Broken Trust and Relationships

Broken Trust & Relationships

Pastor Jim discusses broken trust in relationships, how to rebuild that trust, and when and how to move on.

Trust takes time to build, but can be lost in a moment

Trust is such a valuable item. It takes a lot of time, energy, and consistency to build trust but it can be lost in a moment. I like to go to the dictionary to ground myself in the source of the word. Webster defines trust as: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.

How to Heal a Broken Heart

How to Heal a Broken Heart

Dr. Jim provides advice on healing a broken heart, with a discussion that includes why some singles seem to remain single – and the steps to take (and not take) to regain emotional balance in your life.

Single adults realize quickly that dating involves taking risks. It is a challenging process to find ‘someone’. Perhaps it is even more challenging when that one does not turn out to be ‘the one’ and the relationship ends. The emotional turmoil that follows is often painful. How one goes about dealing with this brokenness is essential to future healthy relationships.

Seeking Your Perfect Match?

The Perfect Match?

In today’s advice column, Pastor Jim discusses the notion of finding “The Perfect Match

As I interact with single adults, it quickly surfaces that there are many who have too high expectations for a match, or many who have very low standards. A great myth that keeps many dating sites profitable is the belief that if one searches long enough they will find the perfect match. This approach reminds me of the saying about finding a perfect church, if you find one DO NOT JOIN for it will no longer be perfect! This is certainly true when it comes to finding the perfect match in a relationship.

Relationship Advice: Ask Questions!

Asking Questions vs Making Statements

Is there correlation between questions and good relationships?

Dr. Jim explores the topic of making statements versus asking questions – and how that can affect human dynamics, especially in relationships. We’re thinking this can be applied well when conversing with other singles on online dating sites, when on actual dates, and – of course – in dedicated relationships.

What does your face say about you?

your face: Remember to smile!

Dr. Jim talks about your outward appearance when trying to meet other people (i.e. smile!) — Remember this in your dating site photos as well — show yourself in a positive light!

The face is the primary vehicle for non-verbal communication

The face is an interesting aspect of our physical appearance. Think for one moment what it would be like to try to know someone else without being able to see his or her face. It is the primary vehicle for non-verbal communication. The position squint of the eyes, the turn of the mouth, the wrinkling of the forehead can make a big difference in understanding the spirit behind the actual words.

What do people see in your face? Let’s say you are walking around the office, out with friends or family, or in a singles gathering – is there a communication getting there before ‘you are?’

The expression ‘poker face’ comes to mind. This is the term used to define someone who does not show their emotions, or the normal emotional response, in their facial expressions.

Life can be very challenging at times and really get us down. When we are ‘focused’ on our problems, too often we walk around wearing a frown or looking downtrodden.

No Response to Messages?

Online Dating: No Response to Emails

Dr. Jim discusses writing messages, responding to messages, and the expectations involved – when using online dating sites.


You have gotten up your courage to finally reach out to make friends. With excitement, you view the numerous people that you see on the Cafe and find several whom you feel an attraction to for one reason or another. You think and think and think and then finally compose some words of greeting to one or more of these and slowly hit the ‘SEND EMAIL’ button.

Now you’re done! You are out there and you feel excited, scared and your mind begins to race as you wonder about the reply.

Should a Christian Woman Let a Man Know She’s Interested?


Dr. Jim tackles the question of whether a Christian woman should let a man know that she is interested in him.


This is not a Biblical question, but allow me to share some thoughts.

Cultures dictate how men and women relate to one another. Social interactions in our societies have changed in recent years and the distinction between men and women has become confused.

A recent email asked the question regarding is it okay to show an interest in a man. Some men would love it, others be taken back by it. Confusing times for all!

First Date Tips: Managing Expectations and Staying Safe

First Date Tips


You are one of many who have written to me with a similar question. Yes, I do believe that some guidelines SHOULD be created (called boundaries) as you approach any relationship – especially over the Internet.