Online Dating Red Flags

Online Dating Red Flags

What red flags should you be aware of when using an online dating site? We’ve put together some tips to help keep you safe.

There are a two main areas when you think of profiles/”members” to avoid in online dating:

  • “Fake” profiles that try to build a rapport with you and then hit you up for money with the help of a made up tale.
  • Legitimate members who you simply shouldn’t spend your time getting to know.

Let’s dig in.

Over 30 and Single? God Has Control

over 30 single

Christian singles expert Lisa Anderson from the Focus on the Family ministry Boundless provides a couple minutes of advice for those finding themselves over 30 and single.

How can Christian singles no longer in their 20s feel content? Realize that God has control of the situation. There’s work being done “behind the scenes” that is part of His story for you. Continue living life and trust God with his plan for you.

The Gift of (Temporary) Singleness: Embrace It

Embracing the Gift of Singleness

In today’s singles advice, Dr. Jim Rives talks about embracing the gift of singleness after a broken relationship – viewing it as a growing phase of your journey.

Please let us know your thoughts on this, in the comments below. Thanks!

From weeds to…

There is a field near where I live that is covered with weeds and some plants that came from old cotton seeds. It is not much to look at and is not attractive or of much use. However, I recall only a year or so ago when this field was filled with rows of beautiful Pima cotton. It was a picture of God’s masterful design and commanded everyone’s attention because of the healthy, lush green plants standing at the same height and fullness.

Three Places to Listen to Christian Music Online

Listen to Christian Music Online

Yes, there are better free places to listen to Christian music online than YouTube (tired of pre-roll ads and poor sound quality?) – especially when it comes to new music discovery.

The following three online music sources are commercial-free options that also allow for favoriting tracks, creating playlists, and subscribing to new posts by others. They’re great for discovering new Christian music!

When to End a Relationship: Advice

When to End a Relationship

In today’s advice piece, Dr. Jim answers, “When is it time to give up on a relationship?“.

A significant number of emails are received from single adults sharing details of broken trust, disrespect, and outright negligence in their current relationship. The writer’s question to me often is centered on whether they should stay or end a relationship. How does one know if it is time to move on or to stay and work on the relationship? (These are relationships that are between single adults and not a married couple.)

The Honest Profile on a Dating site.

The Honest Dating Profile

Dr. Jim shares a quick word regarding honesty in your online dating profile.

Babies anyone?

The question of wanting children in a marriage is one that many single adults face, one way or another. It is an area that I encourage every single adult to give a great deal of thought to before they go onto the Internet to write a profile, much less begin to interact with others.

Broken Trust and Relationships

Broken Trust & Relationships

Pastor Jim discusses broken trust in relationships, how to rebuild that trust, and when and how to move on.

Trust takes time to build, but can be lost in a moment

Trust is such a valuable item. It takes a lot of time, energy, and consistency to build trust but it can be lost in a moment. I like to go to the dictionary to ground myself in the source of the word. Webster defines trust as: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.