Nothing but smiles for successfully matched Nat and Daniel!
Met on ChristianCafe in late September/early October of 2014.
We got married on July 9th, 2016!
We've now got a 6-month-old (our first).
Nat-natilove545 {Brazil} & Daniel-dabjuke168 {Alabama} November 2019
[Editor's note: See December 2014 for Nat's first impression!]
Susanne and Patrick happily married their soulmate!
Susanne and Patrick were prepared by God to meet each other
The beautiful couple in beautiful Seychelles
Patrick is from Kenya and I am from Germany. We were both praying and waiting a long time to find a spouse.
Patrick heard about Christian Cafe from a Pastor while he worked in Sweden. Then he moved back to Kenya. I served three years in Haiti as a pediatric nurse and missionary. When I came back I asked one of my friends from Bible school if she could recommend a Christian website to find a spouse. My friend recommended Christian Cafe.
Patrick wrote to me and then our wonderful love story started. We are still overwhelmed at how God guided us since last year, in November 2018.
In May 2019 I flew to Kenya and we met for the first time. I met his whole family and church. Soon it became clear that we had found our soulmate. God was present in this relationship from the first moment on.
We talked multiple times a day, spent time in prayer and I was even able to attend church service in Kenya of Patrick's church. We also both attended wedding classes at his church over 3 months and we graduated on June 9th with a big ceremony in Nairobi.
We just got married on October 11th 2019 at Cerf Island, Seychelles.
We have gone through challenges because we could neither get married in Germany nor Kenya or Denmark because of paperwork, but God surprised us with a marvelous, special gift we never could have imagined. He opened the doors to the Seychelles Islands, one of the most beautiful places on this earth where people travel for their honeymoon. We were allowed to get married there! We had a amazing wedding with our family and we can only give HIM all our honour and glory!!
When we look at our both life stories and as well at both our families (they're by the way all believers) and our Churches and the whole trip, we see He had prepared each for the other over the past years.
We called each other daily and prayed together. I think this was the main key for us that our relationship was growing in such a deep way. We even got the opportunity to give a testimony at a church to encourage other singles. It is wonderful how God is already using us to help others and our prayer is that our marriage is glorifying the Lord.
Thank you to everyone of Christian Cafe!
Susanne-lily7909 {Germany} & Patrick-jeshuran912 {Kenya} November 2019
Big smile for Menchu, with Michael right behind her
Nothing like silly faces to lighten the mood!
Wonderful couple, wonderful food, wonderful setting!
2 thumbs up for this relationship!
Nothing but smiles for the happy couple
Don't miss the ring on Menchu's finger!
I met my best friend and now my fiance and soon to be my husband, and we are both Christian.
Michael was a paid member of Christian Cafe and we first began chatting on the site, before eventually moving to private communication off the site. We met in person here in the Philippines on September 27, 2019 and he stayed until October 5.
We're planning to be married soon!
ChristianCafe is truly a blessing to me.
Menchu-chuchay570 {Philippines} & Michael-micahllord797 {Illinois} November 2019
Visobe found 'The One': Allen!
We found each other on Christian Cafe in December 2018 and wedded on November 16, 2019.
God is good!
Visobe-faithfulone942 {Ohio} & Allen-outdoorslover148 {Pennsylvania} November 2019
Amy's struggle is over: she found Collins!
My fiance and I met here. We were both struggling with being single. He created his profile and in one day saw my pic and the Holy Spirit told him "Yes! She's the one!"
We seem to be evenly yoked! We are excited to be getting married in May!
Thank you for being used by God and bringing us together!
Amy-avdkemp272 {Ontario} & Collins November 2019
Thank you to - I've found that special someone.
Alex-alexau859 {South Australia} November 2019
My wife is from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We first met in person in March 2019 following my flight to meet her after our communication on your website. Both of us being widowed in 2018, we were quickly attracted to each other and rather than a delay to our first plan for marriage in 2020, did not waste time but happily married in a civil wedding in Hamilton, New Zealand on the 9th May 2019, followed by a blessing through Father Darren McFarlane later that same day.
Since then we have travelled to meet my family in Scotland and with several holidays in New Zealand and Kuala Lumpur, will be spending time with my wife's mother and wider family at Johor over the Christmas period.
Our thanks go to Christian Cafe who offered both of us an assured online way of meeting and path to our future individual and joint happiness for the rest of our lives.
Simon-simon496 {New Zealand} & Vong {Malaysia} November 2019
Markus-lvsjesus112 {Mississippi} & Ghena-grace7440 {Oman} November 2019