An overjoyed Dennis and LLamara are so happy together!
Dennis and Llamara celebrate their wedding day in style
We are so thankful to Christian Cafe as you have helped to bring together two people from the opposite sides of the world into a love relationship that has resulted in a wonderful marriage.
We certainly appreciate your website and are thankful to God for it. May God bless you in your ministry of helping singles to find godly partners.
Again, thank you for helping us to find each other! May the Lord richly bless you for the wonderful ministry that you are doing. God bless you.
Llamara-mar542 {Philippines} & Dennis-donom773 {New York} December 2023
Judy is ecstatic after finding Michael!
The happy newly married couple are introduced
Last June I met a man from Augusta, Georgia on
We married December 16.
We started our courtship with Facetime Bible studies and prayer, which laid a firm foundation for a solid relationship.
We are so happy!
Judy-jute917 {Florida} & Michael-mike5191 {Georgia} December 2023
Ginette and Ken make it official :)
One of 3 wedding ceremonies to celebrate their love
Doesn't Ken look so at home with his new family!
I finally had enough and prayed that if God had someone for me, then she was going to have to write to me.
I wanted someone from North America, with no children. Of course, I ended up getting a message from a lady in Cameroon and she had three children.
Come to find out she was looking for a younger man than me with no children (I have three grown children).
At first I was just going to thank her for her message and then move on, but I had made a promise to God, so we started corresponding.
We soon discovered that we both wanted someone that would put Christ first in their lives. I finally asked her the most important question: "are you willing to go with me wherever God leads us, even if it means leaving friends, family and your home behind?"
She said "if you are my husband I will follow you wherever God leads us". I knew then that God had led us to each other.
It took me a few months to get everything worked out and I finally made it to Cameroon and after being there for a couple of months, we finally got married on December 2.
We actually had three different wedding ceremonies. The first was the traditional ceremony, then the legal ceremony and finally the church ceremony. Each one of them was a different experience that I wouldn't have missed.
Now, for some words of wisdom. We had to overcome some obstacles early in our relationship.
The first being cultural differences. We each had different ways of saying things or understanding things. Because of not understanding some of the differences we would have conversations that sometimes would get a little heated until we clarified what we were saying.
The second thing, and the biggest obstacle, was our language barrier. She spoke French and a little English and I spoke English with no French.
It was an obstacle that was made worse by the online translation app. American English sometimes does not translate properly into French and there were times when the French would translate poorly or with totally inappropriate meaning.
We got to the point if something did not seem right or didn't make sense we would just let each other know that it was a poor translation.
Fortunately we have learned to adapt, plus she is taking English classes and I am working on my French.
I am sending pictures of my beautiful wife and our three children.
Guys, if you're looking for a wife that loves the Lord and wants to serve Him and a wife that will love her husband as the Bible says, then maybe you should look at women from Africa, and I would recommend Cameroon.
Kendale-ken5167 {Arizona} & Ginette-na668 {Cameroon} December 2023
It will be on December 28, 2023 to a godly, loving man I met December 2022 on Christian Cafe.
Thank you for offering a true Christian dating website.
I have recommended you to all my single/unmarried friends.
May God continue to bless Christian Cafe!
Lori-loribear518 {Texas} December 2023
I like it for the very safety features which are not guaranteed in the other non Christian sites.
Zoe-zoe293 {Botswana} December 2023
I really like the way you have things set up - that you encourage people to stay on the site longer by providing better subscription rates for longer periods of financial commitment.
And also, not at all the least - that you allow people to periodically have full access to the site - free time - which means that a paid member will always have at least a chance to reach a non-paying member at some point.
All good things!
Michael-savedbygrace6347 {British Columbia} December 2023
[Editor's note: See December 2022 testimonial for more praise from Michael]
It was Christian Cafe on which we connected.
Terry-hesed956 {Kentucky} December 2023
[Editor's note: See June 2022 testimonial for Terry's initial assessment of the site]
Gloria-gloria750 {Florida} December 2023