Christians and Alcohol: Drinking Rates Among Age Groups

Christians Alcohol
Christians and Alcohol. Is drinking wrong? Or the problem is drinking too much?

Can Christians drink alcohol? For many Christians it depends on their interpretation of the Bible. Some denominations frown upon drinking, while others see no issue with it. Many Christians will say it’s not the act of drinking that is wrong – it is the act of getting drunk or drinking too much.

So, how many Christians drink? If you look at singles who are part of Christian dating service, around 65% either abstain from drinking alcohol or rarely drink. The interesting part of this data is that the 65% mark seems to hold true regardless of the age group. Some may think that Christian young adults may be getting away from things like abstaining from alcohol, but that does not seem to be the case. The graph below displays the percentage of Christians who either do not drink or rarely drink, broken down by age group.


Christian Singles - Alcohol.
Graphic about Christian singles and alcohol by age group.

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1 comment on “Christians and Alcohol: Drinking Rates Among Age GroupsAdd yours →

  1. I believe many people focus too much on “religion” rather than spirituality. Rules and regulations don’t make you a Christ-follower; Jesus drank wine (not grape juice, as my Mom so often told me as a child. I don’t drink, however, I do not judge those who do. The only verses I see in Scripture regarding drinking is admonishing us not to be drunk. There are also verses throughout the Scriptures that demonstrate what I consider a “higher calling”-John the Baptist, for instance, whose parents were instructed that he should never drink wine.

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