Valentines: Should Christians Celebrate it?


Today’s blog post is by guest writer, Justin Osborne.

Justin explores the origins of Valentine’s Day and the foundation of the traditions we see today. Should single Christians celebrate this occasion or avoid it, as it started as a pagan festival?

Where did Valentines Come From?

We may celebrate Valentine’s Day as a day of romance on 14th February, but its origins are actually quite murky, as there are many diverging accounts, and separating fact from fiction is difficult.

Valentine’s Day Ideas

Valentine's Day ideas
Valentine’s Day Ideas.

Valentine’s day can be fun, even if you don’t have a date. You can still enjoy this special day with friends or even by yourself. Today’s post is about some simple Valentine’s Day ideas that can be easily implemented.

Valentine’s Day

Our God is the God of Love. Over and over we read in the Bible the great love He has for His children. Without love we cannot be His followers. We love because He first loved us.

Valentines Day is all about love.

valentines day

For this coming Valentines day don’t get discouraged because you don’t have a date. Here are some simple and good tips and suggestions about spending the most romantic day of the year – while not feeling discouraged and even jealous.

Valentines day is all about love.

It’s a day to celebrate love and romance. A date on Valentine’s day is like a first date. And it’s more likely to be the first romantic date you will share with your other half, when you meet the right person.

If you don’t have a date for this Valentines, don’t get discouraged; rather, be happy, and don’t feel obligated to go on a date, just because you don’t want to feel lonely. Love can happen when we least expect it. Get excited for things to come and for people you can meet while having fun with other single friends on this day of Love.

Valentine’s Day: 7 pieces of advice for singles.

Valentine's day

Like Christmas and Thanksgiving, Valentine’s day can be a tough time for Christian singles. But it shouldn’t be, if we have God as our top priority. Below is some good advice for singles about meeting that special someone they have been dreaming about.

Feeling guilty for wanting to be with someone.

Singles should realize that it’s not a sin or that they should feel badly about wanting to be in a relationship. It isn’t healthy to put pressure on yourself to be with someone, as this can cause you to rush into the wrong relationship. Avoid the rush and emotions and traps such as: “the first person to come is the first one to take“.

Single for Valentine’s? Make it an Opportunity!

Single for Valentine’s Day? Many singles hate this day, as it reminds them of their singleness. What if you looked at Valentines a little different this year? Meaning, how about seeing it as an opportunity?

Listen to the brief interview below where co-founder Sam Moorcroft discusses how to take advantage of Valentine’s Day as a single person.