Ken's letter to Mary was the start of a dream come true!
One year ago today I received an email with this in the subject line: "May I introduce myself?".
Two weeks later Ken flew to Detroit to meet me. Three weeks after that I flew to Colorado to meet him. When I returned I put my condo up for sale, gave my two weeks notice then packed up and moved to Colorado and got married.
Yes, it was an unbelievable six weeks! God has done abundantly more than we could ask or think!
Mary {Michigan} & Ken {Colorado} March 2003
Thomas and his breath taking wife Geeta :)
Thomas and Geeta felt like they'd know each other a life time!
It is my pleasure to tell and the world I have been blessed with my marriage to Geeta. I met Geeta on your site on June 9th 2002. I will confess it was love at first email. Her profile was everything I looked for in a woman.
She being from Fiji and me from Pennsylvania did not even become a problem. Her values and love of family impressed me from our first emails to our wedding day. Her passion for Christ and her mom was so refreshing in today's world. I don't see this much in the US.
On December 24th I flew 7,867 miles (12,661 km) to Fiji to meet my future wife. It was so wonderful. She met me at the airport in her saree, traditional clothing of India. I felt so comfortable and safe with her. She was so breath taking. It was so easy being with her, it was like we knew each other for a life time already.
After meeting at the airport I went with her to meet her mom and then to Church where we prayed and thanked GOD for all he did for us. On December 30th I proposed to her at the Thurston Gardens. Then on January 6th we had our first wedding - a legal wedding for the government of Fiji. Then on January 18th we had a traditional Indian wedding. It was so beautiful, colorful and spiritual. Her brothers, Sinjay and Reginald flew in from New Zealand and Australia to attend and to help with the preparations. In less than two weeks Geeta's mom, Maya, planned and arranged all the details from hall to food to invitations.
Let me say that an Indian wedding is not the easiest thing to have happen in less than two weeks. BUT it did. Our Lord & Savior has blessed this man with a wonderful bride and a new family. Geeta is my life and love now. She is everything I always wanted in a companion. Her love of Christ and family will keep me on the right path. We plan to have a third wedding by my pastor Jon when the US embassy allows Geeta to come to the USA. I pray this will be soon.
Thank you Jesus and Christian Cafe.
Thomas {Pennsylvania} & Geeta {Fiji} March 2003
[Editor's note: See July 2003 testimonial for Geeta's follow up!]
Beth with her true love on their wedding day!
My husband and I met on on 01.11.02 and married on 09.20.02. Thank you so much..
Beth March 2003
Blaine and Amber felt so comfortable the moment they met
After searching for only a few minutes, I had a quick message come to me from Amber. We talked a few times, just friendly, and then after about a week, i decided to come up and visit her.
It was a five-hour drive from my place to San Jose, and I was hoping that it would be worth it. When I pulled up at her place and she came out and met me, something just sparked.
After dinner and a movie, we knew that there was something more than friendship there. After spending all day Saturday with her, that afternoon, the words came out "I Love You", I thought what? How could that be, how could we love each other after only 2 days? Well for those of you who question love at first sight, question it no longer, because trust me it happens. I know it sounds crazy, but it's the truth. It's not one-sided either, it's mutual. We knew exactly at the same time when it was right to say I love you, and everything felt so comfortable.
This has been the very best thing (other than God) that has happened in my life and hers as well. Thanks
Blaine {California} & Amber {California} March 2003
[Editor's note: See January 2023 testimonial for Blaine's testimonial 20 years later!]
Karis and Steven couldn't be happier together!
Steven and I met here last year and we became good friends. We started sharing our faith experiences and how God has touched our lives. Our friendship soon progressed and became more deeper until we decided to meet face to face!
We both agreed to have an open mind and heart as the will of God continued to unfold. We vowed to remain friends no matter what will happen if we meet. The thought of meeting him was like meeting someone I have known for a very long time, it was like meeting him again. And the day came! And we knew it's love! He came here all the way from West Virginia. I couldn't be happier! We spent time together here in the Philippines and he met my family and friends.
We had a wonderful time and the memories we shared are priceless and i will forever treasure them in my heart - they are pure and lovely, simply beautiful!
Thank you for being such a beautiful instrument in bringing us together. God has truly made a way for us! And I am certain that He will complete the work He has begun in our lives.
Steven proposed last January 19, 2003 when we were in a small paradise at Lakawon Island here in the Philippines, in the middle of the ocean during the family outing. The moment was so perfect and there was peace in both of our hearts. Joy was overflowing!
You will always be in our prayers and may your beautiful work be blessed even more and may continue to unite souls and hearts for the greater glory of our One True God, Jesus Christ! Laus Deo!
Karis-musicbox {Philippines} & Steven {West Virginia} March 2003
[Editor's note: See February 2003 testimonial for their other post]
Thank you, bless you! I'm impressed with the fact that you allow us to communicate with others during the free trial.
Michelle March 2003
Thank you for this opportunity and the quality site (and service) that you have developed!
CD March 2003
I joined around the beginning of 2002. I met many people as a result, and in May 2002, I was first contacted by the man God made me for. He lived halfway across the country from me, but we talked every day and flew back and forth for visits each month, each one many heart-wrenching goodbyes.
Well, no more October 2002, he uprooted his whole life and moved here. He stayed with friends of ours until we were married on November 7th. It was a beautiful candle-lit romantic.
We had a celebration for family and friends on December 23rd so they wouldn't have to travel twice. We were joined on December 18th by his 7 year old daughter who came to live with us permanently, and now we all live in our dream house of love! I have the most amazing husband and a daughter who's a living doll and already calls me 'mommie'!!
God is good and time and again has shown me that ... "He is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine..." (Eph 3:21) As the song goes "every prayer has been answered; every dream has come true...I found ALL I waited for, and I could not ask for more."
It took a lot of bravery on my part to even try, but after some encouragement from a friend, I finally did. Thank you for being a Christian community that I could feel safe in. I met many special people while I was part of the community, and wish you all well in the future.
anonymous March 2003
A member wrote to me last December and asked, "Why pen pals only? What if I want to meet you?"
We met December 22, and have kept on meeting every chance we get since. We hope that we are to become life partners.
Thank you for the service you provide. I also have 18 ongoing pen pals from around the world whom I contacted first through
anonymous March 2003
I just want to say "Thank You" for following God's leading in developing this website and I have no need to utilize this service anymore!
I came across this site in June 2002. I immediately began receiving emails and I met and chatted with quite a few very nice Christian men. Then one day, I received a very generic email from Mike. Mike & I began emailing each other from June through September 2002 and then we exchanged telephone numbers.
In the course of our conversations, we realized that we were only 50 miles or so from each other (he's in New Jersey & I am in Pennsylvania) so in November, he came to visit. We have been seeing each other constantly ever since.
We have visited both of our families and our churches together and we have set a wedding date for Easter, April 11, 2004. My family loves him and his family loves me. Mike is the Senior Pastor at his church so it was very important for him to meet my Pastors and I have visited his church and both of our church families are very excited for us! We are most definitely soulmates and best friends!
We are planning a wedding on the beach in Aruba and we are planning to build a new home by this time next year! Also, before we met, God was preparing Mike to plant a new church in 2004 so not only is Mike going to be my new "Husband" he is also going to be my new "Pastor in our new "church"!!!
We are so very happy and excited!! When God does it, He does everything well and with the the spirit of "Excellence!!!" God truly does above all we can ask for and think!
Lois & Pastor Mike March 2003
I met my husband Jim on We had our first date the day after engaged a few days before Valentine's Day....and got married about a week later.
Thank you've been telling lots of my friends about you.
Gail March 2003
Thanks so much for putting on the net a site like this. I have met my soul mate here and we are happily married and now live in the sub tropics.
Together we have 5 beautiful children and are running our business side by side. God is sooooo good.
anonymous March 2003
Through Tim sent me a message on December 6. I can't believe how amazing God is.
I'm going to remove my profile now because I know in my heart he's the one. But thank you ever so much. You provide a wonderful service. Keep it up!
anonymous March 2003
He is so wonderful and truly a dream come true! It will be a long distance relationship for about a year, but I know that what God has brought together, nothing will be able to separate!
Thank you so very much, and God Bless you all!
Eliss March 2003
I just wanted to thank God first for the opportunity He gave me to find your site and thank you, staff, for so wonderful a site, it is really awesome.
I entered your site in July 2003 and in August I received an e-mail from a member. At present we are only friends and due to his business we only write to each other a couple of times, but I really enjoy it.
Soon he will be coming to my country and I hope and pray that we can meet and have a good time and the future will be guided by God. Go on you people, keep doing what God really wants and you people go on, God knows what's best and He will guide you, God bless you all.
anonymous from the Caribbean March 2003
We talked online for a bit and very quickly began to talk on the phone.
While there aren't any plans for marriage at this point, the one thing that I know for sure is that God has blessed me with an incredible woman. One that I hope to always call my best friend.
Evan March 2003
Thank you for all your help. You all really seem so nice and helpful and truly act in such a wonderful Christian manner.
Sandra March 2003
We met on your website on Feb. 5, 2000. Diane moved from Illinois to South Carolina to be with me. We were married on Oct. 27,2001.
We have had our struggles (as most couples do). After being married for one year, she hasn't killed me yet (I must be doing something right). We are doing just great.
For a while, we had a little bit of problems. We always had her kids around. My kids would come for visitation. We never really took time to get to know each other. Well, my kids still live with their Mother. Diane's kids wanted to go to Illinois to live with their Father, so we let them go. Now, it's just us.
Wow, we found we didn't know as much about each other as we thought. Now that there is just us, we have had time to get to know each other. You know what, we have fallen so much in love.
I guess God removed our children from us so that we could get closer together instead of having that separation between us. We were constantly fighting over the kids. It kind of helps to have jobs that are on totally different shifts. We are hardly ever home to fight anymore LOL. Thank you for your site.
Bob {South Carolina} & Diane {Illinois} March 2003
I have been hooked up with a family filter company for the past year. My friend told me about your site so I checked it out.
It was going great until the company blocked my line with you. I immediately contacted them to have it unblocked but they had to check you out first.
They got back to me within a day and told me how impressed they were with, therefore unblocked the line worldwide!!
anonymous March 2003
I have found the lady of my dreams....thank you. I want to thank you for the wonderful time I have had on your website.
Bill March 2003
He is a sergeant for the marine corp. We love each other dearly. He has since left to go to Kuwait and I couldn't be prouder of him.
I miss him dearly BUT I know that he is in God's hands. We thank God every day that we met. We still chuckle because we can't believe that we met on the internet.
But I praise God just the same. Damon completes me!!! Thank you for your website and I pray that others will become as blessed as Damon and I are right now.
Marcella March 2003
Last night I asked another member how he happened to choose over all the other dating websites...I know you will love his reply...which was that he liked the gold/brown background and the coffee cup, since he loves coffee. :)
Linnea March 2003