Hell – Do Christians go to Hell?

Hell and Christians

Do Christians go to Hell? Even after accepting Jesus, many Christians ask such questions.  Sometimes we encounter “supposed” Christians, but their actions are hardly those of real followers of Christ.   By accepting Jesus as their Savior, are these people going to heaven, even if their actions shows the opposite of how a Christian should behave?

Dear Jim: What actions would cause a Christian to go to Hell?

Singles write to me from time to time and share some very terrible events in their lives. The negative impact that someone has had on his or her life is so devastating. Some acts that are done to others are unspeakable. I want to be very sensitive to those who are the recipients of abuse and even attempts of murder. Let me share some thoughts that address two major areas that result from these sinful actions:

Real Love! What does real love mean?

real love
What is the meaning of real love? How can we honor Jesus’ sacrifice for all of us at Easter? What is the meaning of God’s love for humanity? Dr. Jim gives some insight about how Christians should honor Christ’s sacrifice this Easter. As Easter begins, let’s not forget that nothing speaks more clearly of God’s Love than the Cross!

Real love

The night was still and dry, as only it can be on the desert. It was so quiet with only a dog barking in the distance. The 33 year old single man had not slept all night as he wrestled with anguish in what he knew was about to take place when the sun came up. It would be a shameful day, one filled with great pain and rejection – a day he did not deserve.

Suddenly the glow of a candle faintly threw its glow across his room. He could hear voices down the hall as men were awakening and rising to the day’s activities. He found himself holding his breath as he awaited the beginning of the day of days.

Am I a Christian?

Am I Christian
Sometimes Christians are not sure if they are following God and the question pops up: Am I a real Christian? Does just because I’m a good person make me automatically a Christian? Will my life be easy if I follow Christ? Here is some great guidance for Christian singles who want to actively follow Jesus in their daily lives.

Dear Jim: Am I really a Christian?

It’s easy to fall into the assumption when one writes for a Christian dating site that all reading the articles are Christians. God has provided an awesome gift available to all – but not all have received it. Allow me to share some thoughts in how I believe this is the ultimate experience.

Christians and Alcohol: Drinking Rates Among Age Groups

Christians Alcohol
Christians and Alcohol. Is drinking wrong? Or the problem is drinking too much?

Can Christians drink alcohol? For many Christians it depends on their interpretation of the Bible. Some denominations frown upon drinking, while others see no issue with it. Many Christians will say it’s not the act of drinking that is wrong – it is the act of getting drunk or drinking too much.

So, how many Christians drink? If you look at singles who are part of Christian dating service ChristianCafe.com, around 65% either abstain from drinking alcohol or rarely drink. The interesting part of this data is that the 65% mark seems to hold true regardless of the age group.