

It’s a good thing to show gratitude to our Lord for the multitudes of grace He presents us each and every day. We should always have a thanksgiving heart for everything that comes into our lives. Above all, God is good and good all the time (even if we don’t always know it)!

Gratitude always, even in bad times.

Life can be overwhelming with so much going on around the world today (a certain virus comes to mind). But, when we have a merciful God who blesses us with infinite love and grace, we know we can conquer anything with His help.

Great Love Stories

love Stories
Love Stories

Christian love stories such as Jon and Kellie’s are living proof that online dating works when you use the right matchmaker service. can connect you with thousands of potential matches. Your true love could be here right now waiting for you. Check out this incredible love story from our couple who wouldn’t have met if it wasn’t for our help!

A far, far away romance.

This is but one of many love stories from us, as an inspiration to singles. You too could find your soulmate with us (and he/she doesn’t have to be a world away; they could be near you, too!). Have a read and see how dating online could work out for you, too.

Anger: how should you deal with that emotion?

Anger how to deal with it.

How should Christians deal with anger? Dr. Jim offers advice on how to release yourself from this destructive emotion. He gives a personal account about how he dealt with similar feelings.

Dear Jim: How do I deal with the anger I am feeling?

Anger is not a sin! It is what we do with this emotion that may cause us to sin, but the emotion itself is not a sin. Christ was angry – but His anger was directed toward sin. It is okay to be angry against sin, but we often find ourselves angry for other reasons. Ephesians 4:26 instruct us to be angry, but to not sin or let the sun go down on our anger. We need to do something about it for it makes a super bad bedfellow!

Common-Law Relationships? Advice for Christian singles.

Common Law

Common-law relationships seem to be common for couples nowadays. What should Christian singles know about a relationship that isn’t God’s plans for His children? Dr. Jim gives his simple but Biblically-supported view of this, and sex outside of marriage.

Is God with us when we are in a common-law relationship?

Dear Jim: I have a unique situation in that God is with us as we live together outside of marriage (common law relationship). I would like to know what to say to other Christians who ask for my advice in wanting to do the same thing? I know why it is wrong from a moral and biblical realm. But, I know that God accepts us, and where we are at.

God’s Own Plans for Erin and Matt.

Gods Own Plans For Love
Gods Own Plans for a couple’s lives.

When Erin and Matt joined, they were just curious and, according to them, a little bored:-) But God’s own plans for each of them have changed their lives forever. You can find more about their incredible journey about meeting online and how was able to connect them.

Matt and I met at the end of October 2009.  

I had joined the day before my birthday after hearing about it from a friend. Matt joined the following weekend. Neither of us had a good reason for joining…we were just curious and a little bored. God definitely had His own plans…. Matt started by sending a very sweet email. We later progressed to phone calls. After spending an average of 3 hours a day on the phone with each other, Matt came to Alaska so we could meet for the first time.

God’s Peace

God's Peace
God’s Peace

Are you a single Christian who’s seeking true love, but wants to make sure you’re making the right decision? And, have God’s peace about it? This article is about when (and why) we should trust the peace we feel when connecting with potential matches.

God’s peace about making good choices

Dear Jim: When I have a peace about something, is it okay to act on it?
God’s peace in our hearts is only ONE element in making good choices. Some Christians have told me that they had peace in their heart when they did drugs. They felt especially close to God. I realize this is an extreme example but conveys the point.

Life Cycle: Have you passed it or are you re-taking the exam?

A ‘Life Cycle’ in a Christian context is about ways for God to teach and show us how to grow our faith. Dr. Jim demonstrates that not falling for the same mistake twice is a way we can grow in our Christian life.

Life Cycle

Life Cycle

God shares His knowledge and love all around us. This week I was listening to Joyce Meyer when she made an interesting statement. ‘Are you passing the exam and moving on in your life, or are you having to retake the same test?’ What an awesome question about our life cycle.

Fornicating: How do I stop intercourse outside of marriage?


There are many traps that cause us to detour from a healthy emotional and physical lifestyle, but perhaps fornication is the one that most often trips Christian singles. What does the Bible have to say about fornicating?


In 1Corinthians 6:18 the Bibles shares with us ‘Flee fornication. Every sin which a man may practice is without the body, but he that commits fornication sins against his own body.’ The Creator of our bodies provides a word in His instruction manual that having intercourse (fornicating) outside of marriage is actually harming his/her own body.

Are Erotic Dreams A Sin?

erotic dreams

Can a dream make Christian singles sin? How about erotic dreams? Can they be controlled? How should you deal with them? Dr. Jim points out that what we do in our waking can have a great impact on our dreams.

Dear Jim: Does God consider having erotic dreams a sin?

Dreams are something that I believe everyone experiences. I am not an expert on the subject, but I understand that there are many reasons that we have dreams. It is certainly not scientific, but I find that if I get hot during the night from being covered too much, I wake up tired from dreaming a lot.

Virginity and Marriage


What does God say about virginity, marriage, and consequences from our decisions? Let’s understand what God wants us to apply to our lives with Biblical principles.

Dear Jim: Should I be seeking a virgin for marriage?

This question, or one similar to it, often arises in emails received from singles. Virginity is something that God instructs us to bring into the marriage. How does one relate to those who are no longer virgins? Can one restore their virginity? How does virginity relate to second marriages? Allow me to share some thoughts on this area.