I think sometimes many of us think only of North America (the United States in particular) when thinking of predominantly “Christian” countries. Of course, there are millions of Christian singles across the globe. I’m guessing if you live in a country where Christianity is less common, it would be even more difficult to find that special someone who also shares your Christian faith and values. We encourage those from non-North American countries to try ChristianCafe.com out as well. So, aside from the US and Canada, where are our other members from?
Author: Fred (page 5)
Dating and Conflicts Resolution – Dating Tips.
Dr. Jim provides advice on dealing with disagreements when in a relationship.
» If a disagreement surfaces in the initial stages of dating, what should I do?
Most singles are very self-conscious as they relate to others. When someone begins to interact with them and there are a lot of positives, it is disconcerting when suddenly a disagreement surfaces. What does this mean? Is it an indicator that this is not going to be a relationship and that they should ‘move on’?
Christian Mother’s Day Gift Idea
How To Break Up With Someone… and How to Survive a Breakup
In today’s dating advice post, Dr. Jim writes provides his thoughts on Breaking Up 101.
Does God Have Someone for Me?
Pastor Jim answers the question “Does God have someone for me?”
I often like to respond to a question with a question. In this case, if we were sitting down across from each other, I would say, “Why do you ask?“. Your answer would give me insight into a vast domain of possibilities.
She/He Said “Let’s Just Be Friends” – Some Helpful Advice.
Dr. Jim tries to help you solve the “just want to be friends” dating situation.
» Dear Jim: When they say, ‘let’s just be friends’, is it time to move on?
Ahhhhh dating dynamics. What does she/he mean when they say “let’s just be friends“? It is always open to interpretation, but this one phrase likely comes up more than any other. Should the statement be taken at face value, or is there a hidden meaning? It really does depend upon many variables. Allow me to share some of them with you.
Should I Date Someone Who Has Been Divorced?
Dr. Jim responds to the question “Should I date someone who has been divorced?”
30 Inspirational Christian Songs
Cafe staffer Jen put together this fantastic list of inspirational Christian songs. Give them a listen and let us know in the comments below what you think. Likewise, please share with your friends if these songs brought you joy today. What other Inspirational music would you add to this list?
Online Dating Stories by HopefulGirl
Today on the Cafe blog we talk with British writer ‘HopefulGirl’, who wrote the book
Would Like to Meet. This book details her four years on the Christian dating scene – which included a year on ChristianCafe.com.
Still Single in your 30s? Don’t Give Up Hope!
Are you, maybe, in your thirties and still haven’t found the life partner God has for you? Have you lost hope in finding your match for life?
A Boundless reader writes:
“I’ve put a time limit on when I will stop looking for a suitable mate, but is this the wrong idea when the Bible says that there is a season for everything?”