Valentine’s Day is here. Sometimes it can be hard for singles to deal with this day. However, being single doesn’t mean today has to be sad for you.
Valentine’s Day is what you make of it
Valentine’s Day can bring on something for singles similar to Christmas and New Year’s. It can be another reminder that they’re single around so many couples and families.
Singles, and more so Christian singles, should understand that their daily lives are what they make of them. That means not waiting for something to happen or someone to change things for your outlook to change.
You can’t expect something different to turn out when you aren’t actively working to make change happen. (As they say, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result!).
If Valentine’s makes you upset or seeing happy couples makes you jealous, then let’s change that! That starts with living your life the way you know you should live. Become satisfied with who you are as a person, no matter your relationship status. Once you’re happy with yourself, then meeting the right person for you will complement you, but not be responsible for making you happy. You need to be whole first. You’ll then attract someone whole and the two of you can become one.
Now, no one said it would easy. It can certainly be challenging, but when we live well, as God intended us to live, we can be joyful, no matter how circumstances. Singles need to realize that happiness comes from God living inside us. He is all we need. But, He did design us to be partnered with the right person for us. So, trust in Him daily, as you live your life. He knows the desires of your heart.
Yes, Valentine’s Day can be tough for some, but only if you let it. Try using this logo in your life: “Single and loving it”. This doesn’t mean your resigned to being single forever. It means you’re actively loving this season of your life. With this attitude, people will notice. And, be attracted to you as a person. The right romantic connection could be right around the corner!
Look at your singleness and see it as a way to bless others and a time for you to spend with God. Use this time of singleness to draw closer to Him and become the person you would like to meet.
Check out our previous blog post about 7 Pieces of advice for singles this Valentine’s Day
When Valentine becomes self-loving
Everywhere you go, it seems that “Love is in the air” and you’re supposed to be on constant lookout to find the love that’ll change your life forever. But, then it feels like you’re in limbo and never “catch” the attention of Mr./Mrs. Right. However, to have and feel love, you don’t need someone else to make your day special. You just need one person and that person is yourself. Once you decide that you’re blessed, you can have a great Valentine’s Day.
After all, Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love and romance. Unless you can love yourself, nobody else will be able to. can help introduce your Valentine to you
Just because you haven’t found your true love yet doesn’t mean that you need to spend this Valentine’s Day alone. was designed specifically for singles like yourself. In fact, we’ve assisted tens of thousands of singles before you (resulting in 25,000+ marriages!). We could just do the same for you.
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You’ll then have the opportunity to connect and mingle with great singles who are seeking their Valentine’s match on this special day!
Don’t waste time on other dating sites that don’t deliver, We’ve connected singles with each other locally, state-wide, nationally, and globally. We’ve got so many singles seeking someone like you. Try us today!
And, have a great Valentine’s Day!

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