I met Stanley on ChristianCafe.com 2 1/2 years ago and I am pleased to inform you that we got married on 22/12/2018.
Thank you for your help and wishes for our lives.
Stacy-stacy661 {Trinidad & Tobago} & Stanley-venturexzy123 {Maryland} January 2019
Here are some photos of Genia and I
Anthony-veritas767 {Illinois} & Genia-gwood318 {Florida} January 2019
[Editor's note: See January 2020 testimonial for their marriage update and April 2023 for their 4 year update!!]
How else can a man from Alaska and a woman from Albania fall in love and get married without your help?!?! It never would have happened!
As a birthday gift my wife made a video of how we met and how our relationship grew.
Thank you so much for connecting us, we are so thankful for you!
Paulo-paulo2320 {Alaska} & Vasivasilika-vasja230 {Albania} January 2019
Thank you sincerely.
Liz-liz7389 {Netherlands} January 2019
I met a girl through your website and we married October 4, 2018! Thank you. I recommend your site to my friends. Once again, thank you!
Rev. Dennis-revhawkins116 {Missouri} January 2019
I have been in a relationship with a wonderful man from ChristianCafe.com who lives out of state (he's in CO and I am in CA here in the US). He is willing to relocate his ministry and business to California from Colorado. God bless you for being such a great way for Christians to meet.
Cate-kittycate378 {California} & {Colorado} January 2019
Thank you! He is truly a Godsend!
PS. I posted a not so attractive picture of myself and a very honest profile. I didn't have very many responses, I think, due to the honesty of me desiring to live a lifestyle of worship. He was the second man I met and the rest is history.
Lisa-usafgirl448 {Tennessee} and Ken January 2019
I especially enjoyed reading articles from Focus on the Family's singles site, boundless. I spent many hours reading articles in the past. It's a great site!
I've been happily married for about a year and a half and we had our first kid a month and a half ago!
Daniel-punofakind365 {Washington} January 2019
We met on ChristianCafe, and after communicating for about 5 months, he travelled all the way to Ecuador to propose to me!
Thank you, ChristianCafe for providing me with a wonderful husband.
Lisa-risa254 {Ecuador} & Frank-frank1649 {California} January 2019
[Editor's note: See January 2021 to read see how their marriage is going now.]
Archie-arch211 {Arizona} January 2019
Karen-karibythesea864 {California} January 2019
Benard-benhandsome797 {Uganda} January 2019
We got married last year.
Kay-kitkat860 {Philippines} January 2019