But then I received a message from Nicole. It was just a friendly hello and a few questions, as she wanted to get to know me. I looked at her profile and decided something might work. Little did I know?
Now we are married and happy beyond belief - Christian Cafe works! Thank you, Christian Cafe, for being God's instrument by which we were united! We're happier than we could have ever imagined. I have found the one my heart loves.
Ian-iansight8241 {Colorado} & Nicole-nicole138 {Pennsylvania} December 2017
I first signed up as a paid member in January 2015 but after 1 year I had not been lucky and could not meet anyone. So I left, disappointed.
I decided to come back again a few months later and I met Stan! Fortunately, I must say that God uses different ways to fulfill his purpose and Christian Cafe was a blessing and an instrument in our lives.
I am sending some photos of our precious wedding so they can be a witness to other Christians who read this
Whanda-scherezade709 {Dominican Republic} & Stan-notbobdylan770 {New Zealand} December 2017
We met in 2011, both Christian. We communicated for a while on Christian Cafe, which is very user friendly, and Christian of course. We met after a few months and started dating. Dated for 5 years and then were married in 2016.
We now live in Aurora and attend church here in Aurora, too. Thank you so much for your site !!
Ron-rak920 {Ontario} & Anna-sweetyorklady555 {Ontario} December 2017
Last year, I was using Christian Cafe for around 9 months and was feeling very discouraged with the time passing and no positive results. I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong in my profile, but in December of 2016, I met Justin!!!!
As I start to know him better, I realized how much we had in common, the incredible man he was and how wonderful it would be to spend all my life by his side.
I would like to say thank you for your website! God used it to make a way for meeting my Godly-handsome-loved husband.
Justin is a gift from the Lord in my life! He is so much more than I prayed for in a man and in a husband!!! Now are married! We are super happy and grateful for God bringing us together, and very grateful for Christian Cafe being the tool for us to meet! Thank you so much, Christian Cafe!!!
Monica-nina394 {Brazil} & Justin-filthypoorboy366 {Arkansas} December 2017
Dan-befree663 {California} December 2017
[Editor's note: See March 2023 testimonial for a marriage update!]
Osanna-cntrygrl325 {Ontario} December 2017
Travis-generation937 {Texas} & Jasmine-jasmine635 {South Africa} December 2017
I can see why and feel perfectly safe here!
spiritled907 {Oklahoma} December 2017
I have been perusing quite a few dating sites over the past month.
Aside from being beautifully Christian, the features and utility of ChristianCafe.com is very extensive and helpful, far beyond any other site I've been on. It's quite nice & great job to all of you who worked on its development!
justj762 {Florida} December 2017