Stages of grief. Moving on after a bad relationship.

stages of grief

Nothing can make you feel better and you feel stuck in a bad situation. How you should deal with grief and how to recognize the stages of grief. Making sure you are ready to move on after a bad relationship or experience.

Dear Jim: How do I know that I am ready to move on with life and make healthier choices (or why do I feel stuck)?

There is a process ( Stages of grief ) that we ALL must go through as we move from one point in life to another. It has to occur every time we experience a change/loss in our life. It does not matter whether it is losing our favorite toy, our job or a relationship. After my divorce, I had no idea what I was “going through” – just that I was loss in some sort of process. It was not until I learned the Stages of grief or the Steps in Loss (Grieving) that I was able to see/feel what was happening. The following chart helped me to find where I was in my process and gave me hope that I could move through it. Let me show the chart and then give a brief explanation as I understand the steps:

Hell – Do Christians go to Hell?

Hell and Christians

Do Christians go to Hell? Even after accepting Jesus, many Christians ask such questions.  Sometimes we encounter “supposed” Christians, but their actions are hardly those of real followers of Christ.   By accepting Jesus as their Savior, are these people going to heaven, even if their actions shows the opposite of how a Christian should behave?

Dear Jim: What actions would cause a Christian to go to Hell?

Singles write to me from time to time and share some very terrible events in their lives. The negative impact that someone has had on his or her life is so devastating. Some acts that are done to others are unspeakable. I want to be very sensitive to those who are the recipients of abuse and even attempts of murder. Let me share some thoughts that address two major areas that result from these sinful actions:’s New Look – works on all devices

Christian singles Cafe New Look New Look is not just proud of celebrating 17 years of servicing the online Christian singles community, but also proud to present a brand new look. We’ve just launched a dramatic new makeover of our entire dating site.  Best of all, it works well on all devices, from the smallest mobile to the largest desktop screen. Check it: :-)

This new look has made a more dynamic site, where singles can use it on-the-go with their phone or tablet, and have it still look great using a desktop computer. It just became easier, faster, and super user-friendly to use on a phone, mobile device, or tablets. And, because we are mobile responsive, when you’re on the move, goes with you.

STDs (Sexual Transmitted Diseases) (Part II)

STDs - Sexual Transmitted Diseases Part II

Our story continues with the second part of how to deal with being infected with STDs, or how to help someone you love who is infected with STDs. What should you do and  how to find help? Here’s some good advice from a person who is going through a similar situation.  This blog post shows where to find God in our hour of suffering.   Christian Singles can learn from this story and how to deal with such a tragedy and prevent themselves from falling into the same trap as this Christian single woman.

The story shared in STD – Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Singles (Part I) is from a very brave woman who made ONE mistake that now impacts her life. First, I want to thank her publicly for caring enough about others that she allowed me to share her story. It is one way that God is using her ‘mistake’ to bring significant benefit to the lives of so many other Christian Singles. It is our prayer that God will use these articles to “educate” and empower others to the truth.

How does one go on with life when this or another tragedy has so greatly impacted them? As so often the case, this tragedy was mostly caused through the selfish act of another. You can most certainly say that there are these times when life is NOT fair.

STD – Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Singles (Part I)

STD singles epidemic

In a secular world where sex is seen as common and banal, Christian singles should know the risks, possible hurts, deceptions, lies, and consequences of what can happen to singles who have sex outside of marriage and may get infected with a Sexual Transmitted Disease. Below is a real story from a Christian single after she found out that her fiancé gave her an STD.

What every single REALLY needs to know about STD’s

An email was recently received from a woman. Her candor, pain and advice were so compelling that I felt God directing me to share this with you. I have received her permission to share this without revealing her identity.

I was not aware of some of the facts that she stated and asked her to provide a source of confirmation. Boy did she! I will provide this reference at the end of the article for your benefit, too. The facts are undeniable!

Please ask God to use the truth in this personal story in your own life as well as the lives of other singles. John 8:32 ‘And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free!’

Do people see you as desperate when looking for love online?

Looking for love

When looking for love online, Christian singles can become desperate to find their match, which can become obvious to prospective partners to keep away from them. What is the correct approach for singles to be successful in their search for a life partner? Dr. Jim gives some insight on how to go about looking for love on a dating website.

Do women/men see you as desperate when looking for love?

The following words were received from a single adult:

‘I’m surprised at how many men can be so desperate to find a woman (I can’t speak of women’s desperation because I’m not being chased by women). Most seem to be hoping to find a woman to fill a void within themselves that only Christ can fill…the lover of our souls.’

Real Love! What does real love mean?

real love
What is the meaning of real love? How can we honor Jesus’ sacrifice for all of us at Easter? What is the meaning of God’s love for humanity? Dr. Jim gives some insight about how Christians should honor Christ’s sacrifice this Easter. As Easter begins, let’s not forget that nothing speaks more clearly of God’s Love than the Cross!

Real love

The night was still and dry, as only it can be on the desert. It was so quiet with only a dog barking in the distance. The 33 year old single man had not slept all night as he wrestled with anguish in what he knew was about to take place when the sun came up. It would be a shameful day, one filled with great pain and rejection – a day he did not deserve.

Suddenly the glow of a candle faintly threw its glow across his room. He could hear voices down the hall as men were awakening and rising to the day’s activities. He found himself holding his breath as he awaited the beginning of the day of days.

Starting a new relationship before divorce is final?

new relationship

Should Christians look for a new relationship before a divorce is final? Should a single person go ahead with a relationship with a person whose divorce hasn’t been finalized yet? Dr. Jim gives advice about the consequences and what is the best approach for situations like this.

Is it okay to begin a new relationship before the divorce is final?

The scenario is usually presented to me something like the following. The individual has been diligently searching for someone where there are strong compatibilities and attractions. One is found in their search and they enjoy a great initial experience. The other person then shares that they are going through a divorce and the papers are not yet final. Often what follows is a story of why it is taking so long or the many trials and difficulties that divorcing the other person is creating. These facts are not lies, although there may be some embellishment out of their own perspective and needs.

How can I be sure that I’ll have good sex after marriage? Sexual Compatibility (Part 2)

sexual compatibility

In this article Dr. Jim explains why you should not have sexual relations before marriage and how to achieve sexual compatibility.  Sex is not everything in a marriage, but its satisfation grows over with time.  This is a must read for Christian singles who are searching for an informative article about sex.

How can I be sure that I’ll have good sex after marriage? (Part 2)

Part 1 provided the fact that God intended for sex to be a vital part of marriage. It went on to give some guidance to those who do not desire or who are not able to have sexual relations after marriage.

I’d like to share some thoughts on how one can gain a strong understanding of potential sexual compatibility after marriage.

Sex before marriage.

How can I be sure I will have good sex after marriage? (Part 1)

sex after marriage part1

Christian singles struggle with the thought of knowing if their future spouse will be sexual compatible.  How do you find out if you’ll have a great sex life if you are not having sex before marriage? Dr. Jim explains what you should do and expect as a married person.

How can I be sure that I’ll have good sex after marriage? (Part 1)

The subject of sex is always a hot topic with single adults. Every article that I write on the subject is assured to have numerous responses. An often-received response asks how one can be assured that they will have a good sexual relationship after marriage, without having sex before. Good Christian men and women struggle with this question.