Ben and Jessica with their awesome lighthouse wedding cake!
Ben and Jessica married at Grand Haven Beach
Praise the Name of Jesus! I met various Christian women through, but nothing lasting; then came April 2003!
I saw the profile of a wonderful Christian woman living in Lansing, MI. We began e-mailing each other for about 2 weeks, and then decided to meet.
I was a bit hesitant about rushing (out of lessons learned from a previous relationship). However, I felt God moving me to go out with her again, and on our second date I was both convinced and smitten!
From that point on we'd take turns driving 85 miles between Lansing and Detroit to see each other (several times a week!), and it didn't take long for us to realize what our relationship was blossoming into.
Three months after our first emails were written I proposed to her in front of her parents' house, and she said Yes!
We were married 3 months later (October 4, 2003) in Grand Haven, MI, and after 7 months of marriage, the Lord keeps blessing our relationship! I only pray that she and I grow in our love and service of Jesus, and by doing so, we grow closer together and more in love for the rest of our lives.
Thank you so much for being a part of our love story! Attached are two wedding pictures with our wedding cake (shaped like a lighthouse!) and at Grand Haven Beach (with lighthouse!). God bless you! (Proverbs 3:5-6). In Christ,
Ben {Michigan} & Jessica {Michigan} June 2004
Alicia with Dave, the man she'd always wanted!
Back in November, I wrote and thanked you for this website because it was that introduced me to my fiance.
Now, I would like to thank you for introducing me to my awesome husband! Dave and I were married on January 17th, 2004 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at my home church. Since then I have relocated to South Korea to be with my personal hottie. Dave contracts for the US Army in Korea.
My Dad is retired Army and I wanted to be a nice dutiful Military wife when I grew up, just like my Mom. Therefore, I get to live the quasi-military wife life.
We'd also like to thank you for the great friends we have made as well here. Two of our dearest friends married 5 weeks before we did, and we're looking forward to seeing them in the near future when we travel to England. Here is a picture from our wedding day!
Alicia-sweetgeek306 {Florida} & Dave {South Korea} June 2004
[Editor's note: See December 2003 testimonial for Alicia's engagement announcement]
Todd and April (with baby on the way!)
Todd, April and their happy, blended family
My friend suggested that I join and post a prayer. The mail and prayers I received back were very uplifting and wonderful
There was something different about one letter. This gentleman seemed to understand what I was going through with my divorce and its effect on my three children; I found this was because he had been through the same experience as me (he had three children too).
Not knowing why, I felt drawn to type him a longer letter than the regular thank you.
He turned out to be the answer to the prayers not only had I prayed, but which all my family and friends had prayed. He lived in Louisiana, and I lived in Alabama, but God works wonders. Just over a month later he drove down to meet me, and it was clear that God had his hand on this meeting from the beginning.
This all happened one year ago (June 2003). We are now married and just found out that we are expecting our first child together. He has three children, and I have three, and now we will have ours. God blessed me with more than I could have ever imagined possible.
Thank you for giving us the place for God to put us together.
Todd {Louisiana} & April-apdun297 {Alabama} June 2004
[Editor's note: Baby arrived! See him in February 2005 testimonial]
A newly engaged Tara and Phil continue to be blessed!
I had written to you before, telling you of how Phil and I met on Well, the Lord continues to bless our relationship and now we are engaged!
Phil proposed to me on a horse drawn carriage here in Canada in February! We have set the date for October 02/2004 and are busy planning the event.
All praises to our God, for He has not only provided us the means to meet via Christian Cafe, but He has also provided Phil a job over here in Canada. We are now getting immigration documents ready, and hopefully Phil will be here by the end of the summer!
Thanks again for all of your support and encouragement! Here is a picture of Phil, me, and our new family.
Tara-qtee724 {British Columbia} & Phil-nubianprince613 {Manchester, UK} June 2004
[Editor's note: See November 2003 testimonial for Tara's first testimonial]
Tim was Angie's answer to prayer!
I would like to thank you for having given me the wonderful opportunity to meet the man who is now my husband. I am from Mexico, he is from Seattle.
We met in August 2003, got engaged in December 2003 and married legally in Mexico on May 29th, 2004. Our religious ceremony will be on December 10th 2004, here in Mexico and in January we will finally be able to live as husband and wife.
I thank God because Tim is an answer to prayer, and thank you for helping us meet!
I almost feel sad to say I will no longer be on this site but I leave my testimony which I hope invites others to keep searching, keep praying and remember God has a perfect plan for you. God Bless you!
Angie {Mexico} & Tim {Washington State} June 2004
A very, VERY happy Jen and Rod on their wedding day
I met my husband, Rod, on in October 2002. We were married on October 19, 2003 and are very, VERY happy.
What makes this even more amazing is that Rod is from San Diego and I lived in New Jersey and in God's perfect plan and perfect timing -- we met and fell in love!
After being on Christian Cafe for a couple of months, Rod decided to lay it all at God's feet and search outside of California. He did a 'search' for some similar character traits as himself and found ME!
After emailing each other on the site for 2 weeks, I gave him my home phone number. We chatted every night for hours. Rod flew to New Jersey to meet me in mid-November and I visited him over the Christmas holiday and it was then we realized we were in love!
We did the cross-country flight back and forth 13 times before we became husband and wife!! Both Rod and I went through painful divorces however, God was so true to His Word and the Scriptures really came alive for us.
God confirmed first-hand that "ALL things DO work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose" and "He WILL repay us the years the locusts have eaten". "He who promised IS faithful" and "He was able to do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or imagine".
At first we were both very hesitant to tell people how we met because of the bad reputation the internet can potentially have. But now we find it to be a favorite story for so many!
Jen {New Jersey} & Rod {California} June 2004
Dana married her powerful man of God, Gary, barefoot on the Beach In Hawaii
It will almost be one year that I met my husband on your website. In July 2003 I began praying and asking the Lord for a husband.
Around the same time frame my Pastor called me to come forward so that he could pray for me and then prophesied that the Lord was going to "link me up" with a powerful man of God and together we would shake the nations.
As with any word given I certainly prayed about it and hid those words in my heart with much excitement. Then maybe a week or so later i had 2 dreams.
In the first dream I heard a knock at the door, then opened the door to find a man standing there that i greeted with a hug and a kiss. When i pulled back from him i saw on his shirt the words "Truth" then I woke up! In the second dream i was reading a newspaper then suddenly I saw the word "TRUTH" in big letters, and again I woke up.
After dreaming those dreams I really wondered "what could all of this mean? When browsing through I came across an email from someone named Servant (which was really a surprise because my name was OneServant).
Instantly I was swept off my feet. We corresponded through email for a bit before chatting by phone. I think our first conversation lasted about 5 hours. He being in California, and I being in Hawaii, I asked him what brought him to the site.
He believed the Lord was leading him to Hawaii so he began looking for a Christian friend in Hawaii, and there I was. Not long after He planned his first trip to Hawaii.
After meeting Him I learned that He worked in a business called "Spirit and Truth". I then recalled the 2 dreams i had about the word truth and felt the Lord revealing to me the connection between the two dreams and our meeting: I met him in a AD, and his business is called Spirit and Truth.
I felt the Lord had given us little faith pieces along the way even before we met so that we would know surely our coming together was from the Lord.
October 10, 2003 we exchanged wedding vows that we had both written -Barefoot on the Beach In Hawaii.
Dana-oneservant967 {Hawaii} & Gary-servant {California} June 2004
I did not have a Valentine and I decided to sign-up with to find the right person.
We met in Valentine's month and now we are engaged, ready to get married on September 18, and we are going to Paris, France for our honeymoon. We are getting married at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in California, and after our honeymoon we will live on a 5,000 acres ranch.
Since I am an author, we decided to travel all over promoting my books.
Larry is 67 and I am 65, we are practicing abstinence and felt so good to follow God's commandments no matter at what age we make that decision. We have also being an example for our own daughters who are also looking for husbands. I am sure they will sign-up with you too.
Irene-irene403 {California} & Larry-viking970 {North Dakota} June 2004
I just recently went to see her and we were engaged to be married. We are looking forward to a ministry for the Lord when we get married. Thank you Lord, Thank you God Bless you,
ptla419 {Alberta} June 2004
My fiancee Beth and I met on about 8 months ago, and now, as you might have guessed by her title (fiancee) we are getting married.
I wanted to thank you all for your service to Christian singles.
With God's leading, you helped us meet and find we are meant for each other.
Chad-chaddo202 & Beth June 2004
I was a member several years ago after my divorce. When I first joined I was going through a depression.
God had angels on at that time of the night in the chat room. I will probably never talk to these people again but they all prayed for me one by one in a chat room.
It was breathtaking watching everyone lifting me to the Lord in prayer and watching it come across the screen in my home.
Deborah {Georgia} June 2004
I met my fiancee through We are getting married in August.
I met Denise, outside of my original "close by" limitation. She was there in the "Who's On" feature and I just said "Hi" in a Quick Message.
We talked online for several weeks, and on the phone a few times as well. When I met her face to face for the first time, I knew within five seconds that my search was over.
After about four months, and five or six wonderful times together I asked her to marry me while wearing part of a suit of armor. She could only say "Yes" to her knight in shining armor!
Jim-knownofgodlex804 {Indiana} & Denise June 2004
I joined in January 2004. I have made several friendships on these boards but, in August this year, I will marry CathyJan whom I met through
We even both live in the same state just 40 miles apart. She is a widow, as I am a widower, and we are looking forward to a blissful later life together.
God is so good and we are grateful that exists. Keep up the good work and I offer encouragement to all who are still looking. Pray to our God and He will fulfill the desires of your heart.
Edwin {Australia} & CathyJan {Australia} June 2004
I must admit that I was a little apprehensive and pessimistic at the thought of meeting my life partner over the internet, but I am happy to say that I was mistaken.
The Lord brought His gift to me through Christian Cafe. It wasn't long before we both knew that the Lord had a plan for our futures together.
We were married on May 28th, 2004. Thank you for being the avenue the Lord chose to bring us together.
Jessica - chosen909 {Florida} & James - jamiem338 {Florida} June 2004
We are very happy and met through This program has been very successful for us both and we thank you for the opportunity to have been able to meet this way.
Hope there will be many more success stories for you in the future.
Elze - fros355 {New York} & dave633 June 2004
I met someone on He was from India and I am from South Africa. Like the scripture says God works in Mysterious ways, and HE did.
Anyway we started chatting and eventually we met. Praise be to God we are now planning our wedding for March next year.
I just wanted to say Thank you for allowing the opportunity to join and for allowing us to meet.
Lorraine {South Africa} June 2004
Dan and I first met in March 2004 on while I was visiting a friend in Michigan. I live in Washington state and Dan lives in Florida.
Dan is flying in this week-end and starting a new job on Monday. We are planning on marrying sometime in the near future. We praise the Lord for bringing us together.
Judy - Judyst205 {Florida} & Dan {Florida} June 2004