Just wanted to tell you folks, that I've met 3 wonderful men on your site, but one stood out and we are getting married in 2 weeks. We're very happy and know there is no way this could have happened with out ChristianCafe.com.
Thank you and God Bless
Schela-jixxa271 {Arizona} & Robert-sqdbrhunter406 {Colorado} June 2020
I've actually met someone on Christian Cafe :) So thanks for your site that brought Jessica and me together!
Alfred-awr650 {Virginia} & Jessica-jess187 {Virginia} June 2020
We are dating exclusively. I'm hoping to marry this awesome godly man:-)
Tracy-tracyshores112 {Oklahoma} June 2020
I have found ChristianCafe.com to actually be really good.
Brad-bradbailey766 {New Zealand} June 2020
I have had a paid subscription for about ten months and I found someone Praise the LORD, on Christian Cafe !! I put in a mega amount of work, and was discouraged many many times, but I knew the Lord Jesus is faithful !!
ChristianCafe is one of the top two out there, but does not have the systematic scammers, partly because, Christian Cafe is Christian owned.
The world is a big place with many ethnic groups, and the woman the Lord chose for me, lives 9000 miles away! So I give thanks to the Lord Jesus ! May the Lord Jesus bless you all, for all that you do for Christians, and to advance His kingdom!
Keith-KeithInCol556 {Ohio} June 2020
I met a girl from Japan on ChristianCafe.com last July.
Ross-chivalrousone517 {California} June 2020
I say this from having experienced {2 other singles sites}, the old Facebook dating site and other 'Christian' sites.
I appreciate the hard work and prayer that you put into this ministry.
All of my experiences with customer service on Christian Cafe have been positive and encouraging. I would recommend this site with no reservations.
Ed-heartsafe438 {New Mexico} June 2020
[Editor's note: See June 2019 testimonial for another review from Ed.]
Thank you for the good service and God bless you.
Immaculate-favour325 {Uganda} June 2020
Thank you for what you offer us, the single community.
Alicia-mtfarmingirl685 {Montana} June 2020