David in Monterey Bay with his gift, Linda's radiant smile :)
In October this year (2003) I, "Agapeminister293", received an email from Linda816 wishing me a happy birthday.
After that we begin to email each other almost daily for a week or two. There was something very different and very special in our conversations. Later we talked on the phone.
I am confident the Holy spirit prompted me to invite Linda to visit me in Mount Hermon, California. She lives in the Dallas, Texas area almost 2,000 miles distant.
Linda's flight arrived in San Jose, California the afternoon of Saturday November 22. When I finally found her in the very crowded baggage claim area her radiant smile lit up the whole baggage claim area and my heart.
Linda: By the time we drove away from the airport, I felt the presence of God and knew He had His mighty hands on us. God is pouring His blessings on David and I as we surrender to Him, worship and praise Him, and love Him together.
As His awesome plans unfold for David and I, I experience more and more of the promised "peace that passes all understanding." We are both committed to putting God first in our relationship and depending on Him to lead us into His perfect will. Love is a gift from God and it is the essence of Him.
David-Agapeminister293 {California} & Linda-Linda816 {Texas} December 2003
Ed and Norma found their Special Someone:-)
It didn't take long for Ed to realize Norma was Someone Special:-)
She lived in Brazil, and I thought she was too far away (she did too). But it didn't take long before I realized she was someone special. Last December I flew down to meet her and at the end of that visit we knew we wanted to be married.
Norma: When I received the instant message from Ed, we started corresponding regularly, and I also began to think that he was a special person.
I felt peace in my heart, and this was confirmed when he came to Brazil to meet me face to face. Ed returned to Brazil where we were engaged, and I submitted paperwork for a visa to the US.
Miraculously, it was approved and I was able to go to the US. We had a civil ceremony in San Francisco, then returned to Brazil to get married in my church.
On October 18, we had a beautiful ceremony, and we saw the hand of God on it, as well as in everything else that's happened in our lives. I thank God and ChristianCafe.com for making all of this possible.
Ed {USA} & Norma {Brazil} December 2003
Alicia and Dave are so happy to have found each other!
Last year, September 2002, I was poking around on ChristianCafe.com and I stumbled across a young man, DaveG, who had uncanny things in common with me.
At first, we just said "Hello" every now and then until October 31st, 2002 when Dave sent me a longer message.
Later, I called him in South Korea! Dave's an American working in Asia. After daily phone conversation for a few weeks, he asked if he could come meet me, FROM SOUTH KOREA!
Dave arrived in South Florida on December 30th and spent 10 days. Before he left to go home, we began courting. Dave returned again in April for a week and things fit even better than they had before.
He recommended that instead of waiting another 3 months to see each other that I go to Korea to see how he lives. Dave returned again in August and the following week, proposed to me on Pompano Beach while we were being serenaded and then took me to a surprise engagement party with all my friends and family there!
Dave and I are so happy to have found each other and grateful that ChristianCafe.com introduced us! I never dreamed that God would meet my needs so abundantly and in such a handsome package!
Alicia-sweetgeek306 {Florida} & Dave {South Korea} December 2003
[Editor's note: See June 2004 testimonial for their wedding announcement]
Juliana and William were a match made in heaven
I signed up with ChristianCafe.com in May of 2003. That day, I did a quickmatch. The first profile with a picture was very thoughtfully written.
The very next day, the same man sent me a note! I figured God was telling me something, so I decided to pay attention to Him and wrote back. Thus started a daily correspondence.
Skywatcher lives about 80 miles from me here in Southern Alberta, and our first date was June 1. We had our first full day together on June 13, and we have only spent one weekend apart since then.
We learned a lot about each other through long phone conversations every day, and delighted in each other's company every weekend. On October 12 2003, Skywatcher (also known as William) formally proposed to me.
We had been talking about marriage almost from the beginning, but it took until September until we were "singing from the same song sheet," so to speak. I knew very early on that this truly was a match made in Heaven; I think William knew it, too, but it took him a little longer to know he knew it *smile*.
We got married on November 22 of this year, and that marks the beginning of our lives together.
Thank you, ChristianCafe.com. I wish you continued success, and ask that God bless you and the other members the way He has blessed William and me.
Juliana-cgycupcake388 {Alberta} & William-skywatcher435 {Alberta} December 2003
Kristina and Grant enjoying plenty of laughter!
I decided to cancel my membership, but God put it on my heart to send out some emails before doing so. I sent out five or six emails, and a few days later, Kris replied.
After exchanging emails for a week, and a couple of weeks of very long phone calls, we met for dinner at the end of March. She allows me to say and do silly things to make her laugh, and I enjoy who I am when I'm around her.
She has a man in her life that makes her laugh, sends her flowers, and asks her how her day was. After almost six months, and fully convinced that she was the one to spend the rest of my life with, I asked her to marry me.
Without hesitation, she said yes, and we are now planning a June wedding!
God has blessed us so much, and we thank ChristianCafe.com for providing such a great service.
Grant-ahumbleman544 {California} & Kristina {California} December 2003
Editor's note: See January 2007 for a "Cafe Baby" update!]
Karly and Chris were led by the Holy Spirit and look at them now!
We both joined ChristianCafe.com on 29 July 2003. The Holy Spirit took control of our conversations. Chris came to Yiwu Zhejiang province, because he was preaching in China.
From that day on we grew stronger in understanding each other. We talked one hour or two hours daily. We talked about God's words, worship and we prayed together. Everyday the Holy Spirit visited us and we talked from night till morning one day.
We are now engaged!
Chris-chris435 {Nigeria} & Karly-karly913 {Hong Kong} December 2003
Kees very happy to have met his beautiful wife:)
She is the most beautiful and faithful girl on Earth. Here is my wedding picture.
Kees-kais479 {Netherlands} December 2003
Our first child, Joshua Caleb, is due in just a few short weeks! And as we move into our brand new house this Thursday I realize that one QuickMessage on your site was the beginning of it all!
Thank you ChristianCafe.com for helping God to bring my wonderful husband, Jeff, into my life! Blessings to you and yours. :)
Deb December 2003
I just wanted to thank ChristianCafe.com. I met my wife-to-be on this site and we are getting married in Texas, January 17.
So again thank you and God Bless you for your site.
trucks729 {Canada} & Leatha-leatha280 {California} December 2003
[Editor's note: See February 2004 testimonial to read their wedding post!]
We posted our first update, celebrating the Lord for bringing us together in August, 2003. We were married in October, 2003, and I just found out a couple of weeks ago that we're expecting our first baby already!
It's hard for me to believe that I was single and childless on New Year's 2003, and I'm going to be married and expecting our first child this New Year's.
The only word of advice I can offer you guys out there is to just make sure you give your heart and your future totally over to Him. He has brought me such happiness since I've done exactly that. YAY GOD!
Bev & Ken December 2003
On December 1, 2003, I married the man God sent me through ChristianCafe.com. We met last Fall on the Cafe, and started writing. Then we started talking over the phone almost daily until we were ready to meet each other on Valentine's Day of 2003.
He is from Calgary, Alberta in Canada. I live in Virginia. When we met face to face in Virginia, he gave me a little diamond heart-shaped necklace which I wear almost every day.
We knew from the start that God had brought us together.
In June I visited him in Calgary, and he placed an engagement ring on my finger. We shared only one thing in common; Jesus Christ. We desired to serve Christ together as husband and wife.
In God's timing, we were brought together, though we lived more than 3,000 miles apart. I still have his ChristianCafe.com profile that I printed more than a year ago, which I have now placed in my wedding album.
Thank you, ChristianCafe.com.
Cristina {Virginia} December 2003
He is amazing and we are looking forward to getting to know each other even though he lives 24 hours away from me.
Thank you so much for your ministry of ChristianCafe.com!!
Nerissa-nerelaram259 {Illinois} December 2003
I am so excited to say that, after 42 years of seeking my soulmate, I am engaged to that "special" man that I met on ChristianCafe.com!
I have to admit that I was not expecting to meet the "man of my dreams" this way, but I was pleasantly surprised when he responded to my profile. We started corresponding only weekly for the first two months as I was constantly traveling for my new job, then over the phone for two months before meeting in person over the Labor Day weekend where we discovered a mutual attraction to each other beyond what we could have hoped for.
We have so much in common including spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually that it is purely a blessing that we met this way. Praise the Lord!
Our story is truly one of how God can use even the Internet to bring the right Christian man and woman together.
So, if you are out there thinking that it cannot happen, keep seeking Christ, his wisdom, and responding to Christians on ChristianCafe.com and you may be surprised! Song of Solomon 2:16.
Laurie & Karle-lspirek989 {Texas} December 2003
Without Christian Cafe I would never have found this wonderful Christian man the Lord has for me and fallen in love with him! It has totally been the Lord!
Keep up this wonderful ministry...Christian Cafe works!
Brenda-countrygirl616 {Pennsylvania} December 2003
I am from the state of Washington and was successfully matched with a wonderful woman from Missouri. We are engaged to be married soon.
Just want to say a word of thanks.
Dale {Washington State} & Pat-amissourigal461 {Missouri} December 2003
Tim and I met on ChristianCafe.com on August 29, 2003. I had previously been on [another Christian singles site] for a couple months and was really getting frustrated.
The matches that site was sending me weren't so perfect to me. As I was getting ready to log off my computer I noticed I had a message from ChristianCafe.com asking if I'd like to renew my membership with you.
I logged on.
I had sent a couple of short messages to a number of men who were online that night and then my eye caught sight of Tim's profile.
I sent him a quick message, and he quick messaged me back, and the rest is history!!!!!! Yes, we were a bit nervous upon meeting in person, but it was almost like revisiting an old friend.
We had e-mailed each other so many things about ourselves, it didn't seem like we were strangers. Well, it's been 11 weeks now and our relationship is really growing.
We can thank ChristianCafe.com, but our real THANKS goes to the Lord. So many of the things that we had prayed and asked for in a mate, we have found those very specific things in each other.
I can say for myself, I am happier than I have ever been. So to those of you who are looking for that special one, don't ever let anyone tell you that internet dating or mate finding is bogus - it can work, and it did for us!!!!!!
Melody-cruiser593 {Kansas} & Tim-cuby258 {Kansas} December 2003
We started off as friends only. Gradually our friendship grew to mean so much more and in mid June we finally met in person.
Our first date lasted 13 hours. We were engaged almost four weeks later and we are getting married December 20th 2003.
Thanks ChristianCafe.com. I met my soulmate through your site.
Valerie-val764 {New York} December 2003
Your timing in inviting me to ChristianCafe.com was perfect. God is so good and I pray this site is blessed abundantly.
Thank you for being there to be the ambassador for us to meet. I will tell my friends about ChristianCafe.com.
Sue-sue394 {Virginia} December 2003
I want to share a story with you about how I met the woman I am now with. I was invited over to my brother's girlfriend's house for dinner (probably in the hopes that the sister and I would hit it off).
We talked after dinner and she said she had just signed up on ChristianCafe.com and thought it would be a good idea if I did too. So, after thinking long and hard about it and being skeptical, I did visit your site and purchased a membership.
Within a week, I was out on my first "date" with a very nice woman named Kristine. We had lunch and conversation and realized that we would be just friends.
However, she introduced me to her friend Patty. Today, Patty and I are celebrating our 4th day as husband and wife. Thank you. Had I not signed up with ChristianCafe.com, I would never have met Kristine and would probably still be searching for Patty.
Ken-isaiahjames326 December 2003
And I am happy for the people that have met their matches through the website. I met the most wonderful lady from Eastern Europe.
We remained friends through email and phone calls from April 2002 till a few months ago, November 2003 when I stopped writing.
I broke off the relationship because I know I cannot be anything more than a friend to her. Some decisions are made because you love the other person too much. Love is not selfish; if I cannot be with her why waste her time.
God bless ChristianCafe.com. Though I never got someone to marry through the site, I continue to treasure the people I have met and known through the website friendships that are worth millions and will last forever in my heart. Regards.
Anonymous December 2003