and our love for each other could not be stronger. We have truly been very blessed!
A word of encouragement to all who join: if at first you don't succeed, try and try again. God's timing is perfect and His ways are perfect, trust in Him and He'll never lead you wrong. May God bless you in your search.
Jacob-jacoby414 {New Jersey} & Amber-amber972 {New York} June 2010
Language and distance couldn't keep John and Lucye apart
Language and distance couldn't keep us apart thanks to your site and God.
We have been together now for 3 years, and I want to thank you for bringing us together.
For those who are single - please let God guide your search and be ready for any possibility!
John-harlton130 {Ontario} & Lucye {Brazil} June 2010
Sheri sparks Jeff's world with her cheerfulness, energy and enthusiasm!
I felt led to start socializing with more Christians and Jeff was praying to meet his wife.
So we both joined Although we lived 2100 miles away from each other he was drawn to writing me a letter.
We continued to talk through and decided that I would fly from Wisconsin to Hanford, CA. where he lives. We had an amazing weekend and continued talking to one another as well as flying back and forth.
He would visit me in Wisconsin and I would fly out to him. Jeff proposed to me in California and I moved there last June as we started our courtship closer.
Jeff owned an investment property and right before I arrived to California the renter had given notice- so I would have a home to live while we continued to grow in our love for each other as well as ask God to help us discern a future marriage.
God continued to bring us closer together and we had our dream wedding March 20, 2010.
To this day, Jeff gets emotional when thinking about how great God is by bringing his wife. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. Jeff is gentle, quiet and kind - all he wants is to make his wife happy. He says that I spark his world with my cheerfulness, energy and enthusiasm.
God's plan for our lives is perfect and we thank you for opening the window to His plan for our life. May God bless you and all the people that join this website.
Jeff-lonelyinhfd12 {California} & Sheri-sunshineinwi294 {Wisconsin} June 2010
Could John's smile be any bigger after marrying Jelene!
We met each other after only a couple weeks of joining and we couldn't be happier!
So...thank you!! God is good and used to bring us together.
Jelene-jellybean836 {Wisconsin} & John-justtoday872 {Wisconsin} June 2010
Steph wasn't sure what to expect from
Steph found Marvin, the love of her life on!
I live in Canada and I had decided that I didn't want a long distance relationship.
Well that all changed the day I got a wink from a gentleman in New York State.
So after finding the love of my life and many drives across the border for visits, we were just married this past April! I just wanted to thank for being available to Christians to find someone out there with the same values and love for God.
Steph-browneyes207 {Ontario} & Marvin-highfive807 {New York} June 2010
A.J. knew the moment he met Danni he'd found his wife!
It's no wonder Danni recommends after meeting A.J.!
We had our first date in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on January 23, 2009. He picked me up and we went to a restaurant for dinner.
He says he knew the minute I walked out my front door and up to his car that he was gonna marry me. We had a wonderful first date. He actually snuck a french fry into my purse which was under the table so that I would think of him the next day when I found it.
Exactly three weeks later he invited me to go to Banff for the weekend with him. I almost didn't want to go because I had just been laid off from work that very day and was pretty upset. But of course I agreed since I was head over heels for this guy!
The next day, Valentine's Day, we headed on a road trip. He had been acting strange the entire day we were walking the strip in Banff. It was like he was very distracted and his mind was somewhere else. I started to get nervous thinking he wasn't into me anymore. he breaking up with me, I thought anxiously.
Instead he pulled out a little black box that held a beautiful little diamond ring. I looked at him in shock and asked him if it was a promise ring? He stuttered out no...and smiled. He was proposing and on Valentine's Day in Banff!! Can it get anymore romantic than that?
He was rendered speechless. He was so terrified and nervous he forgot to get down on one knee. I soon realized that is why he had been acting strange all day. He was trying to find the right moment.
We couldn't wait to spend forever together and managed to plan a small wedding in record time. Exactly six weeks later we were married in my hometown on March 28, 2009. It was amazing and I sang a song I had written to him on the piano.
We now reside happily together with our two kitties. God continues to provide mini miracles everyday in our lives. We love to tell our story of how God used the internet to bring two people together who are now working for Him side by side, praising and rejoicing in God's amazing grace!
[Editor's note: See April 2021 for their 12th anniversary update!]
A.J.- ajs350 {Alberta} & Danni-skatergurl914 {Alberta} June 2010
Amy expanded her search a little and look at her now: married to Brian!
We had met a year earlier on We were both just looking to meet people of faith and not really anticipating a long term relationship.
Actually, it was kind of by chance that we even met.
You see, I had been keeping the age range of people I was searching for fairly narrow - 5 years older to 5 years younger. On a whim, I decided to search a little older and saw him online - he is eight years older than I am. We began chatting, then phone calls, then we met in person.
One of our first dates was attending church together. It was so wonderful for both of us to share a worship experience with someone.
I am convinced that God played a part in our meeting. I had relocated back home after a divorce and had been looking for a job in a fairly large geographical area. Within 2 weeks of us meeting in person, I was offered a position about 30 minutes from his home!
About 4 months into our relationship, Brian asked me to marry him! We were married just less than a year after we met. Seven years later, we have been blessed with two beautiful children.
Brian's hard work and support has allowed me to stay home with our children while they are young, as well as to pursue a new career as a lactation consultant.
Had it not been for, I don't know that we would have ever met. If God had not put the thought in my head that I should expand my search a little, we may never have met! I am attaching a picture of our wedding day!
Amy-periwinkle {Wisconsin} & Brian-harleyrider476 {Illinois} June 2010
Melody and David have been married for 9 years!
We were married July, 2001 and have been married nearly 9 years.
We were a blended family to start and added 2 wonderful children to 3, with a total of 5.
Faith is the foundation of our marriage. We have had our trials but, we have survived through it all with God as the center of our lives. We are taking the next journey in our lives and moving our family to another state.
Melody is my best friend and I am only complete with her in my life. We wrote our own vows and decided to make our marriage a covenant marriage way back in 2001. Thank you May the Lord continue to bless your ministry.
Melody & David (no usernames provided) June 2010
We were married in July 2005. I couldn't ask for a more sincere, patient, caring man. He is the love of my life, exactly what I was looking for. He puts God first then me.
That's how it should be. Thank you
Robin {Ohio} June 2010
Plan to meet in a few weeks. God does move in mysterious ways.
Heidi {British Columbia} June 2010
I am paying for a membership.
Amon {Ontario} June 2010
You just sent me a note about a possible scammer. I appreciate knowing that you deleted his profile. I did not intend to continue to write to him as I did listen to my "gut feeling".
misunshine981 {Michigan} June 2010
I'm amazed at how many scammers are on the internet.
Pam {Illinois} June 2010
Clearly, attracts true "gentlemen." I have been really tickled by a couple of comedians, displaying their sense of humor. Thank you for creating a safe, fun haven for "God's Next Great Surprise'!
Gail-sparkling371 {Florida} June 2010