Bill and Elina are planning a summer beach wedding
Elina is very happy to have found Bill!
Bill is equally happy to have found Elina!
The beautiful engaged couple pose in sunny Florida
This is a very big Thank You to and an answer to both of our prayers.
My name is Bill and my lovely Bride to be is Elina. We are both a testament to the power of prayer.
My whole adult life, I've had a vision of the perfect woman for me and have prayed that someday God would bring her into my life.
Like most folks on I was looking for someone with the same beliefs and values. Elina had the same aspirations and in fact that's what drove her to come the United States from the former Soviet Union 5 years ago.
Elina read my profile, admired my profile and decided to write me a quick note introducing herself to me to see if I was interested in corresponding. I almost died, the Lord had finally answered my prayers. Not only was she the most beautiful woman I had ever met, but she had the heart of an Angel. A few letters went by, then all night phone calls later followed by a few meetings and we both realized that God must have brought us together for a reason and we found our true soulmates. We have been inseparable since and are planning a Beach Wedding for this summer.
Thank you and God Bless you All.
Bill-beachdad982 {Florida} & Elina-halida380 {Florida} June 2005
Dora and Alan connected quickly and are now married
I joined on December 30, 2004. The next day I chatted with a lady from Argentina. Dora is her name.
We quickly became friends and I told her I could visit her in Argentina, and Dora was eager for me to visit. So I travelled from Belize, where I live, to Argentina in February 2005 and spent a week with Dora.
We got engaged before I left, then we spent the next 40 days getting prepared for Dora to move to Belize. She arrived in early April and we were married on April 16th.
Alan-alaninbelize632 {Belize} & Dora {Argentina} June 2005
Carroll and James First Meeting in Person August 2004
Thanks to the wonders of the Internet and your wonderful website we are delighted to announce news of a Transatlantic Engagement! I come from Derbyshire in England and my fiancee Carroll comes from Georgia in the USA. The Lord bought us together through
We first started corresponding via in January 2004, subsequently progressing to emails, followed by (lengthy!) telephone calls. After a few months, we finally took the plunge and first met up in the States in August 2004, at (appropriately enough) a Bible conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Various trips back and forth between the US and the UK followed before I proposed during a holiday in the Yorkshire Dales in England on 13th May 2005. Having both had bad experiences in the past on other websites, we were skeptical but this time things really just "clicked" right from the word go and I think we both knew fairly early on that this was probably "it"!
It is really quite amazing how much we have in common and how alike we are given our totally different backgrounds, cultures and countries, but God really used your website to bring us together. We are really looking forward to being married in the near future so thanks and God Bless!
James {England} & Carroll {Georgia} June 2005
Jon and Robin at their engagement party
God used your site to bring me together with Robin, the love of my life. She lived in Southern California, and I was in South Florida. There is no distance in the Body of Christ, however. We met for the first time in July 2002, and married September 2003.
After the wedding we packed up the remaining items Robin hadn't already shipped and spent our honeymoon driving cross-country to our new home in Fort Lauderdale.
Thank you so much for your service. Our meeting was just another example of how God works in miraculous ways.
We are expecting our first child in September, and can't imagine life without each other.
Thanks again, and God bless!
Jon {Florida} & Robin {California] June 2005
David and I met on your blessed site in September 2001, got engaged Feb. 14, 2002 and were married May 23, 2002. We will be celebrating our third anniversary next week, and are still on our "honeymoon"!
David and I are true soul mates, and our marriage is one that many dream of and few find. We believe that through this site, God worked His wonderful miracle of bringing two people together, who had both lost former partners to cancer, and He has blessed our relationship with more love than we can contain.
Thank you Father! Thank you!
Donna-donna118 & David-redeemed562 June 2005
[Editor's note: See June 2002 for their wedding announcement, June 2007 for their 5th anniversary post and May 2014 for their 12th anniversary post!]
A little over a year ago, another member and I exchanged several Cafe messages, however she decided on someone else. Well, it did not work out between them, and after she re-read my profile, she decided to contact me again.
We have been together for a little while now. Not only do we have many similar interests, but we also enhance each other. We fill in the missing pieces, and we complete each other's circle.
Everyday we cherish each other, and give thanks for finally finding something very real and everlasting. I hope that other members will find what she and I have.
Thank you all so very much, for the opportunity to find her. God bless.
Anthony-truespirit767 {California} June 2005
Thank you for the wonderful time we both had during our short visit to your site. Julie and I met through your site. I live in Montreal, Quebec and Julie lives in Edmonton, Alberta.
We do not know where God will lead this relationship, at this present moment, but one thing is for sure, we know our Father surely used as a common ground to bring us together. And for this, we are tremendously grateful to God our Father and to you.
May God bless you all.
Wendall-esword838 {Quebec} & Julie {Alberta} June 2005
Matt and Dani met on in January 2004 and became engaged April 28, 2005! We both come from Christian backgrounds which made the connection all the stronger right from the beginning.
We also had a bit of a distance problem to overcome, but Matt, within a few months moved to my area so we could better get to know each other.
Matt is a Funeral Director and I am planning on attending Humber College in the fall to get my license to direct so we can work together in the future.
We plan on raising our family in the Ottawa area.
Thank you to for making it possible for Matt and I to meet.
Dani {Ontario} & Matt {Ontario} June 2005
I met her best friend and she told me to message my Lil, so I did and now we are married!
After we were married my wife's niece was complaining about being single so we helped her to write her profile (bcspanishrose771 in British Columbia) and hoped for the best.
bcspanishrose771 had not really wanted to do this, and now she is now getting married to asterix!
We have been asked to be Master of Ceremonies.
Gil-NorthernTeddyBear {Alberta} & Lil {Alberta} June 2005
I've been meaning to thank you for a long time, but we've been pretty busy.
Michael and I met at at the end of August 2001 and met each other in person a month later in September 2001. I had a 7 year old son and Michael had a 10 year old son and 7 year old daughter.
Our families were attracted to each other instantly and in May of 2002, we all went down to the courthouse to get married!
As I said, we've been busy! We had our first son together in July 2003, our second son in October 2004, and we're expecting our third baby this November! We've never been happier! Yeah, it can get a little crazy with five kids in the house, but we wouldn't be having this wonderful experience if if hadn't been for
Big Thanks!
Michael & Eve {Virginia} June 2005
Since our Youth Pastor and his wife came to my church, I have looked up to them as an example of how Christians, as individuals, and as a couple, should behave and live.
One day, we got to talking about how they met. well, guess where they met, Yes,!
Our Youth Pastor was "Just Curious" and his wife was "Hoping to start a relationship".
I want to thank you for the thousands of opportunities you have provided for people to form great long lasting relationships.
Much love in Christ.
Rachel Anne-heartaftergod420 {California} June 2005