Christian Testimony - December 2010

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 After an ugly divorce over which I had no control, I knew that it wasn't good "for man to be alone."  

A beautiful woman signs her wedding license while a very proud husband smiles

John and Mercy officially married!

Big smile on John's face after meeting Mercy!

Big smile on John's face after meeting Mercy!

Lots of laughter from former single Christians who hold hands while seated

Lots of laughter from John and Mercy!

So I started looking for a Christian wife who was REALLY a Christian who wanted to lead a Biblical lifestyle.

I found her on She's an Ecuadorian and I'm a North American.

We were married in Nicaragua 23 Sept, 2010. I've never been happier.

I was a member on [another singles site] and learned rather rapidly that I hated it, but even though released more information rapidly, that's what I really wanted.

And our relationship advanced very fast due to the great start we had with Thank you.

John-chessed524 {Tennessee}& Mercy-muletita316 {Ecuador} December 2010

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 Thank you so much for your ministry to marriage-minded singles.  

A devoted Christian man whispers sweet nothings to his wife

Veronique was moved by Thomas' devotion to her

Newlywed Christians overcome with love after marrying

Veronique and Thomas full of love on their wedding day

A man holds a fishing rod near a pool and pretends to hook his new bride

Thomas hooks Veronique!

A bride holds out her hand and smiles at her husband who is on one knee

Thomas wants to serve his wife, Veronique

Thomas and I were married this month, thanks to you guys!

After asking my pastor for his approval and help in screening online matches, I, Veronique, joined in August 2009.

Instead of limiting my search to my home state of Florida only, I did a nationwide search, looking for someone experienced in my favorite ministry: street evangelism done Way-of-the-Master style.

I made it clear in my profile that I would only be interested in someone marriage-minded and active in ministry. I stated that my pastor would oversee the courtship, that I would have to meet their pastor, and that there would be no kissing until the wedding day. That screened out many men and saved me a lot of time.

I didn't want to wait passively for people to contact me, and preferred to do the choosing myself. I looked for people who had a profile that made it obvious that they served God by the things they did for Him (ministry) and not just with words. One of the prospects I sent a wink to was Thomas. Soon, I was corresponding steadily with three godly men: "Suitor #1" from New York, "Suitor #2" from Mississippi, and Thomas from Wisconsin. All three were experienced in street evangelism, well-versed in reformed theology, and active enough in their local church to be well-known by their pastors. They were also unashamedly and openly seeking a strong, godly wife.

My pastor gave me guidelines, or rules, to impose on all three suitors, in part to test their character. I also let them know about one another, as a matter of conscience so that they would not be deceived in thinking I was exclusive at that point.

Suitor #1 balked at the guidelines, refusing to submit to or respect my pastor's authority over me. He was also jealous of the other two suitors and demanded that I end my contact with them. I told him the guidelines were not up for negotiation, that he had to abide by them, and that I wouldn't eliminate the other two suitors before meeting them. Suitor #1 ended contact with me in September 2009, which freed up my time to get to know Suitor #2 and Thomas.

They were both extraordinary Christian men. Suitor #2's main ministry is one-on-one street evangelism, open air preaching, and discipleship. Thomas' main ministry is studying the Word of God in the original languages and accurately expounding on it in sermons and Bible studies. Suitor #2 drove from Mississippi to Florida to meet me in February 2010 and stayed at my pastor's house.

Thomas flew from Wisconsin to Florida in March 2010 to meet me, too, and stayed with a godly couple from my church. Both wanted to consider marriage with me. Suitor #2 was my strong preference because of his passion and boldness in evangelism and seemingly perfectly applied reformed theology to his life. I was very honest and open with Thomas about this, even telling him that Suitor #2 and I had developed romantic feelings for each other during his visit to me and that I felt I was cheating on Suitor #2 by spending time with him (Thomas).

Like a friend of mine put it, Thomas didn't have a "snowball's chance in Hell" to win my heart and mind against Suitor #2. I was calmly and joyfully set on marrying Suitor #2 who was the bold street evangelist I had prayed for for years. But something quite unexpected and dramatic happened. God intervened and did the impossible. God took my mind and heart and turned them toward Thomas, initially against my will.

Thomas refused to give up on me. Even when he saw no chance of being chosen over Suitor #2, Thomas fought to win my heart and mind with everything that he had, telling me, "The rest of my life depends on it. I will get to spend it either with you or without you." He spent hours prostrate, face down in prayer, pleading with God that if there were any way at all possible within His divine will he would be the one chosen to pursue marriage with me. Thomas wrote to my pastor, telling him how and why he loved me, what sacrifices he'd be willing to make for me, why he wants to marry me, what made me different from others in his eyes, and how very much he would cherish me if I were to be his dear wife. He was relentless in fighting for me.

I saw that he truly loved me and that he would not give up on me. His drive, determination, passionate love for me, and his courage in expressive it boldly and tenderly in the face of what looked like imminent rejection moved me deeply. In April 2010 I made the hardest phone call I ever had to make. I called Suitor #2 to tell him that I chose Thomas. I cried because Suitor #2 had been nothing but kind, generous, thoughtful, protective, and loving toward me; I was hurting a man who is so godly and sensitive. Suitor #2 didn't show any anger. He gently tried to make me feel better, and he prayed over the phone for Thomas and me, wishing us a great marriage.

The next day he wrote me a long e-mail for the sole purpose of drying my tears, for the sole purpose of comforting me. He asked me not to worry about him and assured me that his suffering at losing me was God's way of making him grow in faith. His reaction to my decision showed clearly just how sanctified and selfless he is. Thomas and I were very impressed with Suitor #2's reaction, and we were saddened by his pain. We pray regularly that God would soon provide him with a godly wife through or through another means.

In May 2010 Thomas flew to Florida to meet my father and ask him for my hand. With tears in his eyes, my father said, "Yes, I give you my permission without any hesitation, and I will tell you why: I have never seen my daughter happier." When I look back at the pictures my father took of Thomas and me at that time, I can see that my father was right; I am positively beaming with radiant joy in them.

In June 2010 I flew to Wisconsin to meet Thomas' parents, grandparents, and siblings. He proposed to me July 1st in the front row of his church's sanctuary with a sparkling princess cut engagement ring. I said yes. We both teared up out of joy, and we held hands and prayed to God, thanking and praising Him for gracing us with each other.

In August 2010 I flew to Wisconsin again (airlines should advertise on dating sites, offering discounts, seriously) to plan our life together. I stayed again at the home of Thomas' pastor and his wife. In November 2010 Thomas and I were married in Florida by my pastor, in a Christ-centered ceremony that was infinitely more focused on Biblical truths than human romance. We used evangelism tracts, booklets, and CDs as wedding favors. And, yes, that day we exchanged our very first kiss on the lips.

I now live in Wisconsin with my godly, loving, affectionate, devoted husband, and I have never been happier. We thank God for using to bring us together.

In closing, it's fascinating that while Thomas had been online-dating for almost 8 years before I found him, I had been on for not even a month before the site matched me with him based on my search criteria! Indeed the good LORD's timing is different for everybody.

I am so glad Thomas did not give up online-dating after a couple of years!

And, by the way, the very godly Suitor #2 "Ambassador475" is still on If you are a strong godly woman who takes the Great Commission seriously, you might want to pray about contacting this exceptional Christian man who lives a poured out life for Jesus Christ, and who would selflessly love his wife.

Veronique-QuietGrace545 {Florida} & Thomas-Exegete345 {Wisconsin} December 2010

[Editor's note: See June 2024 testimonial to find out how things are 14 years later!]

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 I would like to take the time out to tell you that your website has been a blessing and instrumental in orchestrating how my husband and I met.  

A very happy interracial couple pose while seated

Cynthia and George were matched due to the moving of the Holy Spirit

A very happy and attractive Black Christian woman stands next to her proud husband

Cynthia was blessed to have George a part of her life

We met on in July, 2003, met in person September 2003 then married November 8, 2003. I regretfully wish to inform you that he passed away on September 13, 2010. His name was George.

Although it has been three months since his passing I wish to encourage and compliment your website on a successful marriage due to the move of the Holy Spirit and your heart to have couples meet and marry.

My husband did send in a testimonial that we were married and I think at that time we may have missed the deadline to go on a trip as a prize. It's been seven years ago so I can't quite remember. We married impromptu during a church service on the night of November 8 (not remembering that we needed a marriage license! We were both on our third marriage! LOL!!)

We married on Saturday morning during this service at 12:03 a.m. and on Monday went to City Hall in Mississippi County, Arkansas. (He was from Arkansas and I am from New Jersey). The minister forgot that he had no clergy license for this state. The Holy Spirit was in full control. We told the clerk we got married and she was in shock to find out we did not apply for the marriage license. The clerk later found that the pastor did not have a license for that state.

To our amazement she backdated the marriage license as well as the minister's new license to reflect date of marriage! This story never ceased to encourage and fill people hearts with what God can do! Truly He is God!!!

Attached are pictures taken of us professionally two years after we were married. May God continue to bless this website and my prayer is that many more marriages are produced as as result of it.

Cynthia-cynthiak525 {New Jersey} & George-judshiloh483 {Arkansas} December 2010

[Editor's note: See February 2005 testimonial for their wedding testimonial]

 Angelica and I want to thank you for providing a great place for Christians to meet like-minded singles.  

An American Christian man looks pleased to be standing next to his beautiful Colombian wife

Alex and Angelica were wary of online dating but are now married!

We were both wary at first of "online dating".

However, we soon discovered that provided a great service within a great format, both of which contribute to attracting a wonderful group of people. She and I first met in September of 2008. With the aid of, email, and other communication services, along with several in-person meetings, we would spend the next two years developing a relationship that is a friendship, a partnership, a very deep love, and one that shares the desire to be close to God.

We were married in Bogota, Colombia, on November 27 of 2010, at a beautiful ceremony which included family and friends. We look forward to a long life together, knowing that it all started on Thanks again to all of you!

Alex-auburntwox225 {Alabama} & Angelica-angelitamtm659 {Colombia} December 2010

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 I had all but given up after a bad breakup and I was giving this site one chance.  

A pretty woman smiles and shows off her engagement ring

Alyssa happily showing off her engagement ring

A couple laugh together at Christmas as they pose on the carpet with a fluffy white husky

Alyssa and Bill, all smiles after their engagement

An ex-single Christian shows off her engagement ring

Alyssa's engagement ring

A engagement ring is in focus with The Bible in the background

The engagement ring on the Bible

My mother had given me the money to join as a gift. I got the greatest gift from God, my husband. We are planning to marry in June.

Alyssa-zionsinger258 {New Jersey} & Bill-engb946 {New Jersey} December 2010

[Editor's note: See August 2011 testimonial for their wedding testimonial and December 2012 testimonial for their "Cafe Baby" update!]

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 I am happy to report that I have met my wife through your website.  

We couldn't be happier. We want to thank you.

Brian-godlyman7 {Illinois} & Kyung-joy140 {Illinois} December 2010

 I found your website accidentally and registered, just to see what matches there were.  

This was the first time I ever registered at any dating site and found just exactly what I was looking for.

I will not need to look anywhere else, because my Angel was here, and wish to thank you for making my life fulfilled. You gave me hope when I lost everything in my life (verbatim EVERYTHING), and now I have a sense of life again.

Thank you again and wishing you all the best.

Ivica-peterpan852 {Croatia} & April539 {Maryland} December 2010

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 I just wanted to say thank you so much for your kindness.  

I am currently unemployed and am raising 2 children. I chose your site rather than the others because of how comfortable and easy you make it to search for love.

I have not yet met my match but I have met some wonderful people here. I just wanted to say thank you so very much for the free time you offered me. Being unemployed right now, this has been a prayer place (if you will), a place that I have met so many great Godly people who keep my spirits lifted. It has helped me get though this tough time in my life.

I am grateful for your generosity. God Bless you.

Roxanne-happiness366 {Connecticut} December 2010

 I just wanted to thank you for remembering me and your nice offers.  

I have been a widow for about 10 years. Thanks again for your kindness and Happy Holidays.

Brenda-bre321 {South Carolina} December 2010

 Brilliant! Staff at have been brilliant, thank you:-)  

Anonymous December 2010

 Thank you for such a valuable service.  

I must say I was very nervous about signing up for such a web site but after I checked it out for a while I really was please.

I met a man named Cleason on your site, and we were recently married June 5 2010. was such a blessing to me as I was very careful who I would date and your services allowed me to meet men in a safe and protected way. I also appreciated the fact that the information on the other person helped me pick out someone that was suitable for me and I didn't have to go out with a whole pile of unsuitable men first to find him.

Thank you so much, and best wishes to your company in the future.

Michele-michele314 {Ontario} & Cleason December 2010

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