Missionaries Christel and Charles were married in 2013
Christel and Charles walk down the aisle
The Happy Family, dog included!
We met on ChristianCafe.com while I was living as a missionary teacher in Taiwan and he was working for his church in South Carolina. We bonded over similar callings to missions and orphan ministry, and as we deepened our conversation we found that we had a lot of important values and characteristics in common.
We are so thankful that God brought us together while we were worlds apart.
We are now happily married and serving as missionaries together in Taiwan. Read about our whole love story on my blog.
Christel-christeljayne713 {Taiwan} & Charles-ctheprez759 {South Carolina} May 2014Joshua and Charity share a special moment
Charity and Joshua were married in 2009
I started chatting to my husband, who was a paying member. He is from England and I'm from the US. I really liked him but had no way to contact him after my free week was up. So I prayed for God's will - if He wanted me to keep talking to this man then I needed a way!
God answered that prayer very quickly! We chatted for three years before actually meeting in person in February 2008. We saw each other only a few times that year, but we were in love!
So we got married in England in June 2009. We have been married for almost 5 years now, known each other for 9 years, and we love each other more and more every day!
Thank you for making it possible for me to meet my husband!!
Charity-trileanta711 {Colorado} & Joshua-chandlerbing695 {England} May 2014David and I met on your site back in 2001, and were married May 2002. We have had 12 wonderful, happy, blessed years together. We feel that God used ChristianCafe.com to bring us together, and hand picked each of us for the other.
Our marriage is blessed, our lives are blessed, and we couldn't be happier!!
Thank you ChristianCafe.com. You were a blessing to us!
David-redeemed562 & Donna-donna118 May 2014
[Editor's note: See June 2002 for their wedding announcement, June 2005 for their 3rd anniversary post and June 2007 for their 5th anniversary post!]
So I was messaging a guy and I went on a date with him last June. It was the one and only man I went on a date with from ChristianCafe.com, and this June, a year to the day that we had our first date, we will get married.
Thank you ChristianCafe.com, my life has changed forever, and we are both extremely happy.
Anonymous {United Kingdom} May 2014I have never been into online dating before, but your site has convinced me that I can find a godly spouse online.
Blessing-melek843 {Connecticut} May 2014I've had some fascinating conversations and it's really helped me make new relationships.
Rotimi-leadandserve300 {England} May 2014