Ten Reasons You Should Allow God Control Your Love Life

Love Life
Love Life

Today’s blog features a guest post by Katherine Abraham.

Sure, we all long to love and be loved.

However, the journey in finding ‘The One’ isn’t always a walk in the park.  Some may find love early, while some will have to wait before it arrives.

They say love is fleeting and elusive. This statement may be true if we keep on chasing after love rather than gracefully allowing God to hand over love to us.

Keeping Your Faith Strong and Moving Forward

Moving Forward
Moving Forward

All human beings need love. People won’t be satisfied with their life if there’s no one who can support them and show them respect and love. That’s the reason, if we’re faithful, that God can send us someone who’ll complete us. However, as many people know, things in love and relationships do not always go in the right direction. After many months or even years of love, a breakup can suddenly occur. Moving forward is hard!

Tinder is a bad place to be if you’re a single Christian

Tinder Swiping

Today’s blog features a guest post by Garrett Conover.

Tinder has long been a staple of online dating. Unfortunately, it has also become a breeding ground for instant gratification and thus given online dating a bad reputation. Tinder has also made judging someone purely on their appearance a perfectly normal and acceptable thing to do.

Valentines: Should Christians Celebrate it?


Today’s blog post is by guest writer, Justin Osborne.

Justin explores the origins of Valentine’s Day and the foundation of the traditions we see today. Should single Christians celebrate this occasion or avoid it, as it started as a pagan festival?

Where did Valentines Come From?

We may celebrate Valentine’s Day as a day of romance on 14th February, but its origins are actually quite murky, as there are many diverging accounts, and separating fact from fiction is difficult.

Masturbation: What does God say about it?


Today’s topic is brought to you by Dr. Jim. He explains how single Christians should deal with their natural urges like masturbation and how to seek what God really wants from us.

Dear Jim: What does God say about masturbation?

Here is a topic that is seldom discussed in Christian circles but certainly one very applicable to the single life. I do not find a “black and white” answer in the Bible, but there are some elements that we can draw out of it. Let me share some personal perspectives first.

Christian Dating: Top 8 Dating Mistakes To Avoid

Dating Mistakes To Avoid
Dating mistakes that can ruin your relationship

Today’s blog post is by guest writer, Katherine Rundell.

Dating can be difficult, particularly for Christian singles who often feel the pressure to find the right mate. However, the only way to avoid repeating dating mistakes is to learn from them and begin to make better choices. Ultimately, this will lead to a healthier and happier relationship in the future. Here are 8 dating mistakes you need to avoid.

Top 8 Dating Mistakes To Avoid

1. Letting The Wrong People Come Into Your Life

One of the most common dating mistakes many Christians make is to let the wrong person enter their lives. Think carefully about what you don’t want in a partner and make sure that you don’t settle for less. Remember that the right person is worth waiting for and will lead to a healthy and respectful relationship.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year
Happy New Year

Dr. Jim provides tips about how to deal with disappointments and expectations.  Whatever life throw at us, we should learn to hold on to God’s promises to us in this New Year, with all the effects of the pandemic and stress creeping into our lives.

A Very Happy New Year To You!

The old year rapidly wound down and another New Year has just burst onto the scene. This event often floods our mind with a mixture of disappointment and expectations. What do you hear when someone says ‘Happy New Year’ to you?

A Christmas Story to encourage singles

A Christmas Story
A Christmas Story for Christian Singles

A Christmas story: so much meaning for us to embrace what is behind such a profound event! Are we allowing any room for God’s Spirit to enter and empower us during this Season? Are you giving Jesus a special place in your heart? Dr. Jim illustrates how important it is to have space for Christ in our hearts.

When a Christmas story is relevant even today.

Several years ago dear friends of mine were unable to have any children. This is a very sensitive issue and one that is not easy to endure around a church filled with families. My heart broke to see the anguish in their eyes as each Mother’s Day etc. was celebrated.

Debating Atheism: 8 Ways To Talk About Your Faith

Debating Atheism
Debating Atheism

This week’s post is from guest writer Ronald Cain who writes about “Debating Atheism”. Using 8 points he details great approaches to make your points while keeping your Christian faith the main subject of debate.

Debating Atheism: Do and Don’ts.

With Atheism already a strong and growing influence worldwide, it can be easy for a Christian’s faith to waver and/or be offended by the prospect of an Atheist rebuking them for their beliefs. It can be tempting for the Christian to go on a tirade about why denying God’s existence is sin, thus adding ammunition to the Atheist’s point of God being “hateful and bigoted.”

Newsweek’s Best Customer Service 2021 Award

America's Best Customer Service
Newsweek Magazine Award

For the 3rd year in a row, ChristianCafe.com has been awarded Newsweek magazine’s “Best Customer Service Award”. We’re proud to receive yet again this prestigious award from such an eminent and respected publication. Thank you to all those who recognize the dedication our team has for our singles.

Newsweek Best Customer Service 2021 Award

Newsweek has again partnered with global data research firm Statista to identify the stores that consistently provide the Best Customer Service 2021. Whether it’s an intuitive website, a generous return policy or a friendly voice on the other end of the phone, these companies have found a way to put you, the consumer, first.”