Erinn and Michael fell in love when they met
Precious "Cafe Baby" Abraham!
Is there a cuter 16 month old?!
In March 2000 I was in Bolivia, South America student teaching for my Education degree. I found by chance and joined. On my 14th day I saw Michael's profile and sent him a Cafe message, not even thinking he'd write back. But he did!
We wrote each other nearly every day until I returned to the States in May and graduated from University. Michael is from Atlanta and I live in Maryland. We met face to face in July 2000 and it was over for us! Love at first sight! We were engaged December 2000 and married August 2001.
We have a beautiful son named Abraham who is the light of our life. He is 16 months old and is the best thing that has happened to us, other than actually meeting in quite a "strange" way! Michael and I are best friends and now we have this sweet boy. is a "God-send" for many Christian singles.
Erinn-enoelle502 {Maryland} & Michael {Georgia} April 2007
Corey and Kara's lives have been amazing since they met
Corey and I met online, Sunday, May 8th 2005. I had talked with my pastor's wife about how I needed fellowshipping with other Christians my age, let alone guys to meet.
That same day I got home, logged onto and found a message from Corey saying "Hi there! I had to write to you, you don't smoke, you don't drink, you believe the Bible, and you're only one State away!"
I checked out Corey's profile and liked what I read, and saw he was exactly what I was looking for. We met two weeks later in person and hit it off.
We got married June 2006 in my church in New Jersey.
Life has been amazing. I have not only married the most perfect, loving, sweet-spirited man in the world, but my love grows stronger for Corey every day.
Corey my first date, my first love, and my first everything! Christ really makes a difference when it comes to true love. The most amazing thing here is my soul was saved 5 months after we married. I had thought I was a Christian, but God had revealed to me through His Word that I was not His child.
God used Corey to show me true love and open my heart for salvation on December 6th 2006 when I asked Christ in my heart, to forgive me of my sins and to save me.
Marrying this special man changed where I would spend eternity, which was no mistake! God can work through any medium, and I have no doubt in my mind that God worked through to have two souls meet and become heirs together in the grace of life.
Kara-pugs867 {New Jersey} & Corey-becauseofhim738 {Pennsylvania} April 2007
[Editor's note: See January 2006 for Kara's engagement announcement!]
Dennis with the woman of his dreams
In 2006 I was a member of your site. I was able to communicate with the Christian woman of my dreams. We are both in love with each other, and are currently dating.
I want to thank you for your site.
Dennis-pureheart944 {Florida} April 2007 made Abby a believer in online dating after she met and married Peter!
I was a member in 2004 and I have met a couple of great friends. I used to doubt any relationship established online, but made me a believer.
I met my husband online and we got married December 29, 2006. Although we did not meet on, it is your site which first made me believe that Christ-centered relationships also exist online.
7 hours difference. 20-hour flight from one place to the other. Miles away.
Different Cultures. 1 Love.
Abby-maeve310 {Philippines} & Peter {Denmark} April 2007
Angela is everything Corey could ever have hoped for!
I met my fiancee here at the Cafe, and we're getting married on July 21, 2007. Angela and I are VERY happy together, and are looking forward to our upcoming marriage.
She is everything I could have ever hoped for, and more. God has blessed me with her in ways that I never imagined possible. It feels right, and because it was done through the Lord, we both know it IS right, and our families agree.
The Cafe really does work. Thank you for having the Cafe. I also thank The Lord for making all of this possible.
Corey-corey381 {Florida} & Angela April 2007
Stacy is so glad she renewed her membership - she was able to meet Robert!
Stacy and Robert are very happily married now
I have met someone special in the Cafe!
I had a membership with in 2002, and let it expire. A few weeks later I received an inquiry from someone living near me, and I renewed to read about him and write him back.
We wrote for a few months and then talked on the phone for a few weeks and finally we met in person. Long story short we eventually married and are very happy.
Thank you for helping me to find a very kind and wonderful Christian man, Robert.
Stacy & Robert April 2007
What a great couple!
All smiles at the wedding reception
The wedding invitation
The ceremony
Paul and Grace seal it with a kiss
The rest, as they say, is history!
Several years later we got married and are now about to buy our first home in Essex.
Here are some photos of our wedding in Angeles City, Philippines, May 13th 2006.
I would like to start with a thank you for your nice web site.
Grace {Philippines} & Paul {United Kingdom} April 2007
Heather and Ramy at the Great Pyramids in Egypt
Heather and Ramy at their American wedding on June 24, 2006
I joined in March 2005. I am from Grand Rapids, Michigan and was really hoping to meet someone from my local area. Boy, did God have different plans for me!
During the first week of April 2005 I received emails from six different guys from all over the world. At this point I was still wanting to meet someone local, or at least from the United States! I had a complete profile with photos and all of the questions answered.
One guy from Egypt, Ramy, sent me a message, but he had filled out only the multiple choice questions and there was no photo. He was the only guy that I messaged back and I was not sure for a long time why I even did that. It was a short response in which I asked him to fill out the short answer questions and to post a photo of himself.
One guy from Egypt, Ramy, sent me a message, but he had filled out only the multiple choice questions and there was no photo. He was the only guy that I messaged back and I was not sure for a long time why I even did that. It was a short response in which I asked him to fill out the short answer questions and to post a photo of himself.
To make a VERY long story short, I traveled to Egypt 3 times between July 2005 and February 2006 during which time Ramy and I were able to spend around 50 days together. We were married in Egypt on February 13, 2006, in order for us to file all the immigration paperwork in Cairo. God worked a miracle and Ramy was able to join me in the US less than 3 months later on May 11. We had a church wedding on June 24 and are expecting our first child at the end of May.
We are living proof of the verse Ephesians 3:20 "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."
Heather-hkaldridge709 {Michigan} & Ramy-sandman April 2007
Corey and Kara's lives have been amazing since they met
I wanted to thank you all at for your service!
Not in our most indulgent dreams could we have imagined being so happily married or so well suited for each other.
Thanks again and keep up the great work!
Jason-havingfun533 & Linda April 2007
God brought Lisa and Stanley together on
Don't Lisa and Stanley make a great couple!
We have a living God, and He knows what our deepest desires are and He does reward his children. Amen.
I was a subscriber. Just last year God brought my fiance and me together through Christian Cafe.
We are set to be married on June 30th. 2007, one year less a day from the day we physically met. All we can say is "THANK YOU JESUS!"
My fiance and I would like to let others know that FAITH IN HIM, PRAYER ALL THE TIME and LOVE IN OUR HEARTS is what has brought us through to date. We so look forward to our union in Christ and what God has planned for us.
To all the hopeful searchers, God has a plan for all of us, it is by complete submission to our Living God that we are able to receive all of what we need and desire. God Bless all of those who are still searching. Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Lisa-butterfly431 {Ontario} & Stanley April 2007
I have told many single friends how great this particular "singles" club is.
I have been a member for four years or more and have friends that I have met and made lasting acquaintances with. Some friends I have never met but still correspond with. I have experienced some bad connections when on other clubs with free time and I have regretted them. is exactly what one would expect a "singles" club to be, and I would recommend it as the "very best" - they protect your identity and keep their promises.
Thank you, you have added to my life more than you will ever know.
Donna-buttercup986 {Texas} April 2007
I want to thank for providing this service. Lance and I met almost 9 years ago and have been married for over 8 years already.
We are best friends and God has blessed our marriage and we want to tell all Christian singles that the Cafe does work. Put God first and He will faithfully bring you the right spouse.
Robin & Lance April 2007
I met a sweet man and have become friends with him and I am looking forward to seeing where God may lead in this new friendship.
I just wanted to say thanks and God bless you all. If down the road I have an update I will post it, and if not, I will be back!
Jamie-girlsnme529 {Illinois} April 2007
I signed up for a free trial last year, got serious after Christmas and hooked up for six months. A couple of weeks later I met a wonderful lady. We chatted a few times, okay we chatted a couple dozen times, contacted each other by phone and after two weeks decided to meet.
Her birthday was coming up and we wanted to meet that evening for dinner. She lives on an island, a couple of ferry rides and a few hours away. The day before we met The Lord told her that "I was the one".
We actually began planning our retirement before we met!
I always asked The Lord for the moon with respect to my wife, and as the last ferry was docking, just before we met, I asked The Lord for a sign.
As the ferry made its final approach it turned sharply 90 degrees and between a tiny 6 foot clearing amongst a rich, beautiful, thick forest, atop a mountain range was a new moon, shining brightly in the middle of the afternoon.
It was only visible from that angle and when I got off the boat the moon was nowhere in sight, but my princess was there! It was love at first sight.
We have had numerous confirmations. My friends and family are commenting on our amazing compatibility, how good we look together, and, well we are on our way.
We know that we know that we know, it's what we always hoped for it, never knew how good it really could be, thank God for His mercy and gifts.
Thank you for making my day...uh,!
Eric-mysteryte343 {British Columbia} April 2007
She drove 8 hours to see me!
I know she is the one God made for me. She loves the Lord and is just wonderful. I've been praying for about 15 years or more and believe I have met my future wife. Praise God!
thought my profile had expired, but the auto renew feature kept my membership active. So because of auto renewal, a few days later she and I met. Praise God for modern technology!
I had wanted to give up before I met her, so just hang in there and allow God to do the miracle.
I want to thank you for having a web site that God is using to bring Christian men and women together for marriage.
Michael-imtheone288 {New York} April 2007
We are engaged and hope to marry in the next 6 months.
This never would have happened without Christian Cafe. We are both very happy and deeply in love.
Carol & Ken April 2007
I had just dates and friendship with women, that is until Sue came along. She is everything I have been looking for and Yes we are serious.
Thank You
Charles-charlietaylor636 {Massachusetts} April 2007
We were married in July 2003.
Richard-rasnorth564 April 2007
Just had to let you know that I found a Special Christian man on your site.
Vic and I met back in November 2001 and tied the knot on November 9, 2002.
We are extremely happy and very thankful for your help.
Shirl-sunshinegirl656 & Vic April 2007
I met my husband Mark at I have found God's gift.
Blessings to
Aileen-grace8148 {California} & Mark-mkmcgann884 {California} April 2007
In January 2006 or maybe the last week of 2005 I was on as a member for a 1 month membership. I was having no luck finding anyone, because of the difficulties of meeting someone after you have been divorced.
Then in the moments just before I was about to give up and never check again, I came across a young woman that was also divorced. I sent her a message for the fun of it just to see if I could exchange some pleasantries. She replied to me.
Although we live 1700 miles apart, we have established a relationship of strong communication built on strong values and equivalent beliefs. Your site in my opinion was a portal used by God for the two of us to meet.
McKenzie and I continue to this day to talk for hours on end and are making plans to move much closer to each other so that we can grow this relationship and move, hopefully, to the next level. I know I feel completely and totally blessed by having the opportunity to meet and get to know such a wonderful person. Your site had a part in making that happen, and I think McKenzie feels the same way too.
Thank you for making the opportunity for Christians to have a central place to meet others who share their values and beliefs.
Brian-cookieglfpro732 {Texas} & McKenzie April 2007
We have been dating for two years. He finally popped The Question in January 2007! AZSunshine and AZMusicman are getting married on April 13, 2007.
Praise the Lord!!
azsunshine937 & Mark-azmusicman949 April 2007 was so helpful.
Dan-swingdncr356 {California} & Sara {California} April 2007
Editor's note: See February 2007 for Dan's detailed first post!]
I met someone from about 2 years ago, and we are engaged to be married!
Thank you so much for bringing us together and God Bless You!
Cristina-cristina693 April 2007
but after a friend met his girlfriend (now wife) on, in August 2006 I registered and paid for one year of Cafe membership.
I chatted with several women and tried even dating once someone in my church but whom I did not know, who also was on Still nothing.
Then in October 2006 I got a response unexpectedly from Asia. Ruth, betruthful106, had contacted me, because my profile stood out to her for my profound trust in Jesus Christ.
I have since visited Ruth in the Philippines, and our plans are for a marriage sometime this year.
Praise God, really works!
James-james9040 {Texas} now engaged to Ruth-betruthful106 {Philippines} April 2007
Sharon-angeleyes489 {Tennessee} April 2007
Although, I hope one day I can share on how I met my husband through your site, but at this time God has not fulfilled that desire for me yet (smile!).
My testimonial involves how I have received so much spiritual nourishment from people praying for me as I continue to post prayers on your site. It's amazing how other people can extend themselves and pray with me and for me. That's the work of Jesus and what we are called to do to bring out the sense of community with others. We are called to love our brothers as we love ourselves.
I never saw myself ministering and praying for others on the site but God showed me differently. He has utilized me to offer myself in prayer for others and to instill strength within them. How amazing! God is truly at work on this site.
I only thought I was here to meet a loving partner for life but I have received bountiful blessings. Thank You, may you continue offering this service because, hey, I still have yet to find HIM (my hubby), and may we always invite the Lord to be our guest at our table or shall I say in our Cafe!
Candace-nicegirlforu799 {Missouri} April 2007
I am from Maryland, USA and Amy is from Ontario, Canada. I have been traveling to see her every third weekend over the past 2 years and she has come down here often.
We were engaged last spring which allowed us to begin the immigration process, and Amy just received her entrance visa to move to the States. We have a wedding date set for June.
We would love to be a source of encouragement for others on
Charles-traveler471 {Maryland} & Amy-amy576 {Ontario} April 2007
Ken-midmo909 & Donna-blossoms563 {Illinois} April 2007
I travelled half-way around the world to live with her in Canada.
Martin-funconsiderate956 & Caroline {Canada} April 2007
We met on, then we had our first face-to-face lunch meeting on April 23, 2005.
We are having the greatest time of our lives and wish to thank you for your service to believers.
Howard-howard553 & Susan April 2007
My husband and I met on and have been married 3 years.
Regina-ricer336 April 2007
Julianne-julianne805 April 2007
[Editor's note: See August 2004 for Julianne's first post!
We would like to thank for introducing us, almost four years ago. I never thought I could find someone as goofy and loveable as Donna, who is now my wife. Both of us were previously married, and with teenage children we didn't really have anything more on our mind than good Christian company.
Our six month friendship on the net eventually blossomed into a romance. As a tour operator in Avignon, in Provence, we weren't able to get together and meet for nearly six months, but when we did, we knew immediately that mutual goofiness can be a happy elixir for love.
By the way, I recommend a long net courtship to all of you out there, make sure you're on the same page spiritually. And don't be afraid to be goofy, everyone has a mate out there, regardless of your personality!
Ron-zoezoe897 & Donna April 2007
I believe my search is over, that I have found my Eve.
God is awesome. Thanks for this site as a tool that God used to bring us together.
Mike-godswarrior513 {Alberta} April 2007
Months later I checked my regular email one day and found I was invited back. I was single but not looking so I figured, why not, I have nothing to lose, although the hand of God may have had something to do with this.
I was amazed by how much the website had changed since the last time and I was impressed. I sent a few winks and on day 3 got an unexpected message from a woman named Anne.
We have been dating for over 2 months and I could not be happier. We have incredible chemistry and we complement each other very well, most importantly Anne is a strong Christian.
I know I have found my future wife and it is thanks to
Justin-silentocean607 {Ontario} & Anne April 2007
I also have made several long distance friendships with like minded people from around the States. worked for us!
James & Marybeth April 2007
We were married last May and have been happy ever since.
I thank God that I found; otherwise I definitely would never have met my wife.
Robert-skikui427 April 2007
We have been very happily married for three years now.
Robert-jacobson964 {Australia} April 2007
Thanks so much for your website.
Sharon-letschat584 April 2007
...because I am no longer single! I met my husband on here March 1, 2005. We met in person in April 2005 and are now married.
We have been very happy since. I met the right man. God played a very important role in this union.
I will pass on word of to friends that are looking, just as I was. Who knows, they might find someone too.
Yvonne-chattylady678 & Ivor April 2007