The Real Marriage Meaning And What Society Teaches About Marriage

Marriage Meaning

The marriage meaning for Christians: we see how society tries to impose their worldviews on us and our faith. We see how Christianity is looked down upon, or the blasphemy thrown at us, or even lost Christians who don’t follow the teachings of the Holy Bible. And, have their own set of rules and beliefs (which forever get worse). So then, what is the real meaning of marriage for us as Christians?

The Meaning Of Marriage

As Christians, we should make sure we don’t allow ungodly teaching, thinking, or acts to negatively affect us and our families. On this blog post about the marriage meaning, we have some wonderful words from Jennifer Flanders about what society teaches us – and what Christianity teaches us about marriage.

Domestic Violence – Signs to look for.

Domestic Violence
Dr. Jim explains how to spot early signs of a violent partner and how to guard yourself from falling into the trap of having a violent spouse and a broken marriage later on.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence – What early signs should I look for to tell if a man might have the tendency to abuse women?

This is a great question and one that many women should be asking. I am not a trained counsellor and not able to provide the ‘clinical’ answer. However, I do have experience and insights as a Pastor relating to many single adults.

Blended Family

Blended Family
Dr. Wyatt talks about the dynamics of a blended family. Coming from a blended family himself, who better to talk about the topic? He tells us first-hand what parents and children should expect when living in this kind of family environment and how the members of the family can follow some easy steps to have a successful blended family!

Blended Family

With the divorce rate around 50%, blended families are becoming more the norm than the exception. Some of us may remember the old TV series The Brady Bunch where a beautiful blended family of 8 got along fabulously and every obstacle had a happy ending. If only real life were so simple. Most blended families are wrought with difficulty on a variety of fronts.

No sex – How to share you don’t want to have sex after marriage?

No Sex

A few single adults (for various reasons) see their future marriage as having no sex in the relationship. They’re not sure when they should let the other person know about this when dating.  Dr. Jim gives some useful insights on how to go about letting the other person know your desire is to have no sexual relations after you’re married.

No Sex After Marriage

No sex after marriage – When should I share with another person that I do not want to have sex after marriage?

For a variety of reasons, there are some adults who do not want to have a sexual relationship after marriage. A person of this persuasion realizes that most of the people of the opposite gender that they meet will want to have this in their future relationship. The concern is that in sharing the no sex desire will hinder the possibility of the relationship.

Still married and flirting on Christian dating sites

Married And Flirting

When the divorce is not final and the person is still legally married but is using dating sites online: what should you do if you find yourself in a situation like this? Who gets hurt in the process when you find yourself still married and flirting online?

Married And Flirting

What is your opinion on those who are still married and flirting using Christian dating sites?

Perhaps one would expect me to come out ranting and raving about this. Actually my heart is broken as I consider this question. Over and over again I have learned that many who are still married are choosing to place an ad on a dating site and interact and flirting with others as if they were single.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

A picture is worth a thousand words

With this new blog post: “A picture is worth a thousand words”, we’re having our  former members of, Laura and Chad, speak a little about their “true love” story.  We want to inspire other singles and have them become a part of our growing number of members who’ve started a relationship via our dating website.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

There’s nothing quite like writing a blog about how a couple who wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for! Such affirmation makes us, as mere people behind the scenes, as proud as we can be. We see God’s Hands in our daily work of helping match singles online.

With this wonderful testimonial (and thousands of others), we know that God has been working and guiding us since the inception of We see our Christian dating site as a tool for couples, just like Laura and Chad, to meet online.

Dating After Divorce Guidance

Dating After Divorce
Dating after divorce. What does the Bible tell us about divorce? Should you date after a divorce? Dr. Jim explains God’s desires for us and what should we do when we start thinking about dating after being through a divorce.  Who is allowed and who isn’t allowed to get a divorce according to the Bible?

Dating After Divorce: If I did not cause the divorce, can I date and marry again without being sinful?

Divorce creates many victims. It has become a terrible black eye on our society as divorce sweeps across the land like a forest fire. Almost every day this time of year we turn on our television sets to find another forest fire raging out of control. While I suggest that the damage is even greater in a divorce, it is not as ‘apparent’ or visible to us without taking a second look.

To be able to provide an answer to this question, I would like to begin with the foundation that the Bible provides to us. Matthew 5 and 1Corinthians 7 are the main passages that relate to divorce. The Matthew verses share that there is no grounds for divorce other than if the other spouse is unfaithful in the marriage. If this does occur, the other spouse has the ‘option’ to initiate a divorce.

Dating Sites that work. Marriage Successes.

Dating Sites That Work
Dating Sites That Work

Christian singles constantly ask themselves if it’s worth creating a profile on a dating site, or which ones work the best. is proof that dating online works, and we present this blog post with photos of some of our successful couples who met through our dating services over the years.

Dating Sites That Work.

We’ve displayed some great photos that our former members sent us (most from their wedding day) so others Christian singles like yourself can know that using a dating site like can make your dream of finding the love of your life come true. We’re encouraging Christian singles who are still in doubt about using a dating service online by showing them that it can be as easy as creating a dating profile.

Is a Christian permitted to get divorced because of a thought of adultery?

Divorce adultery

As common as divorce has become nowadays, more and more Christians are asking questions such as: My spouse cheated on me, so can I get a divorce? What about what the Bible says about divorce? Christians should know what God wants from us and what paths should be taken before deciding on divorce.

Dear Jim: Is a thought of adultery sufficient for a divorce?

Questions relating to divorce continue to flood my email “In” folder. Since there are so many divorces today, for perhaps all types of reasons, it leaves well-intended Christians searching for reason and a way.

Some common questions received are:

1. If I remarry, will I be committing adultery?

2. My spouse left me years ago emotionally and physically, am I able to divorce and marry again?

Sex before marriage. What does God say about it?

Sex before marriage

Dr. Jim’s article about sex before marriage offers guidance to Christian singles about looking for what God wants from us while in a relationship and why saving sex for marriage is important for God and for both partners. Here’s how to prevent sexual sins and keep a healthy relationship while protecting what God wants for all of us.